
Friday, September 16, 2016

Friday 5!

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Happy Friday, friends! I hope you make it through the work day and have a fun weekend planned. Here's some Friday random-ness for you!

1. My piano student is awesome! At her last lesson, I told her to pick a song from one of her pop/rock books she had at home and prepare it for me. She came back to her next lesson and played Beat It and Sweet Child of Mine. Awesome choices!!!!

2. Snap Chat! I am still obsessed! A couple of you added me and you are probably regretting it as I snap all day long. Is it bad I crack myself up with my snaps?

3. Freaking bull crap. Who is watching Big Brother this season? Can I tell you how annoying I find Nicole!!?? She whines, plays the victim, and is way, way, way too worried about her image. Well, she's now in the Final 3 with Paul and James. I'm rooting for Paul, but if James and Nicole make it to Final 2, I'm going to have to throw my support behind James. He did nothing all season, but my dislike of Nicole trumps that!

4. New shoes. I'm due for some new Wave Riders in a few weeks, so I grabbed two pair when they were semi on sale. They are an ugly pink color, and I am going from the 18s to the 19s, so I am sure I will hate them. Expect a post two weeks from now about how horrible they are.

5. I have zero plans for this weekend except... Diving into this bad boy! I keep starting and stopping it. I need to just HUNKER DOWN and finish.

Tell me something random!
Did you add me to Snap Chat yet?
What are your weekend plans?


  1. I always wonder how some of the most annoying people make it to the end of BB. Like, they must be really good at playing the game and being manipulative, but they come off as idiots. It's no surprise Paul is still in it - everyone loved him too much to ever vote him off!

    I use snapchat to follow my sister but I have no idea how to use it to post videos myself. The new iPhone update lets you do filters and stuff like on snap chat in text messages, so now I never need to learn how to use it! I wish you were more active on Instagram! :)

    1. I loved Paul from the beginning! I know some people find him annoying and I totally understand why, it's just he doesn't annoy me. Sort of like my love of Nancy Grace. I know most people hate her but I find her entertaining. :) Nicole... not so much. She benefited from the teams twist, roadkill, care package, and of course being one of the four vets and getting into a showmance with Corey. Ugh. What do your parents think of Nicole?

      I still don't get instagram! Most of the stuff I see on there is stuff I see on FB already. I have scrolled through once or twice but I am just not into it.

  2. Your snap chat pics are too funny! I still havent joined, but I can barely manage the social media sites I am already using. I hope you end up liking your new shoes but I know new models are usually not as good as the last ones. Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks girl! I just hope they feel like the 18s. I can deal with ugly pink, I just want them to feel good.

  3. We have matching running shoes....not the pink ones, the black and Aqua.

    Running a half tomorrow. Last area county fair, and an apple fest parade....busy one!

    I don't have any snapchat friends but I keep it on iPod for times I need to keep my kids busy for a couple minutes. Not quiet, busy, because they (and I) erupt in gales of laughter.

    1. I love my black an aqua ones I have now! I have been wearing them for so long because when I got them I bought 3 pair.

      It's impossible to snap without laughing! My nieces love when I visit. Ellie says, "Make me an elephant, Auntie Megan!"

  4. I have not tried snap chat yet. There are just so many social media apps and I have no more time...

    1. I understand! And it is nonsense, so if you don't need more nonsense in your life, you don't need Snapchat. Clearly I need some nonsense!

  5. Another blogger just showed that she got those same wave riders! I actually love them!

    I haven't tried the 19's yet. I love the 18's and will probably continue to buy them until I can't find them any more!

    1. I couldn't find 18s. :( If you find them let me know where! I am just not into the pink color. It's not *hot* enough pink for me!

  6. I haven't joined snap chat, and my social media seems to have stopped with FB, Twitter, and Instagram. I haven't even jumped on the stories function from Instagram.

  7. I hate it when shoes only come in colors like pink. Same with clothes. I'm not a girly girl or a fan of pink really. I'd rather have blue or green but shoe and clothes companies don't seem to get that. Oh well.

    I added you on Instagram but I don't snapchat so I hope you'll use instagram too!

    1. Since I got the closeout price, there were only a couple colors to choose from. I was hoping this would be a little more "hot pink", which I do like in a sneaker, but they're not. Most of my clothes are black or grey... I'm a little boring!

  8. Oh shoot, I need to add you to SnapChat! I don't have many friends on there. They're all mostly my kids and their friends, which freaks me out so I have to be so careful with what I post. But I can send inappropro chats to you anytime!

  9. So...I like the pinl--it's my favorite color, actually! I think your Snaps are funny and they always make me laugh, Megan. Your piano student has great taste, obvi! How cool is that?!? OK, here is completely random for you: yesterday I actually rapped/sang Numb Encore (by Linkin Park and Jay Z) for Rick. I have had it on my playlist forever but it never comes up and then it did and I had to prove to him that I still know ALL the words. I have a hard time getting the words out so quickly, though, and I said that to Rick and he goes "yeah, that's why white people shouldn't rap"! Truth! We are camping in Estes Park (your favorite) this weekend. I will say "hi" to my gorgeous mountains for you and tell them you are coming back to them next summer (hopefully).

    1. um...that should say "pink".

    2. I like HOT pink, this pink is a little too "lovely" for me. :) hehehe. Cool I will send you more snaps, why not? Omg I cannot picture you rapping but maybe you can rap a snap for me sometime??? Have fun in Estes!!! Yes, give the mountains my regards and tell them I will see them again someday! Prob not next summer, we want to try something new like northern cali or seattle/oregon!

  10. OMG, you might regret asking me to snap that rap, Megan! If I ever do it's only because you are a true, true friend--LOL. You would LOVE Oregon. That is where Rick is from (Medford)!

  11. Your student sounds like a really cool kid! You are certainly having lots of fun on snapchat!! I haven't seen all the filters this week, but the creepy alien is funny and scary !!

    This weekend we have soccer and running a half marathon with my sister. Also celebrating Mexican Independence Day !!

    1. Dang you are like the energizer bunny! 2 halves back to back!

  12. Woah, what's with the hating of the pink shoes?! I love anything pink so naturally I find them adorable :) I have to tell you though that I definitely have trouble changing between shoe updates. I tried the latest update of my favorite running shoes, hated it, returned it, and bought about five pairs of my old version about half price :)

    1. I do like the color pink but I like more of a HOT pink than this soft pink. Maybe they will grow on me. :) I'm glad you could find the old version of your shoe for cheap!!! Unfortunately, I am on the super old version of wave riders (18s) and they have the 20s out now... but I got the 19s because I can't find 18s. It's so frustrating. It's like, are their shoes so shitty they have to update them. WHY do they keep updating them? Just or the money?????

      I used to buy the 15s on ebay from Japan until I could no longer find them lol. I HATE updating.

  13. I fear for puzzles in my house. I would love to do one, though, but then you know that between that and the puppy, I would never get ANYTHING done!

    1. No you wouldn't! I do have to be careful with my one cat. He sometimes hops up on the table and fs with it.

  14. You are sick! You should be right where you are.
