
Monday, September 19, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

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This is soooooooooooooo long!!!
Sorry. :)
I hope your weekend was awesome!
Here's what we were up to...

Even though I went to bed before 8pm on Thursday night, I was tired when I woke up Friday morning! I did a 5 mile interval type run in my hood before I went to work. Because I started my workout 4 minutes early and ran a little faster than usual, I had time to make dippy eggs for breakfast. YUM!

Work was extremely frustrating. Without getting too technical in teacher speak, I will just say that PDE makes us do A LOT of busy work to simply prove we are teaching... which is counterproductive because the hours I spend trying to prove I am teaching could better be spent... oh, I don't know, TEACHING, or preparing lessons.

Just a warning to those going into teaching... you have to spend so much time doing crap that has nothing to do with teaching...

Not only that, but we keep getting new technology thrown at us with zero training and the directive to just figure it out as we go along. I shit you not. And to think I complained when we only had a 15 minute tutorial on our new grading system. Now we aren't even getting anything! So the 15 minute tutorials were the good old days...

I was in a pissy mood after work, but I had to rally because Paul and I were hitting up the York Fair..

First we got some food! 

There is sangria in that Wendy's cup!
No, it's not filled up to the top!!!

Then we saw the Marvelous Mutts! They are all rescue dogs!

Last, we hit up the circus. It's nothing like Cirque Du Soleil but it is entertaining.

One thing that made me very uncomfortable at the fair was all the Trump signs. It literally made my chest feel tight seeing everyone carrying them around. I wrote more about that here.

Finally I found the Democratic Party of York's table.


When I woke up on Saturday morning, I felt sad for some reason. I stayed in my jammies, had some dippy eggs (comfort), and lots of coffee. Eventually I convinced myself to lift at home.


He hijacked both of my towels!

I can't take his beauty.

Paul and I headed to the movies to see Sully. It was a great movie! But honestly I enjoyed watching interviews of the actual crew and passengers on Youtube more than the movie.

Oh, I had straight up movie theater popcorn, sweedish fish, and diet root beer during the movie. Normally I eat chicken after I lift, but c'mon...

Did you know I am the person who tries to get a clap going at the end of the movie or at particularly heroic parts? The last time I got a theater to erupt in applause was when Paul and I went to see The Goonies. As soon as Sloth threw Mama Fratelli off the plank, I started clapping and everyone else clapped and cheered too. So when Sully landed the plane in the Hudson I almost started to clap but Paul stopped me. I tried to start a clap at the end of the movie. I thought it would work because the place was filled with senior citizens but the clap didn't take. Whatever. I will try again when we go see The Girl on the Train. Can't wait to see that when it comes out!

Did you know I wear glasses? Well, I'm supposed to. I try to remember them when I go see movies. It's really weird when I put my glasses on because everything is in high def! Maybe I should wear my glasses more often...

After the movie, we hit up Aldis.

"Smile, you're on the Weekend Wrap Up!"

Dinner was Paul's famous pulled pork... made with chicken! I have been in love with corn lately, and of course, I love my salty, crunchy veggie straws! 


That night I read Sully's whole book! It was vert fascinating. I was up so late...

First thing's first on Sunday... checking out new Snap Chat filters!

The filter really does not tame my hair!

I had dippy eggs for breakfast for the third day in a row! I did not feel like working out so I took an unplanned rest day and went shopping instead! I got some cute stuff and will show it to you tomorrow. This is getting way too long.

I did not get this! Why are bodysuits back in style?

The rest of the day was spent getting ready for the week and of course working on my puzzle. Paul had control of the TV all day (football) so I listened to podcasts and was in my own little "puzz puzz" world.

Getting ready for the week includes laying out all of my clothes/shoes for work.

It's odd that I wear five different pairs in one week!
Looks like I need to polish the black pair!


Do you like to clap at the movies?
What did you think of Sully?
Are there any good fairs in your area?
Do you lay out your clothes for work?


  1. I wish the theater would have clapped w/ you. I love to clap, but don't ever start the applause. I really enjoyed Sully--seeing behind the scenes of what they went through. Amazing. But I can't wait to see The Girl on the Train! The Colorado State Fair is a few hours away so we never go but I bet it's pretty good--maybe some day. I only go into the office 2 or 3 x per week, but I do set aside my clothes that I will be wearing. Just makes the morning go so much easier!

    1. Oh yes I am sure the state fair is awesome. We don't have state fairs more like countyou or town fairs. Do you wear dress pants to work?

    2. No, I work in R & D so don't have to visit with customers. Most days jeans, or jean capris, or short skirts. In the winter it is more jeans or cords. I really love that I can dress up if I want, but don't have to. I have like 20 pair of jeans :) It's my uniform!

  2. I don't lay my clothes out from work. I work from home but I do get dressed, I promise... mainly bc I work out in the mornings so that kinda forces me to.

    The busywork and the low pay are why I didn't go into teaching but instead went into the technical writing field.

    I kinda want to see the Sully movie but I don't think my husband does... I didn't realize he had a book so I might check that out from the library. I thought it was so amazing when he landed on the river and am glad he has a movie out. My friend is a pilot and kinda looks like him though and has been mistaken for Sully way too many times and hates when it happens! They're both just tall, gray-haired men ;).

    1. I was so fascinated by the story too! There are some good interviews on youtube. It's really interesting to hear him talk about it.

  3. I don't lay out my clothes because I change my mind too much about what I want to wear. I have to leave in 30 minutes and I still don't know what Im wearing today!
    I havent been to the movies in years.

  4. We saw Sully last weekend (with all the blue hairs) and they clapped at the end! Haha! I had no idea of the witch hunt that went on after that water landing. I mean geez, he freaking landed! Gah! Chrissy is SO pretty!

    1. I don't like how they depicted it as a which hunt! I wonder if it was really that nasty. I mean, I know they have to investigate crashes so that we can learn and become safer from them, but I mean just like everything in life, they didn't have to be nasty! Yes I just assumed from the beginning he did the right thing. I can't imagine how he felt for so long pondering and wondering what they would conclude from the investigation.

  5. I wanted to see "Sully" but I've watched so many documentaries and that short film on TV recently that I feel like I already saw what I would see during the movie. I'll still probably get it if it comes to the Red Box! I actually started the book "Girl on the train" last night. I'm hoping to finish by the time the movie comes out!

    1. I bet the documentaries you saw were better than the movie. I liked the movie but I like "real" stuff better. How do you like GOTT? You will have to let me know when you are done!

    2. Well to tell you the truth if I hadn't already seen the movie preview, I'd be really lost! So far there is a lot of jumping around and I can't keep straight who is who and whose thoughts are whose. But it's early yet. I'll let ya know!

  6. Wow, look at yoo hoo go! I bet he loves his job!

    The look Chrissy is giving your chicken sandwich is priceless! :D

    I don't lay out my clothes for work, but I wear dresses almost every day and I arrange them in the order I think I'll want to wear them throughout the week! I don't see my clients in person super frequently, so this usually just means making sure I don't wear the same thing twice in a row. I don't want them to think I only own one piece of clothing!

    1. See, I always pictured you wearing dress shorts and cute/casual short sleeved tops to work! I never pictured you in a dress. Now I would like to see what your dress style is.

    2. Hahaha I sometimes wear dress shorts and a casual shirt, especially on summer Fridays aka when we don't have any clients coming to the office on Fridays!

      Normally I wear casual, sleeveless dresses because it is TOO HOT out to wear sleeves of any kind! Also my desk is near a window and it's about a million degrees where I sit because of the sun during the summer. Other places in the office are much cooler. Sometimes I have to go sit in the conference room to work just to cool down! I also have a mini fan on my desk that I run all the time! haha

  7. Body suits? Just say no! I said the same thing about rompers too. Glad I'm too old for that.

    We have to do all kinds of nonsense at my job that has nothing to do with medicine. The amount of documentation is too damn high!

    1. Okay see I love the rompers! But it is hard for me to find one that is age appropriate. If I found it, I would get it. :) I can't imagine how much crap you guys have to do unrelated to medicine!

  8. The Texas state fair is starting in a couple weeks, and even though I've been here since 2009, I haven't been yet. I know I should go, but I say that every year.

    Friday was an unexpected rest day, but I went to see Les Mis at a local theater, so, worth it!

    1. I love Les Mis! I always forget how good it is until I go see it again. :)

  9. I'm jealous that you get to wear sandals to work! Our dress code is ridiculous and we are not allowed to wear any open toe shoes!

    OmG! Sangria on your Wendy's cup!! that is so clever! I need to remember that!! Did that make the whole fair more exciting?

    I have a couple of body suit shirts, but they are not in that weird nude color.

    I set all my work clothes over the weekend. But I wear the same black pants, and rotate the 8 shirts I have. I desperately need some new work clothes, but when I got to the mall, there is nothing that calls my attention.

    1. I hear some people can't wear open toed shoes! Technically, I shouldn't be allowed to. My feet are a crime scene. At least kids don't care. They pick their scabs. They don't care about my feet. You wear body suits!? What do you wear them with?

  10. Body suits just cannot be good for our vagina health. Non-stop leggings are bad enough. I love that you clap during movies. I remember the only time the whole theatre gave a standing ovation was after the King's Speech. I really hope you've seen that movie!

    1. Uhoh I wear leggings from Oct 15-April 15!!!!!! ;) I have not seen that movie.

  11. Ahhhh bodysuits?! Really?!? I remember wearing them in middle school and can vividly recall how freaking uncomfortable those snaps in the crotch were! Whyyyy are these back in style now?!

    1. Okay well at least now girls in MS will be forced to button their crotches like we had to!!!

  12. I want to see Sully but I might have to settle for interviews on YouTube until it comes out on Amazon Prime. The clap thing made me laugh! It makes everyone feel connected so way to do your part in what can otherwise be a weird social situation. Walking out of the movie after a unified clap versus silence...

  13. I like Tom Hanks too! That would be fascinating to see police dogs work. Nice to hear it's not just my school who expects us to figure out technology on our own!
