
Friday, September 9, 2016

Friday 5!

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Okay, this has basically turned into my own Friday Five thing-a-ma-bob! I hope you all have a fun weekend ahead!

Oh, thank you all for your tips in regards to my NYC travel. We decided to SPLURGE and take the train and stay overnight. The cool thing is we have a $125.00 "free" night from Our hotel was about $180, so with the credit, it was only $65. Train tickets will be about $88 each round trip, but that is okay. I figure with gas, tolls, and parking, that's at least like 80 bucks anyway.

Okay, did you really care about my NYC budget? I am not sure that you did!

Before we get on with the post today, I wanted to share a video I recorded with Chrissy the other day. We sing a duet called "Kissy Are You Hungy?" (Kissy = Chrissy, Hungy = Hungry)

And now, the real "Friday 5" part of my post!

1. Scabs. I just started my 12th year of teaching elementary school and I have finally realized that I spend 10% of my of my day teaching music and 90% of my day advising kids not to pick their scabs.

2. I am on snapchat! Add me!!! I am runningmeg82. Warning: I snap A LOT and I WILL SNAP YOU!

3. Wrong number. For the past two years or so, I have been getting group texts from people I don't know. It's the same group of people. What I have discerned so far from the texts is that someone lives in Rehoboth Beach, and they only ever involve me in these group texts when someone passes away. I have texted back and told them they have the wrong number, but the next time someone dies, there I am in the group text message again!

4. Who is Mr. Cooney? On Tuesday I saw a certain Kindergarten class for the first time. I was telling the children about my family, and that at my house I live with two cats and Mr. Cooney. (I go by Mrs. Cooney with the students at school, though I have never changed my name and in my "real" life I am still Megan Michael.) "Who do you think Mr. Cooney is?" I asked the class. I called on a little girl and she said, "It's a boy Cooney." I started laughing hysterically, and of course so did the class.

5. Looking for private piano lessons? I have openings for private piano students at my home in Camp Hill on Tuesday and Thursday evenings! 

I'm not gonna lie. I had a really shitty week. With being sick and my car battery dying and certain... "challenges" at work... I am really looking forward to hopefully feeling 100% very, very soon and  the ability to clear my brain and NOT think about work this weekend.
Tell me something random!
Why do kids pick their scabs?
Tell me something fun you are doing this weekend!


  1. I am glad you took the splurge for NYC! It will be so worth it and so nice not to have to hassle. I often will splurge when it comes to making any travel more enjoyable. I feel in my day to day I am very frugal so splurging on fun is necessary sometimes. I don't know why kids pick their scabs...I mean, why do I pick my scabs?!? I actually had 2 scabs this spring (knee, elbow) when I took an epic fall during my run. I was constantly picking at them so if we were together you would have to constantly be telling me to stop. Tonight we are going out to a new restaurant then to see Sully with a group of friends! Dinner AND a movie = I am happy, happy, happy!

    1. Ooh dinner and a movie sounds fun! I think I would really like to see Sully. First of all, I like Tom Hanks and also I am fascinated by the story. Scabs... okay so we are adults and we have scabs and sometimes they itch or whatever so we kind of mess with them but KIDS will straight up RIP THEM OFF so they BLEED. Ewww! I say to them, "Don't pick, I don't have bandaids." Then ten minutes later there is blood dripping down their leg and I am like "I TOLD YOU NOT TO PICK!!" It's no wonder I have been sick for almost a week. They pick their scabs. They pick their nose. They sneeze on you.

    2. So, totally TMI but when I have a scab and then do an hour swim the scab gets all soft and I can just sort of roll it off. UGH!!! I know--how freaking gross (sorry MGR readers). That being admitted, I can 100% say I don't pick my nose. That is just a temptation I don't have. LOL.

  2. Chrissy has the call and response down! A random from husband is a principal of an elementary school in the same district I teach in. A family of his moved into our attendance area. One of the boys was hesitant to come into the music room. As he did, I said " I know someone that you know!" "Mr. Michaels?" "Yeah, Mr. Michaels!" After a pause... "you're Mr. Michaels' daughter?" Especially nice after being asked if I was the grandmother of my 7,6, and 2 year olds THREE times this summer!

    1. Awwwwwww girl! Kids can be funny sometimes. One time I didn't wear makeup to work and a kid was like "Mrs. Cooney are you sick?" and I'm like "No, I just didn't put makeup on today." LOL!

  3. "It's a boy Cooney." Hahahahahah I'm dying!!! That's the funniest and cutest thing ever!

    I think you made the right choice to stay in NYC for the night, especially since you have a hotel credit!

    BTW I totally like hearing about your NYC budget and the rationale behind it. Now that I'm about to have a mortgage I have become VERY interested in budgeting. Adam and I have never had a budget before. We've been lucky enough to not have one and still be able to save; however, we want to pay off our mortgage in under 10 years because the idea of all that debt stresses us out, so now I am putting us on a budget!

    1. I know, right??? Sometimes, 5 year olds can be funny. Sometimes.

      I am going to hit you up about riding the subway. Did you ride the subway while you were there? It would be so nice to take it from Penn Station to our hotel on the UWS buuuuut... I have no clue how to ride the subway!

      I think you will love having a budget! I know you like to organize and you like to set goals and see results. It is fun to see the money saved up. Now, we don't have a budget where we say okay we spend this much money on this and this much money on this... It's just I am so conscious of what things cost and what is a good deal. Being as conscious as possible allows you to spend money on things you REALLY care about.

      I think I really care about this trip. It will be a great experience to see the Know It Alls and like Susan said, as we get older, it is nice to spend a little extra to have a less stressful travel experience. Now, driving in NYC does not stress me out at all. I have actually driven in NYC about 4 times that I can remember. Everything is set up very easy on a grid and it is numbered. Even if you miss your turn, it's easy to circle the block. Boston on the other hand? I WILL NEVER DRIVE IN BOSTON AGAIN.

  4. I took the train once from Boston to NYC. No driving, no tolls, no parking! Parking's always the killer in cities, and I didn't have to worry about it at all. Also, city driving scares me because don't pay attention, whether they're driving or walking.

  5. It is so relaxing to take the train into NYC, rather than driving! you can read a book, watch a show, play with your phone!

    Following you on snapchat now!

    Ja ja! do you tell kids to not pick their scabs so they won't bleed? I find it easier to put a band aid on top of my son's scabs.

    A boy Cooney! That's funny! When I first moved to USA and female teachers used to say their names and their husbands names, I used to think they married somebody with the same last name... because in Mexico we don't change our last name, we just add "De" at the end of the last names. So say, you would become Megan Michael De Cooney.

    1. Thanks for following me! Yes that is why I tell them not to pick. I don't want blood on my hands. ;) Bandaids are a good idea! I did not know that is how they said married women's last names in Mexico! So that is more of a Mexican thing than a Spanish speaking thing? Because in HS our Spanish teacher was just Senora Latshaw and we didn't learn about the "de".

  6. Because they're itchy. As long as they don't eat them, I'm okay with it. I saw the singing video and then Callum wanted to watch it and then Katie was curious so before too long I had the entire family crowded around my phone and then? I couldn't stop singing the song all night long and now it's stuck in my head again. <3

    1. Lolllll sorry!!! I had no idea people would find it so catchy! I saw your vid of Callum running on Insta yesterday, so cute!

  7. Smart move to take the train and stay overnight! Im actually not on snap chat. Am I missing out? Hope you have a good weekend and next week will be a better week!

    1. You are missing out! But it is just funny nonsense so if you already have enough of that in your life, you're set!

  8. Um, can you explain to me why my husband still picks his scabs? He has even tried to pick MY scabs, which always results in a nice slap. :)

    I'm glad you chose to splurge and stay overnight in NYC.

    1. Omg he tries to pick your scabs!!!!!!!!!!???? LOL!

  9. I have never changed my name either. Clay and I have different last names. You can tell when someone doesn't "know" me if they call me "Mrs. Lundy". Side note: My MIL realized I wasn't changing my name when she gave me a bunch of stuff monogrammed with the letter "L" at my wedding shower. Also, I hate monograms.

    I think you did the right thing with NYC... that train ticket cost isn't too bad and it's worth it to just sit on a train and ride instead of having to drive and mess with traffic! Plus the hotel cost... you just can't beat that at all. I hope you have a wonderful trip!

    1. Oh no! I bet that was awkward...

      Thanks Amy! I am very excited. It will be fun to relax on the train. Paul can't drive right now so it's always me which gets old.

  10. That is too funny about the wrong number and odd that they only contact you when someone dies. Perhaps you should send them a text saying "hey just wanted to let you know that I now have a smart phone"! Perhaps that will make them realize they don't know you and they will take you off their group chat!

  11. Funny kids! A fave of mine...I rarely wear lipstick, but I did for a concert. First grader to me: "did you just eat a Popsicle?"

  12. So, can I use your video in my music class? You may know the song "Naughty Kitty Cat"...I use it early in kindergarten just for vocal exploration and call and response. My older kids would love to see a cat actually doing this!

    1. Absolutely!!! I showed it to my K students the other day because we had extra time and of course they love to hear about my cats. Yes I know Naughty Kitty Cat, it is in our 1st grade music books to present the quarter rest. I don't use it much though!

  13. I have a confession: I'm a picker. It's actually a form of OCD, and it's really embarrassing because sometimes I pick in public and I used to pick my skin so badly I have scars. But I've gotten better in recent years; once I knew it was a diagnosable illness I realized I could get a grip on the compulsion.

    I'm sorry you had a bad week. I hope this one is going better! I was sick too. I think it's the back to school germs.

    Why do you go by Mrs. Cooney at school?

    1. How did you get a grip on the compulsion? I can't say I never pick because I do, but these kids will pick shitty that just is not ready in the least to come off and the it gushes blood! I was going to hyphenate my name af t ER I got married so the kids called me Mrs Michael cooney. Then I decided night to hyphenate but it was like hmmmm okay now what do I tell the kids? So they still call me Mrs Michael Cooney or just Mrs Cooney for short, which is fine because then it's the bes t of both worlds.... I am still Megan Michael legally and in every situation except for the kids. And then Paul gets to hear me called Mrs Cooney once in awhile at my chorus concerts lold. Ithe was not intentional at all but it's working so far.

    2. How did you get a grip on the compulsion? I can't say I never pick because I do, but these kids will pick shitty that just is not ready in the least to come off and the it gushes blood! I was going to hyphenate my name af t ER I got married so the kids called me Mrs Michael cooney. Then I decided night to hyphenate but it was like hmmmm okay now what do I tell the kids? So they still call me Mrs Michael Cooney or just Mrs Cooney for short, which is fine because then it's the bes t of both worlds.... I am still Megan Michael legally and in every situation except for the kids. And then Paul gets to hear me called Mrs Cooney once in awhile at my chorus concerts lold. Ithe was not intentional at all but it's working so far.

  14. Noooo he is wailing because he LOVES YOU. :)

    Yes, Paul likes to hear the Mrs. C once in awhile. :)
