
Thursday, September 8, 2016

Friendship/Pissed (My take on loving/not loving)

If you need more of an explanation Friendship/Pissed, check out this post! It's basically my version of Loving/Not Loving

Friendship: I get to cheer my little brother on at the Harrisburg Half Marathon on Sunday!
Pissed: I am sure I will be having severe FOMO.

Pissed: On Tuesday, my car battery died in the school parking lot. I ended up having to cancel my piano lessons and wait over an hour for AAA to get there.
Friendship: I got this lovely treat in my mailbox the next day. Someone knew I was having a rough one!

Friendship: My ITB as been feeling great for the past 2-3 weeks!
Pissed: I have a randomly sore butt cheek! You know that feeling when you do a bunch of squats and then your glutes are sore the next day? That's what I have, but only in one cheek. And I didn't do squats!

Pissed: I was sick for a good 3 days and it suuuuuucked.
Friendship: Eating yummy comfort food.

Friendship: Paul and I are going to see Survivor Know It Alls in October! I bet you are wondering what that is. Well, as a huge Survivor and Big Brother fan, I am a devout listener of Rob Has A Podcast. During each season of Survivor, he does a live viewing party and live podcast at a venue in NYC. This is the first time I have been able to score tickets! I am SO FREAKING EXCITED to see Rob and meet some SURVIVORS!!! (They always show up!)
Pissed: Figuring out travel! I have no clue what to do. Take the train or drive? Spend the night or drive home at midnight? I suppose this is a good problem to have because I GET TO SEE ROB!!!

Option 1: Drive and come home right after the show (around 11pm). $
Option 2. Drive but spend the night. $$$
Option 3: Take the train and spend the night. $$$$

What should I do!!??

Are your Friendship/Pissed about anything?
What option should I choose for NYC?


  1. Good luck to your brother, Megan! Can't wait to hear how he does. Have you thought about maybe another marathon you can train for (and NOT do Hanson's)? Maybe you will get inspired on Sunday and find that next perfect race. How cool about going to NYC to Survivor Knows It All! What a super fun getaway for you guys. And so happy your ITB finally calmed down. That damn random knee pain of yours is so weird but we like when it goes into remission! I think my friendship is that I hired a coach! My plan starts today and is for 6 months. I am excited about it!

    1. I have not thought about a marathon but I have thought about some shorter races. Although I really don't feel like having a "plan" right now, you know? My pain is soooooooo random and it seems to not be linked to running because I have been running like 5 days a week and it has been fine! That is awesome you hired a coach!! What is your goal?

  2. I feel like this is the story of my life. I hesitate to even choose just one!
    Is there a bus option for NYC?

    1. I am sure there is a bus option but I think I'd rather do train if I am taking public transportation.

  3. Don't forget to factor in parking. A hotel will let you park. That may help you decide. Then again train means you have to have someone drop you and pick you up. But no parking to worry about.

    1. Yes I have thought about parking! Will be at least $40. And prob will have to pay to park even if we do hotel. :( Which sort of makes the whole train thing sound nice and shiny, you know, to just not have to deal with all that!

  4. O darn! I thought those car problems were worked out! So cool that you get to do your survivor thing!

    1. It was my dumb fault- I left my lights on! Sometimes when I use my turn signal, I bump the lights and then they are on and I don't know it.

  5. I can definitely tell how excited about are about Survivor Knows It All! That's definitely how I would feel if I could go to some sort of Mindy Project gathering!

    When I'm trying to decide if I should stay overnight somewhere I always try to think about how I'll feel after the event. Will I be tired? Really tired? Like, will I be annoyed that I have to drive home/get on a train because I'm tired? If so, then I stay over night because I don't want a ride home to turn a perfectly awesome night into one with an annoying ending.

    1. I think if I know I have to drive home, I will have a hard time relaxing at the event because I will be thinking about all that needs to happen before I get home into my bed.

      But then again I worry about the kitties! It is hard being a cat mom.

  6. It seems like once I paid off my car, things started going wrong. Ugh to that! Can't win...

    1. It was my dumb fault- I left my lights on! Sometimes when I use my turn signal, I bump the lights and then they are on and I don't know it.

  7. I think you should enjoy the NYC trip even if it means spending a little money. Then you won't have the FOMO and you won't have to rush home after the show (which sounds really fun btw).

    Sorry about your car! I used to have an old one and it always gave me trouble, I was so glad to upgrade to a newer car late last year!

    1. It was my dumb fault- I left my lights on! Sometimes when I use my turn signal, I bump the lights and then they are on and I don't know it.

      I am soooo excited and am now leaning towards spending the night. :)

  8. By the title I thought you were all mad at your friend!! Glad that's not the case. I have listened to the podcast a few times, but not regularly so I didn't know about this event. How COOOL! I have the Survivor premiere marked on my calendar :) My vote would be to spend the night. I've never regretted going on vacation, so spend the money. I am getting old - don't like driving at night :(

    1. Well he doesn't talk about the event on his podcast until he tells the people who are patrons and I am not a patron so I never know until it is too late! But this year I did some digging. :) I don't like driving at night either- thank you for that reminder! I am leaning towards spending the night.

  9. Oh I have no idea what to do about the show in NYC. I'm terrible with those things. And I've always got something going on that pisses me off and I work hard at exercising my thankful muscle so I try to find something positive! Sometimes it's exhausting though so I just get drunk.

  10. How cool that your brother will be doing the Harrisburg Half! I'm going to be cheering some friends, trying to figure out a cheering spot.

    I would stay spend the night at NYC, and drive in. It will give you time to rest.

  11. I always prefer to take the train but it can be SO expensive. But I feel like parking is expensive in NYC too. I like your second option I think, that way you can relax and enjoy yourself.
    Thats so annoying about your car battery! I hate when stuff like that happens randomly and totally messes up your plans.

    1. It would be $88 each round trip, which isn't TOO bad when you factor in the cost of gas, tolls, and parking. I figure that would all add up to about $70, so almost the cost of one ticket.

  12. I am SOOOOOOO freaking jealous. BTW, I can't wait for the next season of Survivor to start. You should definitely get a hotel and make a night of it. You never know what will happen after the show!

    1. We did get a hotel! I am secretly hoping Rob invites us out for drinks after! :)

  13. Generally, food things always fall into the Friendship category - hope your mailbox treat was yummy! Logistics stress me out, so I would splurge and take the train/spend the night. Sounds like a really cool thing!

    1. It was delish and I even cut it in half to share with Paul. :)

  14. Ugh sorry about the car battery. How nice to find a mystery treat! I loathe travel dilemmas. Truly around big cities there's just no "good" way. Maybe drive and stay over if it's less stress.

    1. I decided to stay over! Paul is on board too. :)
