
Saturday, September 10, 2016

MGR's Workout Recaps!

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Wow, I actually ran this week! You will notice I did NOT lift. This is very, very strange. This morning, I plan to freaking WRECK Planet Fitness.

Here's what I was up to... Sorry, it's not that interesting!

Saturday- 6.5 miles in my hood. There is something wrong with my Garmin, that's why I did the extra .5 ... it was pretty much by accident! I only wanted to do 6. Part of this run was spent running to Weis to get pore strips.

Sunday- 5 miles. I'm taking "running errands" literally lately, as I spent part of this 5 miler running to Dollar General to get some makeup. I was pretty sick (sore throat, headache, chills) but I was trying to rally and run anyway. I LOVE to run, and I didn't want my illness to take that away from me this weekend.

It's funny, for the past 8 years I have lived about 1.3 miles from Weis and Dollar General, yet I have never run there to grab something! It is a very safe running route too. Only about .2 miles of it is on what I would consider to be a "busy" street. Maybe I will combine running and errand running more often now...

Monday- Rest. I had off work and was looking forward to feeling better and possibly getting a longish run in. I was thinking 8 miles. But my body had other plans. I felt worse than the day before. Instead, I cleaned the house and did all of my chores for the week. Then at 2:30pm I got into bed and only got out of it to get a snack, throw away tissues, and fill up my water bottle. Whatever sickness has been plaguing me these past two days... Fuck you!

Tuesday- 6 miles before work. I felt like I was flying. My legs were very well rested. Turns out I was running about 9 minute miles. I guess my mind played a trick on me. I felt great while I was running but then I went to work and talked, sang, and was on my feet all day. I pretty much felt like death by the end of the fourth class. it didn't help that in the afternoon I had two kindergarten classes and two first grade classes. One needs massive amounts of energy to just cover the classroom management aspect let alone the whole "teach music thing". Honestly, not a whole lot of teaching music occurred. It was mostly trying to get kids to sit on their bottom, raise their hands, and not pick their scabs. I don't know how many times I said, "Don't pick your scab, I don't have a band aid!" but it was a lot.

Wednesday- 5 miles before work. I was finally feeling better but not 100%.

Thursday- 5 more miles. Fun times. I felt fine while running but by the end of my workday I felt pretty much like I did on Tuesday.

Friday- 6 miles. I was pretty speedy! All of my runs this week were in the high 8s or low 9s. Today I was in the low 8s and even clocked a sub 8. My body was tired after but I blamed it on waking up at 4am. When I got to work, I could barely sing. My voice kept cracking. Freaking A.

How were your workouts this week?
Do you ever literally RUN errands?


  1. Despite being sick you had a great week of runs! I hope you got your lifting in too... it is kinda weird seeing all runs from you, I will admit that. Neat that you managed to run to the stores, literally, a few times.

    I think it's interesting that your paces were high 8-low 9. Your race times are pretty speedy. There's definitely something to be said about easy, aerobic mileage contributing to running success.

    1. I did not lift at all! As Forrest Gump said, "I just felt like running." Paul and I are about to hit up Planet Fitness and we are going to WRECK it. :)

    2. Hansons made me a lot slower. I want to bust out some tempo miles here soon just to see if I still "got it" but just haven't gotten around to it yet.

    3. Yeah, I know you didn't lift in this week but I mean, I hope you got it in TODAY since you mentioned you were going to wreck da Planet!

      BTW I went to Planet today to lay in the massage bed and it was so empty!

      I think Hansons either works well for someone or it doesn't. And honestly I think if you are into lifting/cross training... it usually does not work well for those people.

  2. I hope you are feeling better! That cold really hung on didn't it?!? Ugh. I like destination workouts. I like to run home and then Macy and I walk back to get my car, or I like to take a long ride and end up at the lake and meet Rick or Macy for a swim. I am much more likely to run an errand while cycling. My workouts were really awesome. I am cherishing the days of fall weather but there is certainly a chill in the air (not ready).

    1. It's still hanging around today! WTH!? I am so over it. I think if I were a cyclist I would "ride" errands a lot! I'm glad your workouts were so good this week! Was it the weather or something else?

    2. WTH?! I hope you can knock it out by this weekend! Um, not the weather which was 38 on my bike ride today--UGH. I am not ready for temps in the 30's! Most mornings, though, it was in the 50's which I like!

  3. I can't believe you were running when you were sick ! That's amazing!

    How do you carry your stuff back home ?

    That road can be pretty deserted, but do you wear a vest? I recently saw two runners on the Carlisle Pike ! Now, that's a dangerous road !

    1. You know what, I feel like it's easier to go for a slow 45 min run when sick than lift. I just lifted today and I feel downright dizzy! I do not wear a vest. I deadly I should wear a vest all the time. There is a nice shoulder and on the WY back I actually run in the grass when my back is to traffic. I held my credit card in my hand and the makeup and pore stripswich were small enough to hold in my hand too.

  4. These are awesome runs despite not being 100%. I wish I had more time in the morning to do more mileage. I guess I could if I just got up earlier, but sleep is so nice! I can't wait to hear how your "running" errands goes! Sounds very eco-friendly :)

    1. Sleep is wonderful! I sleep until the very last minute but do factor in running time. Not on the weekend though!

  5. Did you wake up at 4am specifically to go running? I always feel so accomplished when I get up at 4am to go running, not really because of the running just because 4am is an impressive time to get up for running!

    1. No nono my alarm was set for 5:45! Damn phone woke me up. I would have loved to sleep right until my alarm.

  6. Oh we would motivate each other a tear it up!!
