
Friday, September 2, 2016

Friday 5!

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Happy Friday, friends! Even though I only had a four day work week, I am very excited to have a long Labor Day weekend! Here's some random-ness for you today.

1. I have a funny kid story for you. I don't tell stories from school a lot because I don't want to cross a line, but I have a good one I fee comfortable sharing today. 

I was asking some 4th graders what they did over the summer and a lot of them mentioned going to Hershey Park and Knoebels. I told them my roller coaster story from the other day and finished with saying that I should have asked to get off the ride as soon as I felt uncomfortable, but I didn't. "It's because you were embarrassed, right?" one of the students asked. "No, she was trying to be brave!" another student said, sticking up for me.

Then in a 1st grade class, I asked how many of them rode the Super Dooper Looper at Hershey Park (an upside down coaster) and about six of them said they rode it! I could not believe they were tall enough and brave enough to ride it. One little girl excitedly told me that she rode it but cried the whole time. I laughed and she laughed along with me because she realized it was sort of silly. I asked her if she thinks she'll ride it again when she is older. She said no, she'd ride it again right now.

Kids are silly!

2. Paul thinks I should change professions!  I loved all of your comments on my post about how I am obsessed with trials and murder cases. Some of you suggested that maybe I missed my calling and should become a lawyer or a detective. Paul had an even better idea. I should be a court stenographer!

3. I haven't been talking about running lately. I've been running, but nothing interesting has been happening so I feel like I don't really have anything to say about it! Please hang in there, readers! I promise I will talk about running again eventually!

4. Paul is my house husband! Now that I am back at work, Paul has reclaimed his house husband duties. It is nice to not have to worry about housework!

5. Don't call me. I got a new smartphone but please don't call me. It feels really weird holding it up to my ear. It's big and clunky and I know I look totally awkward! I am, however, halfway signed up for Snapchat and Instagram. I'll let you know when I'm the whole way signed up! And then we can be Snapchat friends or Insta friends or whatever you call it when you're connected to someone on those apps.
How do you and your partner divide housework?
Parents or teachers: Tell me a funny kid story!
Tell me something random!


  1. I think working w/ elementary school kids would be so fun! I work with a bunch of geeky engineers (but I love them...). We have a gal come and clean our house which I love. Then we pretty much split the other stuff like grocery shopping, laundry and Rick does all the yard work. I think you maybe did miss a calling because you LOVE crime investigation. Do you think you might actually make a change? Random: even though we have a busy weekend, we are going to squeeze in seeing a movie (there are so many good ones coming out I hate to miss). Therefore we will be seeing The Light Between Oceans at 9 AM tomorrow!

    1. No I would never make a change. I am too cushy where I am right now. Like, no anxiety because I feel like I know how to do my job and I know how to do it WELL. (Not bragging, I mean I have been doing it for 12 years so if I don't know what I'm doing by now there is something wrong with me!)

      YOU ARE CRAZY to go see a movie at 9am!!!

      Hey I will be faster at scrabble now cause Paul put it on my phone!

  2. Rob worked from home the other day and he did laundry and cooked dinner! It was a nice treat. He takes care of outdoor stuff like the lawn and I take care of laundry and cooking, and then we sort of split up the cleaning. I don't like talking on cell phones- I would much rather just text!

    1. Texting is the way to go. Glad you got a nice surprise from Rob! Hang onto him. ;)

  3. Since I work with kids, I hear funny things all day long. It gives me an excuse to be silly, which is right up my alley!

    1. Yes! I told Paul one thing I missed up school was being able to make kids laugh! I get bored by the end of the day, so if you have music after, say, 1:30pm, I may be super silly!

  4. I like my iPhone, but I purposefully got a regular 6 instead of a 6-plus. A plus is way too big, and almost seems like a tablet.

    1. I think mine is the perfect size for pretty much anything other than calling. I can see how getting a phone that's too big would be annoying!

  5. Adam and I split up housework pretty evenly in that we have a cleaning lady who takes care of it because we're both equally lazy :). He does take out the trash and I do the dishes on a daily basis though! Sometimes we have small arguments over which chore is harder. I mean OBVIOUSLY it's the dishes. With the trash you just pull the bag out and walk a few steps to the trash chute and you're done. The dishes requires you to unload the dish washer, rinse the dishes and then put the new dishes in the dishwasher and set the buttons. That's way more steps!

    I wish I never had to talk on the phone! Lately I've been on the phone so much with my mortgage broker, hah! Also I've implemented a new rule for my department at work that requires a lot more phone talking. It's annoying because I have to follow the rule too but it's for the best.

    1. You are right, there are WAY more steps to taking care of the dishes! That is prob my least favorite job. I don't mind laundry and folding it. I usually watch tv while I fold so it is fun.

  6. I've had a smartphone for yeeeears and I still hate calling people on it, not so much because it feels awkward but more because I hate talking on the phone. I am so tempted to leave a voicemail recording that says "Unless you're a doctor's office or a school, please don't leave a voicemail because I won't call you back. Just text me."

    1. That is a good idea! No one ever really leaves me voice mails accept Drs or my parents. I feel like everyone else just nhangs up and texts. Oh, I hate when people send me a txt and all it says is "call me". Lol. NO!

  7. Funny story- the other day I told my son I was excited to read a book, he grabbed it and paged through it and said "why, it doesn't have ANY pictures!"

    I'm excited for your Instagram !!

    1. Hahaha! Well he is in second grade now right? Very soon he will be reading books without pictures! :)

  8. Oh I have loads of kid stories!!! Oh, in my family I am known as Nancy Drew! Scott always says I should have went into detective work or forensics!

    1. Okay Nancy Drew, maybe you can solve this one. A single 2.5 inch turd was found in the middle of my guestroom when I woke up this morning. What are the cats trying to tell me?

  9. I am a VERRRRRY fast typer even though I only used 3-4 four fingers... total. I am totally serious!!!!!
