
Saturday, September 3, 2016

MGR's Workout Recaps!

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Minimal running and lots of lifting is what happened this week. I'm just kind of doing whatever I feel like right now.

Saturday-  I very much wanted to run, but I knew my upper body needed a BURN today. I went to Planet Fitness and lifted back. As much as I like to run on the weekends, sometimes it is better to get a back workout done instead. When I lift back, it takes me 75-90 minutes, so it's nice to do it on a day when I have a lot of time. When I do it during the week, I have to make sure I step foot in the gym at exactly 5:45 so I have enough time to git 'er done before work.

Unassisted Wide Grip Pull Ups- 1x4
Asst. Wide Grip Pull Ups- 4x8x16lb asst.
Asst. Close Grip Pull Us- 5x8x16lb asst.
Inverted Row- 5x10
Lat Pull Down- 5x10x70lb
Cable Row- 5x15x50lb
Bicep Curls- 5x10x15lb
Bicycle Crunches- 5x40
Capt. Chair- 6x20
Stability Ball Knee Tuck- 5x15
Glute exercises
Stretching calves and ITB.

I did 4 unassisted pull ups! I used to be able to do 7. That was two winters ago when I took some time off running and focused a lot on lifting. I will be honest, I wish I could still do 7, but considering I haven't been really working toward any lifting goals, this is still good news. I think if I can maintain 3-4 pull ups as my base and maybe accept that I will only be able to do more if I am in tip top lifting shape, I will be okay with that.

A lot of people ask me how to work up to doing a pull up, and I plan on writing about that soon!

Sunday- 5 miles. I had the slowest run ever. I was so sad and it made my whole body feel heavy. When I am angry, I run fast. When I am sad, I am slow.

Monday-  5 miler in my hood.

Tuesday-  5 miler in my hood.

Wednesday- I lifted chest at home before work while I watched Anderson Cooper. I realized I need to start doing 30lb chest press because I was easily able to do 5 sets of 15 reps @ 25lbs. I honestly should have increased my weight like months ago but I have been lazy!

Chest Press- 5x15 25lb
Push Ups- 5x10
Shoulder Press- 5x10x20lb
Tricep Dips- 6x15 (lost count and did an extra set!)
Bicycles- 5x40
Stability Ball Pull Ins- 5x15
Sit Ups- 5x15
Hip/Glute exercises

Thursday- I hot up super early and went to the gym to lift back before work. My gym got a bunch of new machines to replace the "old" ones. They didn't look old to me so I'm not sure why they had to switch them. I am bummed because the new assisted pull up machine is a lot different than the old one. With the old one, I feel like it gave you equal assistance the whole way up. With the new one, it is like it stops helping you the last 1/3 of the way. I know it will force me to get stronger, so at least that is good...

Wide Grip Asst. Pull Ups- 3x4x12lb asst, 2x6x16lb asst.
Neutral Grip Asst. Pull Ups- 5x6x16lb asst.
Inverted Row- 5x10
Lat Pull Down- 5x10x85lb
Cable Row- 5x10x55lb
Bicep Curls- 5x10x15lb
Bicycles- 5x40
Plank w/ Knee Tuck- 5x20
Stability Ball Pull Ins- 5x15
Capt Chair- 5x20
Hip/Glute Exercises + Stretching

Friday- 5 miler in my hood. It was a little brisk out! I mean, brisk by September standards!

How were your workouts this week?


  1. Glad you had a good week of lifting and honestly, you got a lot of miles in on the other days. It's not like you just sat around or something- lifting takes a LOT out of you and is a great workout too even if you don't have a high number to show for mileage. I go to Planet Fitness too and it's a nice gym... it's super clean there :).

    1. Planet Fitness is awesome!! I love it there. I love to lift, too. I'm glad I learned how to do it correctly. Best fitness decision I ever made.

  2. Way to go on kicking butt!!

    Why were you sad on Sunday?

  3. 20 miles plus all that lifting sounds pretty perfect to me! I ended up power walking w/ Macy 2 days because I had gotten greedy last week with picking up running after my ankle was cranky. Also 2 cycling + 1 swimming and today running again (YAY). I ended up w/ 4 lifting sessions too. Can't complain about that!

    1. Wow you did a lot!! I think you are the epitome over overall fitness and health. I think when you are 80 you will prob still be doing what you do now!

    2. ...and I think YOU do a lot. My workouts are not long but they are varied, yes. I like that after years of being "just a runner". Tomorrow is my rest--that is a very important part of my training, too!

  4. I'm sorry you had a sad day and felt slow. I'm definitely the same way. When I'm angry I pound the pavement hard but on sad days it's hard to muster up strength to do anything more than slow and easy. I hope whatever made you sad went away quickly and the kitties cheered you up.

    I lifted a lot this week too. It was nice to reduce my mileage and lift more days than I have been the last few months!

    1. I know I am excited you are back in the gym!!! I hope you are less stressed knowing you are running Miami. And obviously I know you are feeling swole!

  5. It is understandable with your 10 hour days!!
