
Thursday, September 1, 2016

It's the end of an era! (+VLGOG)

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Guys, I have big news.

I mean, HUGE NEWS.

Yesterday, I said goodbye to my beloved Samsung Alias flip phone and got a SMARTPHONE!!!!

I know, I'm a little late to the smartphone party. I did not want a smartphone at all. I didn't understand the point. If I need the internet, I have internet at home and at work. I don't need to have the internet with me everywhere I go.

So then what changed my mind?

Well, about a year and a half ago, Paul got his first smartphone and I fell in love with the camera. The cameras are SO GOOD! He gets sick of me stealing his phone to take blog pictures and wanted me to get my own. I sort of learned how to do a couple things on his phone, so I started to feel more comfortable with the concept of having a smartphone.

Then my upgrade with Verizon rolled around and since getting a smartphone would only increase our bill by $4 a month, it was a no brainer.

Paul picked it up for me yesterday and had it all ready for me when I got home from work. It was a surprise! I didn't think I was getting it until September 6th but he did an early upgrade!

It is a Samsung Galaxy S6. He got a screen protector for me and I'm getting a phone case for it tomorrow.

I'm a little nervous that I won't end up liking it, so I am keeping my Alias. I can always go back to my flip phone if I don't like my smartphone.

I just don't want to become one of those people that is addicted to their phone, or has their face in their phone when they should be interacting with people! Friends, if I start doing that, please call me out on it!

Oh well. It's the end of an era. I'm a little sad but also excited!
Anyone out there still rocking a flip phone?
Any tips for me as a new smartphone user?


  1. Yay for a new phone! I completely relate to this because it was less than 2 years ago that I got a new phone. And I couldn't even text with my old phone--just make phone calls. I used to borrow Rick's phone to text my friends (insert a picture of Rick's face here every time I would say "can I borrow your phone" LOL). I was like "no big deal" but oh, wow...I love my smart phone. I actually have my work email set up on it which makes people cringe but when I have to be out of the office for appts it makes my life so much easier (I get tons of email each day). I am always on google answering questions, IMDB looking up movie reviews, texting and taking pics of Macy. You will love it and no looking back now!!

    1. I know, there is NO GOING BACK! I love IMDB! I have been a member of that for 14 years! Yes Paul would always get mad when I borrowed his phone to take pictures. I think he is very relieved I have one of my own now!

    2. Yeah "mad" as our guys get meaning they just smile and comply but probably are thinking "geez my wife can really drive me crazy but I am too sweet to let her know". LOL.

    3. Oh Paul will roll his eyes and do a deep sigh too. ;)

    4. Rick doesn't do it outwardly but it's like I can feel his emotion. I would be totally annoyed with myself too!

  2. Wow, how exciting! Does this mean you may join Instagram? I use my smartphone so much, I couldnt imagine not having internet on my phone anymore.

    1. I am not sure if I will join instagram. I know I don't know how to use it. I feel a little overwhelmed. I already am on FB and I blog every day... I'm not sure if I can keep up with one other thing!

  3. Woo! Big news! I hope you love it. You will love the camera! Honestly I probably don't use a fraction of all my iPhone does but I could barely text on my old "dumb" phone.

    1. All I know how to do right now is text and take pictures and send them. Paul wants to teach me a lot of stuff (I bet he only knows how to do a fraction too!) but I say let's stick to one thing to learn per day so I don't get overwhelmed and forget everything.

  4. I've been waiting for this day!!!I am SO excited for you! This will be a total Game changer in the world of Blogging!!!! You will soon wonder why you didn't get a smart phone sooner. Let me know how you like it!

    1. Aw thanks for being excited for me!! I know you always told me how it would be a game changer. We'll see. Right now my phone is off in my purse and I'm on my lap top lol.

    2. Oh and you HAVE to get on Instagram, it's the new facebook!

    3. I am in the process of signing up. :)

    4. Great! I am @fairytalesnfit. I'll follow you back once you find me!

  5. Hahha yeah! That's so great! Your post made me smile because Adam hesitated on getting a smart phone for a while for the same reasons. He also said the same things when he got it about not wanting to get addicted and hating how people look things up on the internet at dinner, etc... now he's addicted like the rest of us :).

    If you get Snapchat we can snap each other videos of the cats every night, hahaha!

    1. Oh no, so do you think there's any hope for me or am I just going to turn into a phone drone too?? That's what I'm going to call people with their noses in their phones: Phone drones.

      Snap chat, okay what do you think I should do if I only pick insta or snap?

    2. Hahah I will say that it's easy to become a phone drone. Adam and I try not to use our phones when we're out at dinner and stuff, but it's easy to fall into the habit of talking about something and then wanting to look it up immediately!

      Hmmm Instagram introduced new Snapchat like features so if you were only going to do one I think I would do instagram. Although I think Snapchat feels more private. I share a lot of running stuff on Instagram but I share some more personal stuff from inside the apartment etc on Snapchat since I have fewer followers there and they are mostly people I know in real life. I also like that Snapchat feels like less work! You just take a picture or short video and go. With Instagram you have to think of a caption, add hashtags, etc. Both serve their purpose! Tough call!

    3. I suppose if it's like a look up info together thing or laugh at something together it's different than two people out for dinner looking at their phones the whole time and not talking to each other, you know what I mean?

      Well it looks like I don't have to choose between the two because my friend is helping me sign up for both today hahahaha! PHONE DRONE!!! Our school got closed for mold so teachers were sent to another building to do "work". AKA... sign up for snapchat and insta. I will let you know when I figure it out. Maybe we can be snpchat friends or something. Dunno what it's called. :)

  6. I had a flip phone until 2012. I felt like it was the end of an era too, but I like the smartphones. Mostly I needed a new iPod, and I had an upgrade offer, so I combined my phone with my music, which makes it a whole lot easier on my runs. I feel like less of a pack mule.

    1. That totally makes sense! I think this phone, once I know how to use it, will open up lots of opportunities for me!

  7. Oh wow, that IS big news! My company pays for my phone because it's a necessity for my job. I totally love my iPhone. I don't even use the "phone" part of it. I could care less if it was a phone! I would be lost without it since it holds all of my schedules and to-do's. Hope you like your upgrade!!

    1. I am sure I will get to that point where I am lost without my phone too! I haven't called anyone on it yet. HAHAHA!

  8. Yippee!!! Just like with anything, it takes balance and self control, which you have a lot of and so I have no doubt that you'll approach your new phone with the same healthy mindset! Just stay away from social media when you're drunk. ;) HA HA! Just speaking from my own experiences............

    1. When I drink I get into FB arguments with people!!! But no bad pictures. I feel like you had a picture experience...

  9. That is exciting! Welcome to 24/7 access to information in your hand! Here are some app suggestions for you.... WITF, NPR One, Pinterest and Buzzfeed.

    And my tips, 1. don't take the phone to the bathroom, and 2. log off social media if drinking, I have done most of my facebook / social media stalking after 1 or 2 glasses of wine.

  10. HOORAY!! Welcome to the 21st century, my friend! I'm going to send you pictures via text now!!

  11. I just got my smartphone around Christmas in 2015. I thought I was the last person to get one, but I guess not. I mainly didn't want to be addicted to technology when I wasn't in front of a computer since I'm in front of one all the time for work.

    I will say this much... all my morning instagram checking is done from the bathroom ;).

    1. Hahaha! I spend a lot of time in the bathroom, maybe I will steal your trick!

  12. Welcome to the modern world!!!! I think you might be the last person with a flip phone (full disclosure I still have my pink Motorolora Razor in a drawer somewhere in case the smartphones all decide to revolt some day). You're going to love it, but think you are so smart to go in looking for balance and human contact. I'm the last to jump on board with the things the "kids" are doing, but I have to tell you I love my smart phone :)

    1. I think I am going to love it too! Today's mission: Learn how to snap chat!

  13. I am so loving the pics from this phone and the ease it is to post them on my blog.

  14. We better get a follow-up in a few weeks with how the transition is going. That is a HUGE change. It may definitely take some time to get used to, so be patient. It may also seem a big overwhelming now that you have all the apps and media quickly at your fingertips. Can't wait to here how you like it!
