
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Randomy Randomness

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1. It's the end of an era. My reindeer pjs have a hole in the knee that just keeps getting bigger and bigger. It is time they are retired. Goodbye, reindeer pjs! We spent some great times on the couch together and I will miss you!

2. Now I'm sporting new pjs. It kind of feels good to match.

Here is a close up... The design features what looks like a deranged rabbit of some sort.

Fun Fact: A half hour after this picture was taken, I stepped in a big pile of cat puke and had to throw them in the laundry.

3. Look at my new coloring book! This past weekend I spent a lot of time watching RBG interviews. My love for her hit a whole new level so a coloring book was in order...

4. Chrissy and Jelly have a new cat bed! Aldi box + beach towel + catnip = new favorite spot!

5. I have a new favorite cereal. I tend to go on loooooong stretches with my cereal choices. In the past year, I stuck with shredded wheat, then raisin bran, and then bran flakes. I got sick of bran flakes which means.....

I like rice squares too, but corn squares are the best! They taste like Crispix!

6. MY GARMIN IS GONE. That's right. I lost it. Paul and I looked all over the house but we can't find it. The last time I had it was on Monday. I ran about 2.5 miles outside and then rushed inside the house so Paul and I could head to the gym. I had my Garmin on my 2.5 mile run. I brought it inside. I had to have brought it inside because it is not outside and it's not in my car. On Tuesday I ran 6 miles Garmin-less (but timed myself via my mp3 players haha!) and yesterday I was forced to go to the gym for my speed work. Because I need to know my pace for speed work. This is not good, guys. I can't imagine where it could be. Maybe I threw it out!!??

7. A pee towel is better than no towel. Like I said, yesterday I did speed work at the gym. (400-800-1200-1600-1200-800 w/ 400 recoveries. All intervals I did at a 6:53 pace and 1% incline even though I felt like I was going to have a heart attack! I am very proud of making it through that workout!!!) Anyhooooooo I always take a towel with me when I'm on the treadmill because I hate having a sweaty, slimy face. Well, for some reason the towel I brought smelled exactly like cat pee. Ughhhh! Disgusting! Now, I don't think there was actual cat pee on the towel. But I think there was pee on it at some point and running it through the laundry did not erase the smell. I threw it away as soon as I was done.

The likely culprit...
Tell me something random!
Who is your favorite Supreme Court Justice?
Describe your favorite pjs!


  1. That stinks about your Garmin! What did you do when you came in after your run but before you went to the gym? Maybe you changed clothes and set it down in a drawer or it's in your pile of clothes to be washed?!? Here's random: my dad "lost" his sunglasses and then found them in his freezer. He had gotten some leftovers from my sisters and when he took those out of his backpack, his glasses came along for the ride and wound up in the freezer. Funny! I hope you find it soon--those things are not cheap.

    1. That is exactly what I expect to happen with my Garmin- find it somewhere absolutely crazy like the freezer!!! I think I set it on the island when I got home because all I did was put on a shirt and then we LEFT. Gonna go check the laundry. I checked my drawers and stuff but not the laundry...

  2. Oh man that just stinks about your Garmin. I would be going crazy. Did you ever contact Garmin about about your issue?
    My favorite PJ's includes my grey ARMY shirt. I've had it since college (it was a gift from a friend who was in the Army) and I kid you not, it is one of the softest shirts I've ever had. It's made of cotton but you know how some t-shirts are WAY softer than others?

    1. Nah I never contacted them. I am really good at putting things off lol.

      Yes yes yes I know just what you mean about some shirts being extra soft!

  3. I think the lost Garmin is a good excuse to buy a new one!

    A Ruth Bader Ginsberg coloring book? Talk about random!

    1. Yeah you can find anything on Amazon!

      I know but I would rather just find my old one than spend money on a new one...

  4. OH NO! Where is your Garmin! Maybe this is a sign that it's time to get a new one since the band had broken on your old one anyway. If there ever was a sign this is it!!! haha

    My favorite PJ pants ... oh I miss them. They were super soft, navy blue and Cecil ripped a hole in the butt area. Something about the way they swished around while I walked drove him crazy and he would always jump up and attack my butt - sometimes he would grab on and pull the pants down LOL! We probably looked like the Coppertone girl and her dog! Eventually Cecil ripped a hole in them that got to be so big my whole backside was exposed. I continued wearing them because it's my house and I loved them but one day Adam THREW THEM AWAY! :(

    1. HA you're right! Broken band (still didn't fix it) and then just straight up disappearing...

      ADAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is such a cute story. I wish one of my kitties would jump up and attack my butt!

  5. I have had dreams about losing my Garmin. I actually have my old one in a safe spot just in case I do actually lose it someday. I don't know how I would feel about that other than NOT good.
    I am glad you were able to get your speedwork done, those are some seriously speedy intervals!
    I have a pair of favorite pajama pants but in these summer months I usually rock inappropriately short shorts but fall/winter, I am allllll about my pants, I have had the same pair for years and though no holes they are getting very thin.

    1. That is nice you have an old back up Garmin. Unfortunately this was my very first Garmin! Crazy to think about. I believe I got it for Christmas 2012.

  6. A deranged rabbit, like Monty Python? I had some great PJ pants for years but had to throw them away last year because there was a hole in backside. My mom discovered it on our family trip to Napa. I used it to wrap a wineglass so it wouldn't break on the trip home, then I got rid of them :(

    1. Aw your poor pjs! Goin' out in style, though!

  7. Yay for new PJS! even if they have deranged rabbits!

    oh oh!! Garmin gone!!? Ouch! I still have that garmin at home that you can borrow if you need it. If I had to guess, I would say your garmin is in the laundry basket.

    My favorite justice is Sonia Sotomayor. (fun fact, my great grandfather's last name was Sotomayor, but he thought it was too long and changed it to Soto only).

    My favorite PJs are this super fluffly santa Pjs I got for Christmas from my mom. they are white and super super fluffy, they feel like a light fluffy soft cloud.

    1. I never thought of the Laundry! I will look!

      I don't know much about Sonia Sotomayor. Maybe she will be my next coloring book?

      There is something about Christmas pjs that are soooo comfy.

  8. I currently live in my Muppet pjs. Anad ALDI/Millville cereal is the best

    1. Ooh those sound so cozy! YEah Aldi cereal is super cheap. :)

  9. Cute new PJs! Crappy news about your Garmin. I ALWAYS lose stuff. I'm notorious for throwing things like car keys and headphones into the washing machine. Maybe it's in there?

    1. I did check the laundry (we haven't thrown any in the wash since I lost the Garmin) and it wasn't there! :( I really think it will turn up eventually, it will just be annoying until it does!

  10. My favorite PJs are these ridiculous buffalo pajamas that were my husbands. They're so soft and they have pockets (seriously, the don't make women pajama pants with pockets). But like you, a hole as exponentially grown at the knee :(

    1. Buffalo pjs!!! I never heard of such a thing! I bet you look super cute in them. ;)

  11. Mysterious about the watch disappearance. That sucks! I can't find the card I put in the mail for my Dad (Father's Day) and it never arrived!! Dang it, some mailman is enjoying my Dad's Chipotle gift card I'm sure. :(
    We made a cat tent and my cat LOVES it. It's great because it's my black cat, and it's a black tent, so it's actually just two eyeballs. Here it is... You totally need one!!

    1. I can't wait to make a cat tent!!! Thank you so much for suggesting that and sending me a link.

      That sucks about the gift card!! :(

  12. Did you check pockets/the laundry for your watch? Sometimes I yank everything off at once and dump it in the hamper without realizing it!

    I had this pair of PJ pants that were blue with red cherries on them. I've had them since college. They have a hole in the crotch so I finally tossed them because I caught myself wearing them when we had guests sleeping over or whatever and that was just embarrassing.

    I love Corn Chex (Crispix, you know...the usual). I think once I'm done with my Cheerios kick I'll be back to Chex! I also love that coloring book! RBG is a BAMF!

    1. I did check laundry, pockets, etc. I did not check under the couch, which I'm going to do as soon as Jelly gets off my lap...

      She is a BAMF!!! I love her. And I love listening to her voice. I have been listening to interviews of her while I color her. WOO MIND BLOWN!

  13. I never thought about the cats! They have never taken stuff before but surely stranger things have happened.

    I don't know much about Roberts, I will have to look him up! I wonder if everyone has a favorite Supreme Court Justice? :)

  14. Oh no!! That is terrible that you lost your Garmin. I would be so upset. I've lost a few things that I later found in the refrigerator. I have no idea why my brain wants me to put stuff there....

    I also have a favorite pair of PJs that I've had for many years. I'm going to be sad when I let those go. Also.... Super cool coloring book. ��

    1. I have caught myself trying to put weird shit in the fridge! I really think it is going to turn up and when it does, it is going to be somewhere completely random where it just does belong!
