
Thursday, July 7, 2016

Throwback Thursday!

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Kristina often does Throwback Thursday themed post, and her most recent one inspired me to dig out some old photos from late high school and early college.

Luckily, my mom took a lot of photos growing up, so I have many pictures from high school. I don't have many pictures of me at college because I don't think I had a camera! Also, I went to college 2000-2004, so obviously there were no cell phones with cameras. I don't think I would have a lot of pictures from college even if I did have a camera because I didn't have many friends in college. I wasn't very social, didn't get invited to parties, didn't have a boyfriend... none of that normal college stuff. (Boohoo.)

Most of my pictures from during my college years were taken during the summer when I was in musicals. Performing in community theater was my THING. Those were my PEOPLE. That is where I BELONGED! I'll share pictures from that time in another post. This post will have mostly high school stuff!

First, we have a photo from junior prom- 1999. I got my dress at Express. My mom let me get my makeup and hair professionally done. I was glad about that because I did not know how to do hair and makeup! Note: This is the last picture in which I actually have a decent haircut...

Next, me reading my acceptance letter from IUP in 2000! I was bummed I didn't get into West Chester, which was my first choice. IUP turned out to be okay, it was just a lot father away...

As you know, I'm weird. I have always been weird! Here I am in costume for our high school's first annual (and last annual, I believe!) lip sync contest! I was in a group with four other girls and we did the song Hey Mickey. My friend Ashley and I choreographed the dance and we all practiced our ASSES off. Of course we won! This was in 2000, my senior year.

Remember I said a lot of my pictures are from musicals? Here is one of my best friend Ashley and I backstage during our senior high school musical Anything Goes. She played Reno Sweeney and I was Hope Harcourt. She had the fun role, I had the boring role!

I went to my senior prom alone because my boyfriend went to another school and he already committed to a prom date before we started dating. Our proms were on the same night! Bummer! I still own this black skirt and black sparkly shirt. The shirt fits, the skirt doesn't!

Ah, graduation! Here is me and my kindergarten teacher, Mrs. Batzel! Just look at my haircut.

My parents threw a graduation party for me. I am showing you this picture because my shirt just SCREAMS the year 2000!

One college picture for you... My dorm room! When I showed this to Paul, he laughed out loud at my keyboard. Hey, I was a music major! Notice the CORDED phone on my mini fridge????

There you have it, friends! My hilarious awkward high school photos! I am going to dig around for some college ones next week...

Have you had any unfortunate haircuts?
Did you go to prom?
Where did you go to college? Did you have friends?


  1. Its so fun to look at old pictures! My mom was actually showing us pictures from when she was in high school and her 20s last weekend, and we were talking about how its going to be so weird showing younger people pictures 20-30 years from now because they will have no idea whey they are such terrible quality and not on a phone or computer! I used to take so many pictures when I was younger, but they are all packed away somewhere. I definitely had plenty of haircuts that I would like to forget about:)

    1. Oh yes, it is amazing how much better the quality of pictures have gotten and just the overall ease of taking them! I mean, remember how exciting it was when a roll of film was done being developed and you could go pick it up at the pharmacy??? And if you REALLY wanted something, you could do 1 hour photo which was soooo exciting!

  2. Love! Thanks for taking us down memory lane. Let me tell you, I had many unfortunate cuts probably starting w/ the Dorothy Hamill (your younger readers might not understand the craze that was the Dorothy Hamill haircut). I did go to prom and that was in the late 80's so one year I had a hot pink dress and one year I had a bright teal green dress--both had matching silk shoes died to match (again, another fad of my youth). My first year I went to CU Boulder. Had friends but never felt very close to any of them. Transferred to CSU and immediately felt like I fit in! I had so much fun and met some great friends. I will say, however, after college is when I feel like I finally met "my people".

    1. Wow Dorothy Hamill. You win!!!!! Where did you meet your people? Work?

  3. Not on a high school topic, BUT if you go visit Colorado again in the summer, Grand Lake has Rocky Mountain Repertory Theater, which is a springboard for those who want to try Broadway. The first year I saw them was in Anything Goes.

    1. We saw the theater when we were over in Grand Lake!

  4. Aww, what a trip down memory lane! Sounds like you had a lot of fun in High school with your musical theater friends. That Mickey costume is classic! Did your friend wear the same thing?
    So when did you actually meet Paul?

    1. Yes we all wore the same cheerleading outfit (our school's old outfits) but then we decorated it with our own crazy tights and leg warmers!

      I met Paul on MySpace in 2005!

  5. I never went to prom. I have no regrets of not going. In fact, if I could go back to high school there's a lot of things I wouldn't have done like get that expensive class ring and letterman jacket I never wore after graduation. You don't want to wear something from your high school in college because that just screams freshman, right?

    Love your dorm picture. I had that same mini fridge! It's amazing at how few pictures I have from high school and college, as they are all in photo albums at my parents house. I have a bunch of pics from senior year of college because that's when I got a digital camera! All my others were disposable cameras haha.

    1. It sure does! I never got a class ring either. I know a lot of my friends did, but I am not sure why I didn't. It was probably one of those things where my mom said I could get one if I paid for it, and I decided I didn't want it bad enough to pay for it!

      You and I definitely grew up in the same era! I bet you had calling cards to call home in college too, right???

  6. I had an unfortunate hair color - I dyed my hair jet black in high school and it looked horrific, way too dark! My mom was so nice too - she paid for it to be fixed at a salon.
    I went to Albright College in Reading for undergrad and went to West Chester University for my Masters - I had a good group of friends in college, but at WSU I lived off campus and had no friends! I felt like I knew nobody when I would walk across the campus.
    Those are awesome pics!! You look tall, are you? enjoy your day! Kristen

    1. Wow that is nice of your momma to fix your hair. :)

      One of my best friends went to Albright! She was in the Domino Players and did all kinds of plays and musicals there.

      I bet it was hard to make friends when you lived off campus AND you were older than everyone.

      Nah I am only 5'5, it must just be the pictures that make me look tall!

    2. Yes, I have a nice momma!
      Exactly! I was 27 when I went back for my Masters and living off campus made it difficult.
      Yes, I think you mentioned that before - I am a little older than you, so your friend wouldn't have been there when I was there. It's a great school and the drama department was top notch, still is!

  7. Haha! I love your high school photos. We definitely would have been friends had we been in school together. I was also in a lot of musicals, but was in the pit orchestra as the clarinetist and sometimes sax player. I have tons of pics from that, but they aren't nearly as fun as being in costume. I went to college at UF, and I did have a ton of friends. I, too, was a music major, so most of my friends were confined to the music school.

    1. Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa why did I not know you were a music major???? And I played the clarinet too!! Started in 4th grade and played until I graduated high school. Voice was my major instrument in school with a minor in piano. Was clarinet your major instrument? Were you a performance major?

    2. Yep!! Clarinet performance and a minor in biology. ��

    3. Dang. Okay now when can we get a Vlog of you playing clarinet? :)

  8. Now I'm going to have Hey Mickey stuck on my head all day! First and last annual? That's funny!

    IUP is an excellent school! Far away.... but good. We took a group of kids there for a tour the spring of 2004. It was a beautiful campus and the dining halls were huge!

    That is so wonderful of your parents to throw you a graduation party!

    My most unfortunate haircut was when I was 7 or 8.. I had a mushroom haircut. I know there are pictures somewhere... just dont' know where.

    I went to Penn State Main campus, same years as you 2000-2004. I had more friends in college than I had in my entire life!

    1. It WAS far away. Too far for my liking! A mushroom haircut?? That sounds horrible. But even kids look cute in bad haircuts. :) Wow, we are like the exact same age!

    2. I just went and looked up how far IUP is... from West Chester, which is where we left from back in 2004, it was 4.5 hours. And let me tell you that 4.5 hours in a bus with teenagers is the equivalent of FOREVER!

      I'm turning 34 next month, and I have to admit that as I get older, the less I care about things that used to stress me out, like my age.

    3. I turn 34 tomorrow and I don't like it. I think it sounds a lot older than 33!

  9. HAHAHAHAHA this is excellent. I had my first baby in 2000 and right after I gave birth I went and got the Hallie Berry haircut. OOOOOPS.

    1. At least it wasn't a Hallie Berry tattoo! :)

  10. Oh goodness, so much fun to look back. My mom still has all of the old pics so I've got nada to share. I've definitely had some winning hair dos

    1. I'd love to see teenage Marcia in a throwback post! :)

  11. Awwww I love your pouffy princess skirt for senior prom! I'm sorry you couldn't go with your boyfriend though! What a bummer!

    I spent prom night with a guy I didn't really know too well or like more than an acquaintance. The person I WANTED to go with had told me he wasn't going to go to prom. Then some girl asked him and he said yes. One of my friends was like "dude, what the heck? You know Kristina wanted to go with you right?" and he was like "what, I had no idea. I wish I knew because I would much rather go with her." Ugh. High school is such a mess! In the end it turned out good that I didn't go with him because he showed up drunk and ditched his date to leave early. I am very glad my taste in men improved and I ended up with Adam!!! :)

    1. Isn't it fun to look back at past relationship ummmm "mistakes" and feel so thankful that you ultimately ended up with the man of your dreams???? :)

      So often I look at Paul and say, "I don't think anyone has as much fun as we do!" I have a feeling you and Adam have similar conversations!

  12. I would love to see teenage Karen! I miss corded phones. It is fun to twirl the cord...

  13. I LOVE that you were always comfortable being weird and embraced it! I have a picture of me with my hair done up in two buns like alien antenna and I'm wearing purple lipstick, so I totally get being ~weird~ in high school!

    These pictures are so fun. We were so unfortunate to grow up in the early 2000s because the style was ATROCIOUS so all our pictures of us in awkward phases are even MORE awkward :)

    1. Weirdos unite!!!

      Yeah, I really think 2000s styles were worse than like the 90s!
