
Monday, May 9, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Good Monday Morning, Readers!
I hope all the moms out there had a FABULOUS Mother's Day!
I do believe parents have the most important job in the world. Thank you, MOTHERS!

Here is how our weekend went down...

It was dreary out for about the fifth day in a row. I was so sick of the rain and chilly weather, but Fridays are still magical. 
I got up a little earlier than normal so I could squeeze 6 miles in before work. A little extra endorphins never hurt anyone, right? Running in the morning before I start the day just makes me so happy.

Work was... work. Let's just say, there are 18 days of school left!

After work, Paul wanted to go to the gym, so I ended up getting in a pretty good lifting session at Planet Fitness!

Then we went out for our favorite post workout meal... sushi!

DQ is on the way home, so why not???

It was still dreary!!!!! Come on, I need some sunshine! It was warm so I did get to go for an 8 miler in shorts and a tank.

When I got home, I cleaned out all of my drawers and my closet. I keep my clothes in the guest room, so then I house cleaned the guest room! We are systematically going through each room in the house and scrubbing/organizing from top to bottom. It took me about 4 hours to do everything in the guest room but I felt very accomplished by the end!

Note: The scale on the floor is to weigh the cats. I do not weigh myself!!

I feel SO IN CONTROL when I am organized!

That evening, we met some friends at Spring Gate Winery for Derby Day! I was excited to dress up and wear a big hat.

With Randy and Michael, newly engaged! Congrats!!!

These are some lovely ladies that I work with! Did your elementary school teachers look like them? Probably not!!!

Can we talk about those heels? I haven't worn heels FOREVER and generally only wear them for sitting down activities. I was like a baby fawn for the first couple hours but eventually I was able to walk like a normal person. I just could not go to Derby Day in that dress and that hat without THOSE HEELS!

I woke up at 6am and could not fall back asleep. I finally got up and went for a 5 mile run. I was done before it was even 8 o'clock! Then I took my mom and SIL out for breakfast for Mother's Day. I didn't take pictures but I swear it happened! We had so much fun. I love my mom and I love my SIL. Here's a throwback pic of my mom and I from a few months ago.

I had most of the rest of the afternoon to myself so scrubbed our breakfast nook from top to bottom and cleaned/organized the pantry.

Then I met my good friend Bree for a 3.5 mile walk. Again, no pictures, but I swear it happened! Then we went back to my house and I served her cheese. Bree ate brie! Did I blow your mind???? She is growing a baby inside of her. When your friend is growing a baby, you serve then whatever they desire! (Unless it's meth, cigarettes, or scotch.)

The rest of my Sunday was just completing little doodads for the week that are not interesting to tell you about. Not like the rest of my weekend was super compelling but I draw the line at doodads.

Oh wait! I will tell you I have made a serious investment in zucchini, I will be eating zucchini for dinner for the next week, at least!

I'll leave you with some sweet kitty pics! Here is me and Christmas expressing our love...

I swear I am not pulling him, it just looks that way because of his fur.

And here is Jelly's blue blanket. The blanket is normally on our bed. Jelly puts it in his mouth and walks in circles, twisting it up. Well, this weekend he not only twisted it up but he carried it all the way to our basement stairs. What a silly little boy!

Did you do anything nice on Mother's Day?
Do you like cleaning/organizing?
Did you watch the Derby????
What's your favorite Blizzard flavor?
How was your weekend?


  1. I am counting down the days until the end of the year, which makes teaching really hard because I just want to fast-forward through it! haha

    I went to my first-ever derby party this weekend. I've decided I really like hats! Your organizational skills are excellent - I'm jealous of how neat everything looks!

    1. I saw your picture, you look great in your derby hat!! :)

  2. WOW, you look amazing in your Derby outfit! I love those heels, they are beautiful.

    Your closet organizing skills are on point! Adam's closet is the most organized, cleanest closet you will ever find. My closet is the exact opposite! I hang all of my work clothes so they're fairly organized, but the rest of my stuff ... disheveled piles upon piles!

    1. Thank you! I love the heels too, they are just not very... functional. :)

      Unfortunately I feel like my closet will be back to being unorganized in a few weeks! I really hope I can keep up with it though.

  3. I love your outfit to the party! You look fabulous--mad respect for wearing those killer heels. But you are right, they made the look! I am a super organized person. And a minimalist. I don't love doing the cleaning, organizing which is why I stay on top of it (we just made a trip to Good Will on Saturday). We did a belated Cinco de Mayo party Friday night and CO got a ton of rain this weekend so we were pretty low key. Did some shopping, did some catching up on "No Reservations" and did a lot of relaxing! I can't eat Blizzards because of my lactose issue but if I could I would do Snickers. Ugh, just thinking about it is making my mouth water!

    1. I want to get to the place you are- where I can stay on top of everything. Right now my jewelry and closet/drawers are organized so let's keep them that way! The pantry tends to go downhill really quick too. OMG I threw out bread crumbs that expired in 2010!!!!!!

      Ooh Snickers Blizzard sounds good!

      I am glad you had some relaxing time this weekend! Soon the sun will be out all the time and it will be warm and we will want to be outside!

  4. That's such a pretty outfit! I never go to anything nice, so I rarely dress up. I'm always either in hiking clothes, running clothes, or yoga clothes. Haha!

    I am terribly disorganized and I hate cleaning, so my house remains a mess. My closet looks like an explosion happened. I need you to come help me with your awesome organization skills!

    1. I love dressing up even though there aren't many places in this day in age that you can dress up for! Although there were all kinds of clothes at the derby day. There were people dressed up and people dressed down. So you totally could have shown up in your hiking/running clothes!

      I would love to help you organize! I think organizing is FUN once you get into a groove.

  5. I can't believe your cat has a blankie!!!! HA HA! So cute. xoxo I LOVE those heels. You look amazing!!! Glad you had fun! That's a hot group of teachers.

    1. LOL well it's not technically HIS, it's just a throw for on our bed but it's so fuzzy that he loves it and he basically has decided it's his. :)

  6. I loathe cleaning/organizing but LOVE when it's done! Ha! You look so beautiful and festive for the Derby but yes, I don't know how I ever wore heels regularly. Its such a tough time of year with school ending soon! The kids want out and I'm sure the teachers do too!

    1. Thank you, Marcia! I love dressing up! And since most of my blog pics are me in pjs if I ever get dressed up I want to share it on here! :)

      Yes we all just want to say adios to school!

      Definitely- when all is organized everything feels right in the world.

  7. I just want to say Wowzaa about your arms girl!

    I bought zucchini this weekend too. I plan to use it with my spiral device to Mae pasta. It's so good that way!

    1. That sounds VERY good! I never made it like spaghetti but I do make zuke fries and dip them in marinara, so sort of the same thing. ;)

      Thank you! I am trying to build muscle and I want my arms to look cut. It's hard to do because I am not naturally muscular.

  8. You look so fancy on your hat, and your super high heels! I like your idea of wearing those for sitting activities!

    Are you wearing some sort of band on those monkey bars? What is that for?

    I had a nice mother's day.. lots of driving around to see my mother and sister. but I can't complain, I stole myself some bread at my sister's bakery.

    My favorite blizzard flavor is turtle... it's not real, but I make them make it for me. vanilla ice cream, Chocolate syrup, caramel, pecans and chocolate chips.

    I have never watched the Derby, but I love looking at the pictures of people in fancy hats!

    I consider myself organized, but I'm currently avoiding my closet... if I don't see the mess, it's not there.

    enjoy the zucchini!

    1. Yeah it's a resistance band, it was giving me some assistance for the pull ups! Someone was hogging the machine...

      It sounds like Turtle Blizzards are pretty real in your world. :) I would like to try one of those!

  9. Thanks Karen!

    Listen I am with you, I always blow my cleaning/organizing plans. The only reason I am following through this time is because Paul is helping me!

  10. I love the color of your shoes! I have been wanting nude shoes for years but somehow never manage to break out of my navy black chocolate vortex.

    1. Thank you! You should get a pair! They go with everything. Mine are Vera Wang for Kohl's and I got them when I had a 30% off coupon. They are as comfortable as platform heels of that height can be.

  11. I like cleaning and organizing, but it can also be so overwhelming. i love our new place, though--it was awesome to do that in! But also brain melting, haha. And I love that you weigh your pets, haha. Such a fun weekend!

    1. It sure can. If I am in the *mood* it really helps. And for some reason I was in the mood! So you have a new place! That is always a good reason to start fresh.

      Our cats... have a bit of a weight problem. :) And we want them to live forever so we have to measure their food and all that jazz. We don't sleep anymore but at least they are back down to a healthy weight! :)

  12. Reading about all of your cleaning-capades makes me want to go organize and clean!

    You look so fab in your Derby outfit!!! I'd definitely be all 'Bambi like' if I even attempted to walk in those.

    1. Thank you, Heather! I really did have to hang onto Paul as we walked down the sloping driveway and into the winery.

      Reading about other people organizing makes me want to organize too. :)

  13. It feels so good to be organized! I love the feeling of cleaning out my kitchen and closet. Your outfit for Derby Day looks so cute but I have no idea how you survived in those heels!

    1. I sat down A LOT!!!!! I mean, I walked to the bathroom, that is it. :)

  14. Look at you at you all dressed up fancy wearing heels!

    I am a chocolate extreme + cookie dough blizzard fan. The more chocolate the better. I still don’t understand why they only use vanilla. What is your favorite blizzard flavor?

    I love closet clean-out day. I clean my closet at least once a month and put stuff on consignment. Every time I sell something I get to buy something new.

    So… How often do you weigh the cats? ☺

    1. Wow so you would do all that WITH chocolate ice cream? You are hardcore. :) I love apple pie or pumpkin pie blizzard! Unfortunately they don't have them all year long.

      Haha well Paul weighs them because I don't weigh myself and weighing the cats requires weighing yourself first and then weighing yourself holding the cats. When they were in weight loss mode, they got weighed every Sunday night. Now that they are in maintenance mode.... once a month!?
