
Sunday, May 8, 2016

New Format

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger... Hey all! I am going to try a different scheduling format for these next several months. Here's what's going down...

Mondays will remain my Weekend Wrap Up days. My weekends tend to be a little less exciting in the summer because since I have off, excitement could be happening any old day of the week! 

Tuesdays will be my training recaps. Since Hansons starts their weeks on a Monday, I will recap the previous Monday-Sunday. I would post it on Sunday afternoon, but I feel like less people read blogs on Sundays. Maybe more people will read it if I post it during the week.

Wednesday and Thursday will be whatever I feel like, no particular theme.

Fridays will be Friday 5 or Runfessions. I have been enjoying the Friday 5 link up, but it does require you to stick to a set topic. The hardest topic I have writing about is food. I don't always have five things to say about food, and I hate forcing a post. So I will stick with the link ups for the weeks that I feel like I have something relevant to say on the topic.

Saturday and Sunday will be two more days without a particular theme. I have been dabbling in "Hot Topic" posts and have a few in my draft folder. It would be cool to keep Saturday as Hot Topic day but I don't know I will have something "hot" to talk about every week!

So there ya go! The Meg Go Run Spring/Summer schedule.

As always, thanks for stopping by and reading! Or skimming. Or looking at pictures. Or hate reading. Whatever you do, thank YOU!


  1. I like that you have a blogging schedule. I've been testing that out. I'm starting to do weekly workout posts (more for myself than my readers, really) on Sundays or Mondays, and sometimes I do the TOTR linkup on Tuesdays. I did a TOL linkup for the first time last week! That was fun. I think linkups make me nervous because you need to get the post done ahead of time and sometimes it needs to be on-theme, which is hard for me! I agree with you - I hate forcing a post. But this time of year is so busy and boring that I don't have much to write about without a prompt sometimes! :)

    1. My workout posts are mostly for me too! But also that if people are nosy they know what I am up to.

      Prompts definitely help me from time to time as well!

  2. I definitely like having sort of a schedule to follow. I think Mondays will always be my weekly recaps and then there are other link-ups throughout the week that I like to join in. Otherwise I like posting Mon/Wed/Fri to spread things out and it gives me enough time to read other blogs and reply to comments in between! Now that I post 2-3 days a week I don't know how I ever had time to post 5-7 days a week. And I am always so impressed that you come up with something to write about every day!

    1. Well it helps that I don't only post about running and then o course there is the fact that not every single post is earth shattering. I would never be able to write something MEANINGFUL 7 days a week! I mean lets see just a couple days ago I ranked the Survivor seasons hahaha!

  3. I think that with the election, hot topics will be abundant--Don't forget the Olympics coming up too!! (not necessarily a hot topic, but an interesting one!)
    I am impressed that you post everyday, I enjoy reading your blog.

    1. That is a good point!! Maybe Saturdays should be Meg Go Run: Election Coverage!!

      Thank you for reading Cheryl, I'm glad we connected on here. :)

  4. I love your new schedule, I love your old schedule...I love your blog. Just as long as you don't stop blogging I will by happy. You are my favorite blogger and it's something I look forward to every day. Keep it up, Megan!

    1. You are so sweet Susan! It is hard for me to imagine being someone's favorite blogger! But that is a compliment I do not take lightly so THANK YOU. :) Thank you for reading and sharing every day. And thanks for playing Scrabble with me. :):)

    2. Your blog is the standard I measure all other blogs against and honestly, I am only down to reading 3 blogs anymore! The others just don't do it for me but yours is the BEST -- and bonus, you play Scrabble w/ me and we are pretty evenly matched so no one feels lame :)

    3. STOP!!!! You guys!!! No seriously I take that as the most best compliment ever because Susan even though you don't have a blog I feel like you do because you post here so much. :) And Kristina, you know how I feel about your blog and vlogs. Omg just the other day I was watching an old vlog of yours while I cut veggies up. :)

    4. I think I was suffering from Kristina withdrawal because you were out of the country. :)

    5. ...and to add to that, the other blogs I read are Kristina's and Karen's. Both of them I found through your comments section. Love both of them! So that's it...the three great ladies of blogging who keep shit real, and fun and most of all interesting!!

    6. I love their's too! I don't even know how I found their blogs but I'm glad I did!

  5. I love your hot topic posts!!! Never stop writing them! Ever! :)

    I like the idea of having a schedule for my blog but I can't do it. Since part of my day job includes overseeing a team of blog writers and making sure they are are all track with their schedules I just can't bring myself to manage a blog schedule at home! If my blog ever feels like work I'll stop writing it, so I have to skip over the work-y parts!

    1. I totally get that! I mean, I hate when work interferes with my personal life and I do everything I can to not make that happen. It's not that I don't like my work, but there needs to be boundaries. And if there weren't boundaries, I know I would like my work a lot less.

      What do your team of blog writers write about? You have such a grown up job. :)

    2. Exactly!

      The agency I work for doesn't specialize in any particular vertical so our client roster is eclectic. We manage blogs (and other marketing campaigns) for clients across the spectrum from financial services to consumer products and well known people ... but we don't work for Leonardo DiCaprio or anything!

  6. Bahaha, hate reading! I have been unable to sit down and write anything for my blog lately and then I feel like I have toooooo much to write! But, I think I'll be getting a post finished today. Yeah goal!! Just got my plan from my coach. Hansons will be the death of me in week one. Or so I feel. I never do warm ups and pre-exercises... and maybe that's why I'm always in pain. So, here's to trying something new!

    1. I hope you get a post finished! I love reading your blog! :)

      I admit, I have hate read blogs before. :) What happens is it either starts as a blog I like and then I realize I don't like it, or I know right away I don't like it.... but then I keep reading just to HATE. Then eventually, I am just done because I realize I am a grown ass woman and hate reading is dumb.

      So wait is your coach having you do Hansons??? Guess I will have to go read that post so said you wrote!!! :)

    2. Yes, he is. Got really great results from it. He was the only person I know that did better in Boston - ran 2:53! That sold me. But, not blogging about that till later this week!

  7. What made you decide to switch up your blogging schedule?

    I agree that writing about food for the Friday five is one of our most challenging blog posts to come up with too. We try to stay on theme as best we can but often put our own spin on it (sometimes)!

    1. Mainly just the Hansons being a Mon-Sun plan and I used to do my weeks Sat-Fri... mainly because I don't think anyone really cares about my workouts (judging from my blog stats not many people read my workout recaps on Saturdays) BUT I think now that I am actually training for something it will be a little more interesting and hopefully more people will read because of that and because it is on a Tuesday. Who the hell knows. We will see. :)

      Yah I know we talked about the food thing. I never know what to write for that one! But you did give me that good Aldi idea that one time!

  8. I post my weekly recap Sunday/Monday...I agree with you that most people seem to read blogs more on Monday. I've been doing this schedule for a while.

    1. Cool! Yah that is one of the reasons I tried to put short/lighter stuff on the weekend cause not as many people read.

  9. Your blog, your own format! Sounds good to me! just keep posting, and I'll keep coming back to read. I like that you keep it honest, fun, and real.... but if you start posting product reviews 4 times a week, I might just roll my eyes.

    I was reading about forcing on writing about food, and had to laugh to myself... I could post about food all day, everyday. Maybe watch too much food network? maybe I should start a food blog.

    1. If I'm not mistaken, I don't think I ever did a product review! If I talk about something, it is just organically within my blog post. And I've never been given anything from a company to review either! I just don't reach out. I know some people like doing product reviews but they're not for me.

      I do often go on about how I love Aldi and Knoebels' though!

    2. And I appreciate that you don't do product reviews! Very much!

      there was a local blogger that I used to follow, but more than half of her content was product reviews. I hesitated on not following her, because occasionally she would post about local trails, but it got to the point that I couldn't take one more product review.

    3. Yeah, it's definitely a to each their own thing. I read some blogs that do product reviews from time to time but I usually just skip them. I'm sure they don't mind! It's hard to just keep up with everything so I need to draw the line somewhere!

  10. Oh I bet you could! You always seem to have a lot to say! :)
