
Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Bad Running Dreams

Do you ever have running dreams? I do... and they're BAD! Generally, I have dreams where I am trying to run and can't move my legs. Sometimes I dream that my alarm doesn't go off and I'm late for a race. But a couple weeks ago, I had a very vivid running dream that was just so weird that I had to share it with you!

Jump into my twisted brain... I dare you!

My dream began at the start line of a marathon down by the river in my hometown of Millersburg, PA. My goal for the marathon was to BQ. When the gun went off, me and many other runners were about 1/4 mile from the start. Everyone around me started running. I wanted to walk to the start (Hello, chip timing people!!) as to conserve energy, but everyone else was running so I did too.

That was just the first thing that went wrong at this race. Here are some other things that didn't go my way...

1. I kept forgetting to get water at the water stops.

2. Instead of grabbing salt tabs from a fuel station I grabbed a peanut butter donut.

3. I noticed I was wearing jean shorts instead of running shorts.

4. My Garmin wouldn't work and there were no mile markers.

5. For some reason, I had worn my backpack instead of hydration pack. I tossed it to my mom. I didn't need that weighing me down.

6. I kept getting lost on the course! We were supposed to follow orange crime scene tape but sometimes it would lead me in the wrong direction.

7. Sometimes my legs wouldn't move so I had to fly until they started moving again.

8. I had to pee really bad so I peed my pants.

9. The route went through people's houses. Sometimes there was furniture blocking hallways that we would have to move and climb through. "I'm never going to BQ on a course like this!" I kept thinking.

The end of the dream was the scariest. There was a man following me with a knife. He kept after me and was slicing the orange crime scene tape as he got closer and closer. My dad was following to try to protect me. I ran into a house and down into the basement. (Stupid!! Why did I do that???) I was desperately trying to find a door or window to get out of the basement before the guy caught up with me! He was upstairs fighting my dad.

Luckily, Christmas woke me up from my dream before the guy came down to the basement to kill me.

This was one of those very vivid dreams that I remembered so many details from. It's actually kind of funny I think. 

Do you have bad running dreams?


  1. Jean shorts, a peanutbutter doughnut, an running around furniture, this is so funny Megan (although I know it wasn't funny while you were dreaming it).

    I rarely dream about running but a few years back I kept having a dream that I was at the Tower of Terror race and when the start gun (or fireworks rather) went off, my legs wouldn't work so I had to walk. That was when I was just getting over my first bout of ITBS so I can understand why those dreams may have occurred.

    1. It was funny until the killer came after me! :)

      I bet a lot of people have the "my legs won't work" dream. I have that all the time. And the naked dream.

  2. Wow, that is quite a dream! Sometimes I get anxiety dreams before races but nothing that intense or vivid!

  3. "Sometimes my legs wouldn't move so I had to fly." Is that cheating?! Hahahaha! What a strange dream! I hardly ever have running dreams, but on the cruise I actually dreamt that I was at the starting line of a marathon except I only had the training I have now and I knew it was going to be a disaster. The marathon was run on a track where you just run loops until you are done. I was so worried! In my dream I think I only completed two loops before I woke up in a complete panic!

    I have dreams where I am being chased by someone with a knife or a gun too frequently! I know how scary that shiz is! When I was in middle and high school I used to always dream that I was walking down the hallway and someone shot me in the back. I would fall to the ground and think, "wow, this is dying, it's less painful than I thought." O_O

    1. Haha I don't know if it is cheating or not! In the dream it wasn't. ;)

      I am glad you woke up from that horrible dream! I think running track loops would be the worst.

      EWWWWW your scary HS dream!! That is freaky. :(

  4. That sounds like an awful dream! And so vivid! Those dreams are way too real! and a guy chasing you with a knife? yikes!

    I have only had one running dream, I was running a 10K and was running super fast, as I was about to cross the finish line, I would wake up and go back to sleep to be starting the same race again, I had that dream on loop the whole night.

    1. Oh my gosh! That recurring dream sounds exhausting!

  5. Did you pee your pants in real life? I had a dream that I pooped my pants and I woke up dying to go poo.

    1. Haha no I didn't pee my pants in real life! But I often have dreams I have to pee and then wake up having to pee!

  6. Wow--there are no words. If it makes you feel any better my dad bikes in jean shorts all the time (and he bikes up to 100 miles per week!!)

    1. I have no idea--he's been biking in jeans and jean shorts for like 40 years. I don't even want to know the situation down there. LOL--UGH.

  7. That's a lot of crazy packed into one dream! I've only had a couple of weird running dreams (that I remember) and they're usually before a big goal race. I feel like they're the universe's way of getting the bad stuff out of my system so I'm good to go on race day.

    1. Well that is definitely a good way to process those bad running dreams. I don't have any races coming up so I will just chalk it up to maybe I ate something weird before I went to bed??? :)

  8. That is such a strange dream!! Like... why did a guy come after you with a knife? I feel like that could motivate me to move a little faster, so maybe I should hire someone to do that to get me that sub-4 at Colfax. Haha! I've never had a dream like that. My dreams are more like images and feelings than stories. I'll have a dream where I am convinced that I woke up too late and can't make it to the starting line. I'll wake up really energized and feeling like I need to run out the door but it'll be like 2 nights before the race. Haha! Your dream is great though. I'm sure some dream book could tell you what it all means. lol

    1. HAHAHA I am just imagining someone following you at Colfax!

  9. that is one bizarro dream - crazy! I have dreamt about running quite a few times, where I can't get anywhere, my legs won't move. I dream all the time about going back to college and going to the last class of the semester, knowing that I will fail the final because I haven't been to class at all! Those are what my dad calls frustration dreams! Kristen

    1. Oh my gosh I have had going back to college dreams too! I hate them because I panic and miss my cats.

  10. I've had crazy running dreams in the past, where I wake up and go WTH? So funny!

  11. OMG the PB donut made me laugh so hard!! That WOULD make running really hard!

    I have dreams that I can't run and have to lean forward and use my arms to propel me like a monkey. Or that there are obstacles in my way, like the furniture in your dream!

    1. LOL I am picturing you using your arms! :) Why is it so many of us have running dreams where we can't run!?

  12. Oh my gosh Karen you are so funny! I saw BOM twice but if you had not pointed out that reference I would have completely missed it hahaha! Now I am going to have Spooky Mormon Hell Dream in my head for the rest of the day. ;)
