
Sunday, May 1, 2016

I just gotta stick to my routine.

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This never gets old!

Okay now for the real stuff.

In case you haven't gathered, 99.99999% of the time I complete all of my workouts in the morning. There. You needed to know that before reading the rest of this post!

Want to know something weird? Whenever I attempt to change the next day's workout from morning to afternoon, I get legit anxiety! The last time this happened was about two weeks ago. The next day I didn't have piano lessons after work, so I was going to take Paul to the gym. It made sense to postpone my lifting to the afternoon and lift at the gym with Paul.

Except I just couldn't do it! As I was getting ready for bed, I was getting sad and anxious. I set my alarm for 7:15am and it just didn't seem right. Finally I decided that there was no reason to put myself through this. I reset my alarm for 5:45am and got up bright and early the next day to lift.

I know it's ridiculous, but postponing my workout until after work just doesn't compute in my brain. My brain is hardwired for my morning endorphins and by golly I'm going to get them. Megan without her morning workout is like a coffee addict without coffee!

This is not a post that's going to list all the benefits of working out in the morning. I know a lot of people like to workout in the afternoon or evening because that's what computes with their brain. I wonder if there's anyone that swings both ways? They don't mind doing it in the morning or the evening, it just depends on their schedule.
Let me know in the comments! Do you prefer morning, afternoon/evening, or do you go BOTH WAYS?


  1. I am definitely with you on this. I never skip a morning workout because I know it will be so much harder to do it later in the day!

    1. Yes, I think you and I are the same in that we like coming home from work and relaxing!

  2. I prefer the morning, otherwise I have a hard time getting it done

  3. I. Think it's funny that you didn't want to enjoy those extra hours off sleep. My schedule really dictatess when I work out. Even though I may have plans to run/workout with Scott after work, I still do my run/workout in the afternoon when I get home because there have been too many times when "things come up" and he can't make it and then of course I get upset cus I waited around for him. This way I get my workout in and then if he wants to run later than I just use that as a bonus!

    1. I know! A normal person would look forward to sleeping in. Especially since I just sat in the car and read while Paul was lifting at the gym... and I KNEW that's what I would be doing. There was no reason to not catch some extra sleep and then just work out when he was.

      Oh yes, that would annoy me if I waited around for someone and then they cancelled- for a legit OR not legit reason.

  4. I think you know the answer for me! Always morning or nothing at all. By the end of the day, my body won't cooperate unless I force it and since my schedule allows me to work out first thing, that is what I do. Rick, on the other hand, prefers to workout at 3-4 pm as soon as he gets home from work. He has tried the morning thing and says he's just not warmed up enough. I am in awe for those that can swing both ways. That would actually be awesome, I think.

    1. I agree, in an ideal world I'd be able to swing both ways!

  5. I prefer morning, but from 8-10 ish, which now can't happen because of my job. I was doing 6am workouts, but I hate not having eating anything, so I seem to do better after work if I can swing getting out between 5-5:30. It's no ideal.

    1. I remember reading a day in the life style post from you when you were still freelancing and you had a great sked! Working a couple hours, then working out, then working again.

  6. I am a morning workout person. I like to do it before I start my day. Rarely will I run in the evening and it just doesn't feel good to me. But you do what you have to do, right?

    1. Very true. If afternoon was my only option I would do it!

  7. I get anxiety if I miss a morning workout and plan to move it to the afternoon...but if I preplan to workout in the afternoon I'm fine. I don't like feeling like I'm spending all day WAITING for my workout. What do I eat? When do I need to be done eating? When do I need to get dressed? Do I have time to watch a show first? This is why I like to do my workouts in the mornings on weekends but in the afternoons on weekdays...the schedule helps me stay focused on the weekends and on the weekend I like to get it out of the way!

    1. That is a very good strategy! I have problems figuring out what to eat when I do it in the afternoon.

  8. Back in the day when I worked a corporate job I mostly hit the gym after work. That was fine. Now if I waited until afternoon or evening to get my workout in, I know it would never happen. I'd find a million excuses or other things that needed to be done.

    1. I know you are busy with Thing 1 and Thing 2! :)

  9. I am hardwired for morning workouts, although I have been doing more late morning and mid afternoon runs lately because that what my schedule allows. Plus, with Ironman training, the run is the third leg so I'll have to get used to the idea of running a marathon in the afternoon/early evening. Whenever I wait until the end of the day to run, I always have an excuse not to. :)

    1. Late morning is okay for me, as long as it's the weekend. :)

  10. Working out late on the weekends really does stress me out and cause me anxiety as well because I feel like I have to rush to get my long run done. However On weeknights after I walk Lola and then I go work out if you was right for me. During the summer I will do all of my working out in the morning and then my body will adjust to that leaving me feeling Anxious in the fall when I first start doing evening workouts again LOL. It's a vicious cycle!

    1. That is so interesting! So you are basically like me except you stick with it. If you worked out before work how early would you have to get u?

  11. Definitely in the morning. If I don't get up and run, I feel like I have to wake up early and do something just so I feel productive before 8am!

    1. Sometimes on a rest day I wake up naturally super early and just start cleaning the house!

  12. I'm not good at waiting either. MY run is one of the best parts of the day and I want it NOW. Speaking of that, one more trip to the bathroom and out I go.

  13. I was reading this last night, sitting in a coffee shop trying to wake up to do a run.... at 5:00 pm! I prefer working out in the afternoon, because I have to be at work too early.

    So, if you miss the work out in the morning, for whatever reason, would you do it in the afternoon? or just skip it?

    1. I would do it, but I would feel horrible the whole day!
