
Monday, May 2, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Happy Monday! Did you know that not counting today, I only have 4 more Mondays left in the school year? WAHOO!

I was so excited for it to be Friday! The main reason was I hadn't seen Paul much that week. On Tuesdays, I teach piano lessons so we don't hang out then. Wednesday, he had an event to go to, and Thursday I didn't see him at all because he left for a concert before I even got home from work. Needless to say, we had a lot of catching up to do!

But we do have our priorities. Catching up would have to wait until we watched SURVIVOR! Since he was gone Wednesday and Thursday, we hadn't got to see it yet. Somehow I was self disciplined enough to wait to watch it with him without spoiling myself.

That's love.

That evening we watched Bates Motel (it's getting GOOD!) and ate Blizzards. It was a lazy, fattening Friday. Life is grand!

That morning I took Paul to the gym. Instead of running on the treadmill there, I ran to a nearby park and just ran loops around the paved trail. It wasn't the best run but I did have good podcasts. I ran 8 miles at a pretty consistent 8:30 pace and then walked 2 miles.

Paul had plans with his friends for the rest of the day, so I did some grocery shopping and cooking. Then I caught up on some much needed blogging. I like to write and prepare a lot of posts in advance so there is always something to work on where my blog is concerned.

After catching up on blogging, I caught up on all the shows on my DVR. It was a catch up kind of day.

Oh yeah, and I signed up for a marathon!

Then I started taking random quizzes online. I focused on identifying presidents by their pictures and also putting the presidents in the right order. It was fun! I have to stick with it though or I will forget everything I learned.

Do you know who this is???

My back hurt when I woke up because the cats were snuggling me and had me in an unnatural position. Of course I wasn't going to move as I didn't want to disturb the cats.

I had a bad dream that night! I dreamed I was running a marathon and trying to BQ everything was going wrong. Maybe I will save that dream for another post!

I had a MEGA lifting session at home. It took me over two hours to complete! Luckily I had lots of Datelines to watch!

That afternoon we went to an 80th birthday party for my Grandma! She is one of the toughest and most loving women I know. She and my Pappy raised six children. I hope she felt everyone's love at her party!

With Mom and Grandma

Four generations- my brother, his kids, my mom, and Grandma

Don't you just want to eat Clementine?

My beautiful SIL and bro.

Happy Birthday, Grandma!!!!!!!!!!!
(I think you read this!)

Are there any TV shows you simply have to watch with your partner?

Do you know all the presidents?

Tell me something fun you did this weekend!


  1. I literall know two of the presidents I think, lol. In Canada we call them the Prime Minister, as I'm sure you know. I love how you guys all look alike!

    1. Well if I am being honest the only PM I know from Canada is the one you have now... I forget his name but I know what he looks like. Rather young and supposedly "hot" but I don't think so.

  2. Love the pictures of your family! How fun. Right now, Rick and I watch Orange is the New Black and Anthony Bourdain together. At one time I did know all the presidents but not anymore :( We had a night in Denver on Saturday--dinner at our favorite steak house & a comedy show = the perfect night. I do know this....the weekend went way too fast!

    1. It looked like it was your anniversary, right? Happy happy! I am glad you guys had fun. :)

    2. Yes--17 years of marriage (22 of being together which is 1/2 my life!!)

    3. Wow!!!! :) How did you meet Rick?

  3. Congrats on signing up for Via! Yup, Scott an I have a whole Friday night line up that we dvr to watch together. Dateline, sharktank, Amazing race! We actually went out to a show last Friday so that just through our schedule way

    1. Uh oh you better set aside some time to catch up!

  4. Congrats on signing up for the marathon! How exciting!

  5. Congrats on committing to the marathon! I hope you BQ!

    1. Thanks Wendy! Ya all gave me marathon feverrrrr.

  6. Hooray on signing up for the VIA marathon!

    Happy Birthday to your Grandma!! I love multiple generation pictures!

    For my exciting stuff.. my mom is back from Mexico! and she brought me Mexican cookies ! Yums!

    1. YAY! Was she there for awhile? Do you have a lot of family there still?

    2. She was there for 1 month, and is already planning on leaving again!

      All my siblings live here in PA, my parents spend half their year here and half in Mexico. I have lots of aunts, uncles and cousins down there.

  7. The kids and I are big into Survivor this season...
    Happy birthday, Grandma!
    "Wash and Jeff Made Mother a junky Velvet Hat. Tyler, Polk Taylor, Filmore, Pierce, Buchanon, Lincoln..."

    The start of a mnemonic device for the president's. Yes, I have them memorized (we had to in school, way back when). It is surprising how many times I have referred back to that list through the years. However, it is usually in odd situations, trivia contests etc. Handy none-the-less!

    1. NICE!! Who are you loving and hating??? We really like this season but if Jason wins I will be so mad.

      I am hoping learning the presidents in order will help me in trivia or game night situations! :)

    2. We LOVE to HATE Jason, and were cheering wildly when Scott got voted off. I would like Aubrey to win, but I think Tai plays a great game. We have been enjoying tribal council

    3. I was cheering when scott got voted out too!!! :) It is a great season. Team Aubrey here as well.

  8. I would probably fail miserably on those president's quizzes. I was always pretty bad at history!

    1. I was never interested in it so I never studied. But I don't remember ever being asked to learn them in order.

  9. Woohoo! Congrats on signing up for a marathon! I am pretty good at the presidents because I always loved American History. I had a great teacher in high school for that subject and she really instilled an appreciation for the subject.

    Frank and I went kayaking this weekend! It was super fun! We didn't see each other much last week either, so I was really looking forward to spending the weekend with him.

    1. I wish I had been interested in history in HS. Oh, so much I "learned" in HS that I wish I had cared about way back when.

      I am glad you had fun kayaking! Paul and I really want to try that! Our neighbor said we could borrow his kayaks and we have friends with kayaks so now we just have to make it HAPPEN.

  10. I loved all the pics from your grandma's 80th birthday. I'm so glad your family is all close like that. My paternal grandmother lived into her nineties and she wasn't a very happy person. :(

    Excited about your marathon signup!

    1. It is said when people age that they are sometimes not the same person they used to be. :( Luckily my Gma is still getting jiggy with her bad self.

  11. I can't believe your strength training took over two hours! Do you always do 5 sets of exercises? I feel like I have always been told to do 3. How do you decide how many sets/reps? See, this is why I need a personal trainer!

    1. No you can totally do more than 3 sets. It depends what your goals are. See I like to stick with the basic BIG moves. Chest press, push ups, pull ups, rows. I would rather do more sets of those very effective exercises (for me and I can do them at home) then other chest/back exercises. So what I am saying is for me, I'd rather do more sets of the exercises I know WORK. Now my reps were all over the place today because 1. I don't normally lift chest/back the same day and 2. I wanted to lift a little lighter than normal because I wanted to do lots of different body parts. So I guess what I am saying is this workout was not normal for me. :)

    2. My other problem is I need to up my weights but I don't have the weights I need, so I am doing more reps with lighter weights...

    3. Also no it doesn't normally take me two hours it takes me 1 hour- 1 hour and 15 minutes because I normally do split body parts. :)

  12. I would flunk that presidents quiz. Ashamed teacher here.

    I have 6 Mondays left...but Memorial Day doesn't count, right? With all the testing we have this month and our trip to DC looming, it actually feels like school is almost over!

    1. Of course Memorial Day doesn't count. I wasn't counting it either. :) The kids are done June 3 and unfortunately we have to go back for an in-service on the 6th. It will be such a wasted day!
