
Saturday, April 30, 2016

Weekly Workout Recap!

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Hola Peeps! Here is my training for the week!
I'm keeping it really light for now. My training for Via officially starts on May 12. There is no reason to try to do anything but run "la la la" until then.

Saturday- Movie Madness Half Marathon. Recap here!

Sunday- My quads were a bit sore and I wanted to recover from the race, so I loaded up my mp3 player with Survivor podcasts and went for a 5 mile walk. When I got home, I lifted back.

Band Asst. Wide Grip Pull Ups- 5x6

Bicycle Crunches- 5x40
Dumbbell Row- 5x10x25lb
Band Asst. Neutral Grip Pull Ups- 2x8, 3x6
Bicep Curl- 5x10x15lb
Plank w/ Row- 5x10x10lb

Lots of stretching!!!

Monday- I lifted chest at home.

Chest Press- 5x10x25lb

Bicycle Crunches- 5x40
Push Ups- 10x10
Shoulder Press- 5x10x25lb
Sit ups on stability ball- 5x15x15lb
Chest Press (neutral grip)- 5x15x15lb
Stability ball pull ins- 5x15
Tricep dips- 5x15

Sometimes I poo-poo tricep dips but my triceps have been popping lately. But it also could be from the push ups. Who knows?

Tuesday- My first run since the race. I started out feeling light and fresh, but as the run wore on, it got difficult. The run was still enjoyable because it was warm out and the birds were chirping. Towards the end of my run, I swung by my polling station to vote and then ran home, making it an even 6 miles.

Wednesday- I did an easy 5 miler around my hood. I was tired, but not looking to break any records. The easy run felt really good. So did stretching!

Thursday- I lifted back at home and kept things a little lighter than normal because I was feeling a little tweak from my previous lifting workout. The tweak disappeared but I didn't want it to pop back up!

Chair asst. wide grip pull ups- 5x15
Bicycle crunches- 5x40
Dumbbell row- 5x12x20lb
Band asst. neutral grip pull ups- 2x8 4x6
Sit ups on stability ball- 5x15x15lb
Bicep curls- 5x10x15lb
Plank w/ row- 5x10x10lb

Friday- Another easy 5 miler around my hood. Nothing noteworthy about this run either. Actually, my whole week wasn't that noteworthy!
Are there any exercises you poo-poo?


  1. I'm looking forward to "la la la" running with no goals to hit. At least for a while.

    1. I can imagine! Not only did you just do Big Sur but a a Big Vaycay! I am always so tired after vaycay from all the walking around and exploring. Even if I worked out less, I feel like I did more.

  2. You bounced back so nicely after your race! You should feel good about that--you will start your next training cycle strong. I do like working my triceps but an exercise I poo poo is working my calves. I get enough of a calf workout being a forefoot striker.

    1. I do feel good about that! I was prepared to be all jacked up from the race.

      Haha I never work my calves! I think the main reason is genetically I am just never going to have popping calf muscles no matter how hard I try. Now PAUL on the other hand.... WOWZA when I saw his calves I was sold!

    2. Rick has some impressive calves, too. He says it is because he's not very tall so always standing on his tippy toes at work to reach high areas!

  3. Great week, especially right after your race! I am sure I slack on alot of strength exercises. I bet if I had a personal trainer I would be working alot harder/using better form but its hard to do it on my own!

    1. I hired a PT for about 10 sessions to learn everything I needed to be doing and it was the best money I ever spent. 1. It forced me to actually take her advice and do what she prescribed, otherwise I looked at it as hundreds of dollars of wasted money. 2. I liked having a plan that was effective, not just aimless exercises. I guess my point is, if you ever want to bump up your strength workouts, hiring a trainer at least for a short time is money well spent! Personally, I'd use a trainer year round if I could afford it! (Well, I could afford it but then I'd have to stop going on vacations and doing other fun stuff!)

    2. I have worked with trainers before, but its been so long that I no longer feel like I remember what they taught me/how things should feel plus I am sure my level/needs have changed if that makes sense. I don't feel like its in the budget right now plus I don't even have access to a gym. But maybe one day I will get one again!

  4. I'm doing Lala Lala running right now as well and I'm really enjoying it!

  5. Maybe not noteworthy, but consistent! Nice work!

  6. Lalala can be oh so good! Bout to go for a la la la 5 miler now!
