
Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Running Items I Will Not Spend Money On

One thing you may have noticed from reading my blog is that I like to save money wherever I can. I wouldn't say we are total tight wads, but we don't like to overspend or waste money. Cutting back here and there over the long run can really add up... and then that money can be spent on fun vacations!

They say running is an inexpensive sport but I don't really agree with that. It can be inexpensive, but if you are someone who likes to have top of the line clothes, all the latest tech gear, and race a lot, the costs can certainly add up. That's not me. The most expensive things associated w/ my running is of course shoes (even though I can get them discounted to $59.95 at Running Warehouse) and my gym membership, which is $120 per year. If I ever need to replace my Garmin, that will be expensive as well, but I plan on just using that thing until it's dead. I got it for Christmas several years ago and it's still kicking, so we'll see!

On the other hand, many running items don't have to be expensive at all. There are some things I simply refuse to spend any significant amount of money on. I'm talking less than $10 here, people. I am sure you are dying to know what those items are...

1. Gloves. Several years ago, I was searching for the perfect pair of gloves. I tried everything. I could not find something that would keep my fingers warm on those 0-15 degree winter mornings. I paid anywhere between $15-$30 looking for awesome gloves.

These are the most expensive gloves I own. I got them at Dick's. They were $30. They aren't good for anything under 35 degrees. What a waste of money. I'm so pissed about this purchase.

But a few years ago, I found a solution to my glove problem! I layer two pairs of gloves from the Dollar Tree. I'm not joking. These are what I wear when it's single digits!

What normally happens is my fingers start to freeze somewhere during the first mile. So I ball them up into fists for about a mile. After that they are warm and toasty and I can put them back in the fingers again. Voila.

$2 for warm hands all winter. You can't beat that.

2. Sunglasses. I need my running sunglasses to be black and I need them to be comfortable. They also need to be about $5. Thank you, Wal Mart! I don't want sunglasses any more expensive than that because for one, they don't need to be expensive, these cheapo ones work just fine, and two, I don't want to worry about losing them or breaking them. But generally my sunglasses last me a year or two before I need to find another pair!

3. Sports bras. Okay, I realize the only reason I don't have to pay good money for sports bras is because my boobs are tiny. They are not just an A cup, they are an ALMOST A cup. I really don't need any significant support at all. I have some sports bras from the days of yore I keep wearing, but a couple years ago what I did was cut the middriffs off a bunch of my old camisoles and just use those for a bra.

A few weeks ago, I got the deal of a lifetime. I got these little things from Gabriel Brothers for $3.99 each! I really should have got more than 3... what was I thinking!?

I also threw out some of my older sports bras that don't fit me anymore. From lifting, my back and shoulders have gotten bigger so it was getting very uncomfortable to try to fit in some of my older bras!
Are there any running items you refuse to spend money on?
What are the most expensive costs associated with your running?


  1. What a great post! I was just thinking about this the other day and realized that I've spent very little $ out of my own pocket for gear. Most of my more expensive stuff has been gifted to me from my family or given to me complimentary for writing my column (can't beat that). I agree with the whole glove thing. I bought a few pair of the knit gloves a few years ago (because I keep losing them). I like the ones with the tech tip finger tips so I can still use my ipod while my gloves are on.

    1. That is great that you can get some of those expensive items as gifts or as column writing perks! :) Paul got me my Garmin for Christmas, which was a HUGE surprise. I didn't even know I was getting it.

    2. My sister bought me my Garmin for my Birthday several years back. I didn't realize how important it was for me to have that. Before than I was using the Nike plus app that was not accurate!

  2. Let's just say I have a bunch of shirts that SHOULD be thrown away because of the odor...but I still use them. I have gotten a lot of tech shirts for me and the kids at the local races number pickups--they sell old race shirts for 1$--you can't beat that!
    My husband is always buying me running gear for gifts (he is on a sock jag now--but it is OK, I always need socks!)
    I think the most expensive costs are some of the races!

    1. WOW that is a great idea for them to sell old race shirts!!

  3. I have a pair of Nike running gloves I got at Lucy for $10 eons ago that work great. I also received Agloves for blog review that I love. I'd say most of my $$ fuels my Spandits addiction.

    1. Well you always have AWESOME running outfits so that is money well spent.

  4. I am impressed you keep your hands warm w/ Dollar Store gloves! My solution is a decent pair of insulated mittens that are a size too big, then I put in those hand warmer and make a fist and my hands get so warm (even in our 0 degree weather). The most expensive thing is my Garmin. I also get shoes at a discount and my workout clothes come from Target! I do really want a new Garmin but we'll see ;)

    1. Hmmmm maybe a Christmas present?? :) When I have used big insulated mittens my hands would SWEAT and then they would freeze. It was a whole Goldilocks and the three bears situation. Target has awesome workout clothes.

  5. I will spend on good running clothes, but then I expect them to last for a long time! I always buy Under Armour heat resistant bottoms (capris and shorts) and they last forever, so they are a good investment. They are more expensive than what you could get at Target but less expensive than Lulu or one of those other stores, so I feel like I'm being economical :).

    Also, I wear my running socks until they have holes in them!! Old Navy actually sells a bundle of like 5 pairs for I think $7 or something which is a good deal. I hate how expensive running socks can be from the major athletic brands! (Although my Nike socks are probably my favorite).

    1. My thick tights for winter are Reebok and they were $50- but they have lasted me at least 6-7 winters now so I agree, with certain items if you spend the money, they last, and it's a very good investment.

      I don't like to pay more than $1 per pair of running socks. I will get whatever is soft and cushy. For some reason I like cushy socks. :)

  6. I agree with you! no need to make this a super expensive sport. I love the idea of double layering the Dollar Tree gloves and if you have to toss them, or they get lost, they were only $1. Somebody stole my gloves in City Island, my nice Nike glove that I paid almost nothing for... so I give up! All dollar tree gloves for me from now on.

    I will need more space if we are going to talk about what I refuse to spend extra money on... because it's a long list.... Gu, Gatorade, special underwear, fancy leggings, fancy tops, recovery sandals (but I would love if somebody gave me a pair), expensive compression socks, fancy/expensive headbands. For the longest time, I didn't even have a GPS watch, that was a Christmas gift.

    But I do have to pay good $$ for sport bras... these B cup puppies are very bouncy. I think the biggest mistake I made during the marathon, was wearing only one sports Bra, my boob were sore for 2 days!

    I'm sorry, I made this super long and all about me. I'll stop now.

    1. They stole your gloves!!?? People are wacko. I always find cheap compression socks on amazon! Sometimes if you go to the company website they're like 50 bucks, then on Amazon you can get the same pair for like $19.99!

      Bouncy boobs is a feeling I will never ever have.

  7. Running is my treat, so I don't mind spending money on shoes, socks, tops, etc...of course, I much prefer when I can find those items on sale, but it's all part of the package for me. Unfortunately for me, my chest size means I have to buy very supportive sports bras, which are super expensive - but there's no other option. At least I can whittle down the cost-per-wear over a year so it doesn't seem so bad, but the initial investment hurts!

    1. Oh yah I bet that initial investment was rough! Now those good bras- do they last awhile?

    2. They do, but when they go, oh's noticeably bad. I think I got two years out of my last batch.

  8. I'll spend money on clothes and stuff, but I expect it to last. If I see holes, I'll repair them until it gets completely unfeasible. I have a pair of running tights that I have fallen in and they have patches all over... but they work and I still wear them!

    Probably the most expensive thing is shoes. I wear a size narrow so I never find good shoe sales and I get stuck buying full price. Shoes are so expensive!!

    1. Ugh that sucks about wearing the narrow! Shoes are extremely expensive, I agree, I wonder why?? They used to not be...

  9. I love this post! I buy inexpensive gloves and double them up to keep my hands warm as well! I also don't both with sunglasses because I don't want to be constantly pushing them up my nose and making sure they stay on my face. My most expensive purchase is definitely my shoes, I usually wait until I have a coupon or a birthday coming up. I also love water belts. I have a small one that hold two 8oz water bottles and it's super helpful in the summer and whenever I'm out walking, hiking or running with my dog.

    1. I hate when sunglasses slide! I need to find a better water belt. My only choices are my huge hydration pack or one that only holds 6oz. I need something in between.

  10. The most expensive thing I buy is probably my sneakers. I always buy them from our local running store. I know I could find them cheaper online, but I like to support the local business because they are really good to the running community. I also buy good shorts, tanks, and sports bras because I get chafed if I don't! I'm with you on things like gloves and sunglasses. The cheaper, the better. Also hats/headbands - I either wear freebies or buy dollar store types of items!

    1. It is a very good thing to support the local running stores. The problem I have though is that in my area, they never have sales. You have to pay $120 for a pair of shoes and I just can't bring myself to do that when I can get the exact same shoes for 50-60 bucks online. I used to buy them at the running stores years ago... but back then, prices were much more manageable.

      My friend assured me the Real Housewives of Camp Hill buy their shoes at the running stores hahahah!

  11. SAME. We're twinsies from our sunglasses to our boobies to our fingertips.

  12. I love this post! Always looking for tips and tricks to make it easier to get out the door.

    I've only been at this for a year so I'm still pretty scraggly and cheap because I don't know yet what I need. I ran in an earlier life but it all seemed to be less formal then. GU was something to avoid not to drink!

    I sorted out basic tights and ran through the winter in Berlin with thermal underwear and gloves from Woolworth! My tops are all repurposed maternity - doubly technical because they are of manmade materials so they wick like crazy, AND they cover wobbly bits :-).

    1. lol it sounds like you are finding what works for you! I don't blame you for not wanting to invest tons of money in something if you're not quite sure yet what you need.

      Oh I have always avoided Gu!!! Unfortunately I think I am going to have to start trying it out. :( I have been having cramping issues and I think I need.... something!

  13. Ugh injuries always cost so much money... copays and all that other good stuff. :(

    The dollar store gloves are the BEST THING TO EVER HAPPEN TO RUNNERS!

  14. I don't feel like I spend much money on running stuff either, races are the most expensive part for me! I usually get shoes for $60-$70 on running warehouse and my sports bras are from target. Now that i know the running clothes i like I always look for them on sale on amazon or running warehouse!

    1. It is nice to know all the tricks and places to get the stuff you need!

  15. I'm impressed that you can find your shoes for 59.95. I have yet to find mine for less than 99.99. but it's still better than paying full price!

    1. Hmmm well maybe your shoes are better than mine?? hehe. I wear Mizuno Wave Riders. What do you wear?

  16. I used to spend very little on my running clothes etc, but I've found the prices are usually for a reason! My favorite clothes are my most expensive...for a reason :)

    I definitely buy cheaper bras because they need to be rotated out more often, and I buy cheaper sunglasses too! But I do think I should spend more on them so my eyes are actually protected from UV rays haha.

    1. Uh oh I never thought that my eyes wouldn't actually be protected with cheapo sunglasses???

      I have found that my most comfortable/lasting running clothes aren't always the ones that are the most expensive. I dropped some dough on my thick tights and they have lasted like 7 years and I wear them almost every day during the winter. So needless to say, they were a good investment. But shorts, tanks, long sleeves... I am pretty picky comfort wise, but for example right now all the shorts I have were picked up at wal mart for 5.99! They are so comfy and the kind I love. I was so lucky I found them.

  17. Oh those gloves! I have some that I received for Christmas...yeah not so cold weather friendly! I usually end up wearing something over them! I also do the $5 glasses from Wal-Mart. I love that you can pretty much pick any style for that price so if I drop them or lose them I don't care! :) I have paid a little for sports bras even though I have no chest either but my collar bones stick out so if they don't fit just right my shoulders will hurt at the end of a long run so to me it is worth the extra cost. But I will not buy the crazy expensive ones! Maybe 20 tops! :) Being a runner is expensive enough with race entry and shoes! Adding cost is something I try not to do! lol!

    1. Yes I love buying stylish sunglasses really cheap too because I am afraid of losing/breaking them!
