
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Wonderful Weekend Wrap Up!

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Instead of my normal Weekend Wrap Up format, I thought I would list all the WONDERFUL things about this weekend. Obviously, Thursday's news about Paul's health just set us up to be in the BEST MOOD EVER, and everything we did just felt extra wonderful and special.

1. Fueled by General Tso's chicken from our celebration the night before, I had a speedy 6 miler on Friday morning. I had to force myself to slow down, that's how good I felt! I am not going to question why this run happened, I am simply going to blame it on the most logical reason: My training is working!

2. On Friday evening, I went to Paint Nite with my friend, Bree. We had a ton of fun and I came home with yet another picture I am really proud of!

3. I slept until 10:00 Saturday morning. That is a little later than I would normally sleep on a Saturday, but it was AMAZING, and clearly I must have needed it! My little buddy loved sleeping in too...

4. Powered by the long sleep and Quaker Oatmeal Squares, I had a wonderful 10 mile run around my hood. My podcast was awesome. It was so warm that all I needed to wear was shorts and a sports bra. Even though I only wanted to run easy miles, these splits felt easy: 8:19, 8:10, 8:13, 7:59, 8:11, 8:00, 8:09, 8:08, 8:01, 7:47. Yeah!

5. We went to my brother and SIL's house on Saturday afternoon for homemade pizza. I love my family! And look, we even got a picture of Tyler and Debby. We never get pictures of them! One of their adorable daughters did manage to make it into the picture.

6. Paul and I went to Planet Fitness on Sunday. It was my first time lifting there in 10 months and I made some awesome gains! I benched (with the smith machine) 95lb and did 100lb on the lat pull down! It takes me awhile to see consistent gains in my strength but if I just plug away at it, eventually it happens!

7. Throughout the weekend, I did this really fun 1000 piece puzzle! I got it at Good Will for $1.99. You can't beat that!

Tell me something WONDERFUL about your weekend!


  1. Do you hang your paint nite pieces? I've gone to one "painting with a twist" class and we'll probably hang the painting I made, but if I went to a more I'm not sure I'd want to hang them all...but then what do I do with them?!

    1. The first one I did we are hanging in our guest room because it just so happens to match perfectly. This one I think we might hang in the sun room. Could you hang one in your classroom?? Auction it off on your blog??? :)

  2. What an awesome weekend, Megan! I love your painting. We flew out to San Francisco and spent 3 nights in Half Moon Bay. It was a beautiful area, I got to see extended family and eat yummy seafood every day. While we were gone we missed a big snow storm in Colorado--not mad about that! Congratulations again on Paul's amazing news. Keep celebrating that sweet victory.

    1. Yay for missing the snow storm! I freaking love San Fran. Paul and I went to go back very, very badly. I would like to drive up to Seattle from San Fran. I bet it would be beautiful.

    2. Oh yes, that would be amazing! Highway 1 is such a pretty drive. You guys should try to go back and do that.

  3. Yay for spending time with family!
    We also had Chinese food this weekend but I'm more of a chicken and broccoli gal!

    1. Chicky and broccoli is good too. I wish I liked that better but I tend to like the "junky" stuff!

  4. Way to go on your run - your training is definitely working! And your painting is beautiful!

    Congrats on your lifting gains! It takes me a long time to see gains in lifting if I don't have someone pushing me. When my gym schedule syncs up with Adam I seem to make gains faster because he's around to spot me so I'm less afraid of hitting failure. Plus he stands next to me and tells me to stop being a little baby :D When I'm gym'ing solo I'm slow at making gains because I'm less willing to try a max unless I feel 100% comfortable it's going to go smoothly!

    1. Yes it is def hard to max with no spotter! Paul spotted me, that's the only reason I tried it. I actually tried to do two 45s on each side... adding the weight of the bar was 105lb. I couldn't get it up. I tried twice. Paul had to lift it for me. I was sad. It would have been so bad ass to lift those big 45 plates! Someday.

  5. Wow, you are really good at painting! And great job on those runs on the weekend. Such a good feeling, eh? Woohoo!

    1. Believe me, I am not good at painting. They take you through step by step. That is what is so amazing to me- they can help someone who hasn't painted since elem. school create a "decent" painting!

  6. Yay for a speedy run! It's the best when they happen out of the blue like that. Yay for friends, family and sleeping late. My darn dogs never let me go past 6am. They start bugging me about 4:30. Insane.

    1. I think my cats are on the same time as your dogs! But we go back to bed after they demand bfast. :)

  7. I read your post yesterday, but I'm terrible at commenting. Congrats on the news about Paul. That's really incredible and I'm sure it feels like a huge weight has been lifted.

    I love that picture of you and your cat. Sydney likes to sleep on my chest or back for short periods of time. Sometimes she goes into full butt-in-face mode.

    1. Omg unfortunately I am very familiar with butt in the face mode. Jelly actually loves to stick his butt in my face while I am stretching after a run. Luckily, his butt smells like fresh linens.

  8. Great food to celebrate a great week!! that's awesome!

    You are going to have an awesome race! watch out for the river runners, they are having a skirt run that morning.

    1. Everybody is wearing a skirt. And last I saw the post, there were about 15 of them running.

    2. Haha that is funny. Hopefully I see them... and hopefully it's not windy. ;)

  9. I hope they are ready! Yah PF is pretty cool, I wish they had real bench press though. I would like to have Paul spot me and see how I do. I sometimes go back in gains as well but I think it is good to lower weights from time to time.
