
Wednesday, April 20, 2016

What's Your Running Highlight Reel?

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A couple weeks ago, at the end of a hard speed workout, my brain started going through my running highlight reel. This is something I often do at the end of a tough run. I think about all those happy running moments I have experienced and they flash through my mind like a movie. I'd like to share my running highlight reel with you. I hope you will leave a comment with some of the happy running moments on your running highlight reel- or better yet, write a blog post about it!

1. Winning a 10k. Yes, winning was FREAKING AWESOME, and I recommend that you all do it at some point, but the best part of that race was that my parents and brother were there to see it happen.

2. Harrisburg Marathon, 2012. My PR. I don't think about this whole race, I think about seeing my dad at Mile 2 and at mile 25. He works in downtown Harrisburg and was able to sneak away from work to see me at the beginning of the race, and then again a little over 3 hours later when I had less than a mile to go. I was reaching my goal, and my freaking DAD was there to see it happen!

Mile 24, almost there!

3. Crispy Runs. I used to run with a wonderful group of people called the Crispies. We would get together on Saturday mornings for long runs. Running long is way more fun when you have good company. I have so many fond memories of running with the Crispies!

Me and some Crispies posing before the Phunt 50k at one of the port o pots we sponsored! Gotta love running friends with a sense of humor!

4. Sweet Caroline at Boston. When I ran Boston in 2014, I had really trained to walk/run it due to knee surgery less than 3 months before the race. Unfortunately, sometimes when it was time to take a walk break, it was IMPOSSIBLE to walk. I remember approaching a town square early in the race (probably Framingham) and it was just PACKED with people. A Neil Diamond impersonator was singing Sweet Caroline and the spectators were singing along- "So good! So good! So good!" It was IMPOSSIBLE to take a walk break during that!

5. Harrisburg Mile, 2013. The reason I think about this race is because it is an example of a time I didn't hold myself back. I was neck and neck for second place in my age group and I was about to surrender and let the other girl pass me, but then I decided- NO! WHY NOT ME?

That's me in blue, deciding if I really wanted to, I could pull ahead!
What is on your running highlight reel?


  1. Those are some great memories! I remember being first female in a 5k a few years ago. At the time, I set a new PR but it's about 35 seconds slower than my current PR. I think i just got lucky and it was a small race (and there were alot of other, big 5ks going on that weekend that drew some fast runners) but it was still amazing! I remember people started telling me I was the first woman around mile 2 and I couldn't believe it!

    1. That is awesome that you won first female!! Now listen, I used to couch my win with "there was another big race that day" and "I was just the fastest person that day" but then people told me to SHUT UP and that ANYONE who wins a race is just the "fastest person that day" So no more of the "I got lucky stuff". You won. :)

  2. I just ran Boston, and I think in the same place had "sweet Caroline" playing, and I really wanted to stop and just listen and take it all in (I was afraid that I would not keep moving). I did tear up--It was definitely a highlight! I love that city!!

    1. OMG I FORGOT YOU WERE RUNNING!! I would have tracked you! Are you going to blog about it?

  3. What great memories! I not only have great memories about myself running but some of my best ones even include being a spectator and watching my sister!

    1. Oh that is so wonderful that you two are so supportive of each other.

  4. Oh, this is a great post! I have so many running highlights--the last couple of years especially have been epic for me!

    1. I would love if you did a post about this! I am KIND of new to your blog, would love to see some of the highlights I missed!

  5. Come to think of it, I don't have a running highlight reel... And now I'm going to spend the whole day thinking of it.

    I was the first place female for a 10K, and it was a small race, but I did win (First female)! Whenever my fiancé would try to remind me that it was a small race, I would just start yelling (Because I needed to reinforce my point) that I was the fastest woman of the 23 people!

    Seeing my son at mile 12 of the Hershey Half is also one memory that would be included!

    1. YOU WON! End of story. It does not need a disclaimer. That is awesome!!

  6. Oh I like this! I might steal this idea for a post. Winning 3rd place this weekend is pretty high on my highlight reel. One that I think I'll never forget is cresting over the hill at Estes Park, having just passed 22 people on the uphill and realizing that the rest of the race was downhill and that I was going to PR by 5 minutes in the half. It was an awesome feeling.

    1. Steal away! Omg I hope to someday run in Estes Park! Well, for this PA girl who has trouble adapting to elevation, I hope to someday SLOG through Estes!

  7. This is so great! I love all your photos and your excitement. So happy! My favourite running highlight would be when I got drunk and ate butter chicken the night before the marathon and then threw up, and PR'ed.

    1. Damn! Maybe the drinkin/chicken/pukin need to be a ritual before big races???

  8. Those are some really great highlights. My number one though, is my first adult 5k. I had overcome so much just to get there and then when I actually was able to complete it, I started to believe in myself. It was a complete game changer for my running.

    1. Wow what an important run that was for you. I love that about running- how confidence boosting it can be.

  9. Your highlight reel is so impressive thus confirming why you are my favorite athlete! I love that Harrisburg pic, it's so easy to see that you're thinking WHY THE HELL NOT ME?! and going for it!

    I don't know what I would put on my own highlight reel because I usually think about other people's highlight reel for motivation! I once finished a race teary eyed because I was thinking about a friend who started running after having baby #2 and went from running 12 minute miles to 9 minute miles almost overnight!

    1. I am still giddy that I am someone's favorite athlete!!! I could be Paul's favorite athlete, but then again he loves the NFL so he must have a football player he likes more than me. :)

      I think you should write out your own highlight reel so we can draw some inspiration from you!

  10. You have so much to be proud of! Way to go Megan. I don't have a highlight reel. Such is the life of an athlete that never competes. I have a list of places that were awesome to run (Mexico, Oregon, Colorado Mtns, Florida) but nothing epic like getting a PR or winning a race!!

    1. Well now I feel like I should have mentioned some of the most beautiful runs I have experienced! I mean, there are some that I would trade my PRs for. The Dipsea Trail in Northern Cali. Ever been on it?

  11. I love this! I also think of a highlight reel when I'm really trying to dig deep on a run. I envision the last leg of Ragnar and overtaking my final "kill". I replay PR'ing A1A. I think about how hard I pushed to get my half PR...I think remembering times I had to push hard and then succeeded really helps me get through a tough run!

    1. Ooh I like how you describe your last leg of Ragnar as your final "kill". The word kill is highly motivating to me, for some reason.

  12. I like your finish from the other day! :)
