
Monday, April 18, 2016

Wonderful News!

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Two things before I tell you the WONDERFUL news!!!


HAPPY RUNNING to all my pals running Boston today! And a special shout out to my cousin, Alex, who is running his first ever marathon at Boston! I am so excited for him to experience the magic that is BOSTON!!!

Alex (left) put us up for the night and cheered me on at Boston in 2014. This year I will be cheering him from my classroom! I wish I could be there!


Thank you all for your kind words and insight on yesterday's post. I can't tell you how much better it made me feel! My intention was really to get things off my chest, but when you all take the time to write really thoughtful and insightful comments, boy does it really get me thinking. I am so appreciative!


Paul has been on chemo and radiation on and off since October. On Thursday, he found out that the new tumor growth they have been targeting is GONE! The old tumor they could not get out with surgery has not grown at all since it was discovered several years ago... which is good news in itself, but it looks like it is responding at least a little bit to the treatment because it is a tiny bit SMALLER. This is even more proof it still is a low grade tumor. He is doing three more rounds of chemo and then checking in with his doctor to see where to go from there.

WE ARE SO HAPPY! We feel like we have a new lease on life! And of course we are so happy that all the shitty chemo and radiation isn't for naught and that putting all that poison into his body is helping in the long run!

Are you wondering how we celebrated Paul's awesome news? We got Chinese takeout! Tumor gone? Call Chef Wong's!



  1. That is amazing news!! I am so happy for you guys! I'm sure all the treatment stuff was not easy so its great to know that it really helped. Hope you enjoyed your Chinese food celebration!!

    1. Yes, it is so nice to know that he's not going through all that shit for nothing!

  2. AHHHH hooray for Paul!!!! I'm so glad you guys got such good news and they're seeing an improvement in his tumor!!!! That's seriously awesome; I'm so happy for you guys!!!

    1. Were are over the moon! Thanks for sharing in our joy!

  3. Awesome! Three cheers for brain imaging - it can deliver the worst news ever, but also the very best. I so hope the last three rounds of chemo will be the last, and that they aren't too hard on Paul, or you.

    1. Thank you Tamara! Yes, we have gotten our share of bad news, so this time, it was our turn for GOOD NEWS!! :)

  4. I am so, so happy for both of you! This has been such a tough and challenging road you have traveled. Through it all you have kept your chin up and stayed positive. Way to be strong and kick that tumor's ass! Love & hugs!

  5. YES! That is such great news for Paul!!!! Go Alex!

  6. Wow, this really is great news!!!! So what does this mean going further? Is he at less risk of having seizures?
    Good luck to your cousin running today!

    1. He hasn't had a seizure since February! We think it is that tumor that was in his frontal lobe that was causing the seizures. Hopefully now that it's gone they will stop? He is still on all his seizure meds and I am sure the results of these next 3 chemos will determine what is next.

  7. Well, that is just the best news I've seen all week! Yayayay!!!!

  8. Awesome news!! What a relief that must be! have a wonderful day! Kristen

  9. This are wonderful news!! Way to go Paul! Chinese food is always a perfect way to celebrate!

  10. I love tracking too! I'm blowing up right now!

  11. GREAT NEWS! This makes my week! So so happy for you and Paul. I've been bib stalking my Boston friends like a boss. Such a fun day!

    1. Thank you Marcia! Yes it is a super fun time tracking Boston friends.

  12. 😀❤️😀❤️😀❤️😀❤️

  13. I am a little late to the party (catching up on blogs this eve with glass of wine in hand) but I wanted to say WAHOOOO!!!! That is amazing news about Paul. Seriously, what a fighter.

  14. I've been out of the blog world again, so I'm just seeing this, but that's SUCH great news! I'm thrilled for you guys!!
