
Sunday, February 28, 2016

Weekly Workout Recap!

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This was my first full week of purposeful training for the Capital 10-Miler. If you missed my goals and details of the plan I wrote myself, you can check it out here! Hopefully I am one week closer to an awesome race performance! I ran 36 miles this week. Next week I want to get closer to 40!

Saturday- I got to run my race pace run in shorts! The plan was to do 5 miles at my goal pace for the 10-miler, which is a 7:15. My last two miles were a little off but it all evened out in the wash. I was very scared for this run. Race pace runs always scare me! Even though my mile splits ended up okay, my actual pace was anywhere between a 6:40 and a 7:30. I was having a hard time just staying consistently even. Hopefully I will get better at that!

Sunday- 6 easy miles were on the calendar but I ran them a little too fast. I didn't look at my Garmin until the end of the run, I just tried to run "la la la". Maybe once my training gets more intense and I am wracking up more miles, I will be forced to slow down?

Monday- I lifted upper body at home and did some hip/glute exercises in between. This workout was hard and it took me about an hour and twenty minutes. Yikes! On Wednesday I am supposed to do this again and run 5 miles. I may have to rethink this...

Band Asst. Pull Ups- 5x6
Chest Press- 5x10x25lb
Bicycle Crunches- 4x40
Push Ups- 5x10
Band Asst. Neutral Grip Pull Ups- 1x8, 4x6 
Shoulder Press- 5x10x20lb
Stability Ball Knee Tuck- 4x15
Bicep Curls- 5x10x15lb
Tricep Dips- 3x15

Tuesday- Wow, that was a shitty run! I got my period the night before but still slogged through 8 miles. Boy did it feel good to walk and stretch afterwards.

Wednesday- 5 easy miles in my hood. I felt better than Tuesday, but not great. I was a little worried about my speed work the next day...

Thursday- Speed work! 800x6 for a total of 9 miles. It was rough. But don't worry, I'll tell ya all about it on Tuesday! But let's just say I ate a foot long Subway sub for lunch that day.

Friday- I lifted upper body at home while I watched the Republican Presidential Debate. The audience was seriously acting like it was a sporting event.

Chest Press- 5x10x25lb
Bicycle Crunches- 4x40
Asst. Pull Ups- 1x6 (band), 4x20 (chair) 5x6 (band/neutral grip)
Push Ups- 5x10
Shoulder Press- 5x10x20lb
Stability Ball Knee Tuck- 4x15
Tricep Dips- 3x15
Bicep Curls- 3x10x15lb
Plank w/ Row- 3x1x10lb

I also did hip/glute stuff.
Can you eat a whole Subway sub?
Tell me about your best workout this week!


  1. Great job this week! I guess my best workout this week was on Thursday, even though it was in the pouring rain. I did my first "faster" workout in months and even though it felt hard it was a good feeling to push myself again!

    1. I am glad you had such a great workout on Thursday! That kind of feeling is so good. And I am sure you felt bad ass getting it done in the rain.

  2. Nice job, Megan. Impressive for sure! I can totally eat a foot long sub. Girl has a very big appetite and not afraid to show it. I think my best workout was on Thursday. I drove my car a few miles away from home and ran home--I loved a change of scenery & my miles were faster w/ out any effort (I never really push myself). Today is my total rest day which means a morning in bed, reading blogs and drinking coffee. I would say this is my best workout day but I don't think it counts. LOL.

    1. HAHAHAHA sure it counts! :) I am glad your run on Thursday was good. I am contemplating driving somewhere new today. It is supposed to get up to 66 degrees!

  3. I could eat a whole foot-long Subway sub with my eyes closed no big deal, LOL. You had a tremendous week of workouts! I am totally envious of your pace. Your five-mile run already smashed my five-mile PB in a race! How can I get as fast as you?

    1. I KNOW you could because you eat BIG like I do. :)

      I find that hard to believe, didn't you just PR in the half with something very close to that pace!?

    2. But that was a race!!! I could never pull that off in training!

    3. Well maybe then that is because I barely ever race!

  4. I probably could eat a foot long Subway sub, but do I want to? That's the question. I also like to eat mine with chips. So there's that...

    Great week of training!

    1. I love chips so much! :) I usually save them for at night with my wine.

  5. Nice job on your training week!! I wish my Garmin would have "7" in front of the pace. Sigh. :) Sorry, can't eat a foot-long Subway. But a pizza, maybe!! That sounds awesome to me.

    1. The bread in those subs are like air. I bet if you could eat like 3 pieces of pizza, you could eat a foot long! :)

  6. You did awesome in your training. your bad days in training, would be a good day for me. I could probably eat a foot long if i was hungry enough

    1. Well it is all relative. I can think of some people who their bad days are my good days too! :)

  7. Great week Meg! I never attempted a foot long. Way to rock that strength training!

    1. Thanks Marcia! Trying to motivate myself to do it right now. I got out of bed, that's a good first step. Now to pull myself away from my coffee and computer...
