
Monday, February 29, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

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What a week. It started off rough, but at least it went fast! Thankfully, I had a very relaxing weekend to make up for the craziness of the work week! Here's what we were up to...

By the time I got home from work on Friday, I was done. Paul understood. I spent the evening doing a puzzle, reading Mary Higgins Clark, and watching a ridiculous episode of Dr. Phil. I just really needed to veg and be by myself. It was the kind of Friday night I needed!

This puzzle was so fun and harder than it looks!

After a bowl of my new favorite cereal....

... I headed out for a race pace run. The plan was to warm up for 2 miles, run 6 miles at race pace (7:15), and then cool down with 2 miles. I was very nervous for the run, but told myself to relax. The anticipation of a race pace run is scarier than the actual run. Boy was I wrong. I hit most of my paces but it was not pretty! More on that on Thursday... Really, this run deserves a post of it's own!

That afternoon, I headed to Allenberry Playhouse to meet up with Meranda and Lacy from Fairytales and Fitness. They were staying there for the murder mystery weekend and invited me to hang out for a couple hours when they had free time. I had met Meranda a couple times before, but this was my first time meeting Lacy. 

We had so much fun just chatting and playing games. Meranda and Lacy are two very nice gals who are fun and easy to talk to. I was smiling the whole way home! I hope I get to hang out with them again sometime.

The weather was GORGEOUS on Sunday- in the 60s! I ran in shorts but was just plodding along. My body had definitely not recovered from my run the day before.

Sundays are usually full of boring activities like cleaning, doing wash, and getting ready for the work week ahead. All of that did happen, but luckily I got up early enough that by the time three o'clock rolled around, I was done with all my grown up responsibilities and got to enjoy the rest of the evening doing what I do best...


Doing a puzzle...

...But then I quit it because Chrissy sat on it and messed up a whole section. Honestly, it was getting really hard and I was ready to call it a day on this one. Maybe when I get better at puzzles I will get back to it.

Making chicken noodle soup!

For some reason, I think this is the appropriate amount of soup to make for two people.

And that was my weekend! It went by really fast... but I had fun!

Tell me something fun you did this weekend!
Did you get to run in shorts?


  1. LOL I always make a ton of soup as well! Great job on your race pace run!!!

    1. Thank you Heather! It was sooooo hard. Not like last week. I'm going to write more about it.

  2. Sounds like such a fun weekend, Megan! How cool to meet your fellow bloggers. My weekend was coffee w/ a friend, some nephew basketball, shopping w/ a friend and a Sunday afternoon football game with Rick (it was indoor football which isn't nearly as good but it's something!). No shorts running, yet. Today it is 40 degrees. Getting closer for sure!

    1. Wow you had a jam packed weekend! Hey I am watching a Dateline right now where a couple spends the night at the Stanley Hotel and then go hiking in RMNP and the husband pushes the wife off a cliff! I can't wait to tell Paul THAT'S WHERE WE'RE GOING!! hehe

    2. Maybe tell him when you are on the hike itself :) LOL...just kidding!

    3. HAHAHA! I'm telling him tonight. :) I can't wait!!

  3. Thats exciting that you got to meet Lacey and Meranda! Great job on that race pace run...those kinds of runs intimate me too!

  4. We had a great time visiting with you on Saturday and that game you brought was super fun!
    I need a Friday night were I can just veg right after work. I'm hoping it's this weekend!

    Those Quaker squares are my absolute favorite but they are getting harder and harder to find! (I don't think I've had the cinnamon, just the regular).

    1. They ARE hard to find! Usually Giant has them but not all the time. Weis does not. Look, another reason to hate Weis!!! Haha.

      Next time we hang we HAVE to play the SATC trivia game.

  5. Awww Chrissy! I honestly can't imagine doing puzzles in the same room as Cecil. I know he would be knocking pieces over left and right, sitting on pieces and probably chewing on pieces too.

    When we try to play board games it's a nightmare because he is constantly trying to lay down on the board or knock over the pieces! If he's not the center of attention he's not happy! :)

    1. He has been an annoyance before, but this is the first time he straight up wrecked my shit. I know you are very patient with Cecil like I am patient with Chrissy!

  6. I did freeze some and took a container in for a work friend. It's still a lot of soup!

    I love seeing bloggers in real clothes too.

  7. I almost ran in shorts but then I didn't, but I got so hot that I wished I was wearing them! I'm glad you had a restful weekend. I can't wait to hear about that tempo run!

  8. Sounds like you had a great weekend! I did get to run in shorts and it was amazing!!!! The only problem was that there were 35 mph wind gusts. Also, I'm pretty sure if I took up doing puzzles, my cats would be all over that. They barely let me type on the computer. I'm sure a puzzle would just be too much.
