
Saturday, February 13, 2016

Weekly Workout Recap!

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My week started with a bang! Despite wracking up some miles, my legs felt pretty fresh. But what suffered was my lifting, which means I didn't get two running rest days. I will strive to do better next week and not get caught up in having to run more and run faster with each workout.

Saturday- 10 glorious miles around my hood! I didn't look at my Garmin at all. I just counted the beeps signaling each mile. I was quite pleased with how I felt during the run- especially since I didn't eat very well the night before. (Wendy's. Lots of Wendy's.)

Avg Pace: 8:02
Splits: 8:31, 8:14, 8:07, 8:17, 7:59, 7:56, 7:57, 8:00, 7:52, 7:29

Sunday- A neighborhood run. The weather was gorgeous and my legs felt fresh despite running 10 miles the day before. I was only going to do 5, but my brother called at mile 4.3. I stopped my Garmin and walked about a mile while I talked to him. When I hung up, I banged out another 1.7 to make it an even 6 miles.

Avg Pace: 7:55
Splits: 8:14, 8:13, 8:06, 7:54, 7:40, 7:27

Monday- This was supposed to be a running rest day, but I moved it to Tuesday due to the impending snow storm. I purposefully pushed the pace on this one and it felt challenging but good.

Avg Pace: 7:52
Splits: 7:59, 7:57, 7:55 7:55, 7:36

Tuesday: I woke up on the wrong side of the bed and really wanted to run to clear my brain. However, I was supposed to lift. I let my heart, rather than my head win out and hit the streets for 5 snowy miles. I didn't realize it was snowing until I went outside. Oops. It was a winter wonderland by the time I was done!

Avg Pace: 8:14
Splits: 8:07, 8:25, 8:14, 8:13, 8:14

I ended up getting my lifting in anyway because we got dismissed from school early due to the snow. I lifted chest and vowed to do back the next day.

Chest Press- 5x10x25lb
Bicycles- 4x40
Push Ups- 5x10
Donkey Kicks- 4x20
Chest Press (neutral grip)- 5x15x15lb
Fire Hydrants- 4x20
Shoulder Press- 5x10x20lb
Stability Ball Pull Ins- 4x15
Glute Kick Backs- 4x20
Tricep Dips- 3x15
Side Plank- 2x30 sec.
Forearm Plank- 2x60 sec.

Wednesday- I stuck to my guns and lifted back in the morning before work. I was sore from the day before, so I did lighter weights and more reps. Boy was my timing off with these lifting workouts...

Chair asst. Pull Ups- 5x20
Donkey Kicks- 4x20
Row- 5x15x20lb
Bicycles- 4x40
Fire Hydrants- 4x20
Band asst. Pull Ups (neutral grip)- 4x8
Glute Kick Backs- 4x20
Bicep Curl- 4x10x15lb
Stability Ball Pull Ins- 4x15
Plank w/ Row- 4x10x10lb

I really like using a band for asst. pull ups. The band gives me a little assistance on the way up- but not the whole way up! I am required to pull my own weight for the last part. I hope by doing these it increases my strength and I am able to do more unassisted pull ups!

Chrissy hijacked my towel. Obviously, I got another towel. 

I drink iced coffee while I lift. That is a fitness sin!

Thursday- The "real feel" was 2 degrees. I made the executive decision to move my workout to Planet Fitness and run on the treadmill. I set the pace at 8:27 and didn't touch it for the entire 6 miles. When I had a quarter mile to go, I accidentally pumped the stop button. UGH! Don't you hate that? I finished up with a walk and of course, stretching. Stretching at the gym is just not as fun as stretching at home where Jelly comes to visit me. One thing I would like to note about my treadmill running is that I tend to carry a lot of tension in my shoulders when I'm on the treadmill and I just can't relax them. Does anyone else have this problem?

Friday- Again, it was a cold morning. However, I braved the real feel temperature of 7 degrees and ran 5 miles around my hood. The first mile was rough but after that I was toasty. I need to remember that IT GETS BETTER!

Splits were scarily even.
Do you have the same shoulder tension problem I have on the treadmill?

What's your "real feel" temperature cut off for running outside?


  1. I haven figured out my cutoff for running outside, but yesterday it was like 10 degrees or so, but no wind. Today the wind has picked up so it feels like 0. We also have a thin coating of snow right now so I have a feeling my street will be like an ice skating rink! I might be doing an indoor workout today:)

    1. Indoor for me too! It snowed a tiny bit but like you said it is so freaking cold the roads will be ice. I don't even know if I should be driving to the gym!?

  2. It all depends how brave I am...I went last year when it was below zero and that wasn't real successful. I think about 14 degrees unless it is super windy. I have a treadmill, and to be honest, I don't mind using it :).

    1. I am sure the threshold changes when ya have a treadmill! I have access to a treadmill but it involves driving somewhere...

  3. I'll let you know about the real feel temp as I head out into 0 degrees this morning!

  4. I definitely carry more stress in my shoulders on the treadmill than I do on an outdoor run! It's so weird, but I guess I'm just trying not to fall over?

    1. Oh my that could be it! I do feel awkward with the screen right in front of me I feel like I don't want my arms to bump it and if I ran naturally they would...

  5. I hold a LOT of tension on the treadmill! I'm always sore in the strangest places and I'm sure it's because I'm bracing myself too much in fear of falling off that I'm activiating some otherwise unused stabilizing muscles.

  6. I do similar :) Stretch arms up and even run with them just hanging down!

  7. I feel like Wendy's results in great long runs for you!
