
Sunday, February 14, 2016

Runners, Love Thyself!

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As runners, it's important that we love ourselves and our bodies all year long, not just on Valentine's Day! But having this special day is still a reminder that we need to be kind to ourselves. So what sorts of things can runners do to love themselves all year long? Here are a few things I can think of off the top of my head!


Warm up and cool down


Strength Train

Cross Train

Ditch the high heels

Catch enough Zzzzzs

Be proud of your accomplishments

Take a rest day

Remind yourself of all the amazing things your bodies can do

Trust your body

Eat well

Foam roll

Practice balance


Treat yo' self!

Happy Valentines Day!
Be nice to yourself today!

Can you think of other ways runners can love thyself? No dirty answers, please! ;)


  1. Happy Valentine's Day from Mexico! I absolutely love this post. I think we also need to nourish our bodies with good food & also allow ourselves treats without feeling guilty. It's all a matter of balance and the less we stress about it and trust our bodies will guide us on the right path, the better off we are. P.S. how do your FL readers run in the humidity? My run yesterday felt nice because I was at sea level and normally am a mile high but my word is this air so thick! Even though it was more difficult than at home, I was so grateful to run in such a beautiful place.

    1. Thick is a great way to describe the air! That's how it felt at BDR. :)

      I hope you are having fun in Mexico with your hunny (not hubby) ;) hahaha!

      I love your addition to my list. I'm adding it!

  2. Great list! I would also add foam roll and eat well:)

  3. Happy Valentine's day Meg, Paul and Fur Babies!!! <3 I loved my runner self today by doing my physio exercises and foam rolling. :)

    1. Awwww that's the second best kind of self love. ;) hahahaha!

  4. I heard some runners get regular massages!! I can't vouch for that one, but I do have a Groupon for one which I should use soon. Luxury on a budget, that my friends is Groupon! :) Happy Valentine's Day!

    1. I wish my insurance covered sports massages. :) I'd still have a co pay but it would be cheaper!

  5. I think getting pedicures is the best way to show my feet the love. I would have gone today--that long run killed me--but Valentine's Day. I figured it was probably packed at the salon. I'll go later this week.

    1. So you are one of those runners that still have pretty feet? My feet look horrible!! How do ya do it?

  6. Since I am no longer marathon training I have been easing myself back into my high heels. I haven't been wearing the 3 inch ones since its winter Yes I know, I'll probably be complaining by summer time that I have feet problems! I know that s a NOT to do on your list but I really DO need to do more of your TO DO's.

    1. It's okay I wear them from time to time. Sometimes my legs feel a little jacked up in them but that's because I am not used to them anymore. But they look sooooo cute! I still own them and will still buy them for sitting down occasions or times I am just not willing to negotiate... like at a wedding! I CAN'T wear flats to a wedding!

    2. It helps that I teach Middle school this year and at only 5ft 2" I am still taller than most of my students. When I taught high school I had to wear heels every

  7. I think the biggest type of self love for runners is doing foam rolling. It is so important when you are training for any important race.

    1. I added that one when Lisa mentioned it. I tend to only foam roll when there is a problem... which doesn't make sense! I should keep up with it.

  8. LOL, that cat meme!

    These are great reminders about loving ourselves :) My body could use some love this weekend!
