
Friday, February 12, 2016

Friday Five! (Food-fessions)

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Today's Friday 5 post prompt is FOOD & DRINK.
I don't usually have a lot to say about food. But today I will tell you some of my Food-fessions!

1. I don't always wash my produce. This is bad. What do you think is going to happen to me? Will I grow a third arm eventually?

2. We drink a lot of milk. There is usually 3 gallons in our fridge at a time. (2 person household!)

3. The cats are on a diet and we count their calories. Christmas gets 218 calories a day and Jelly gets 180 calories a day. I feel bad for them. If that's all I got I would be hangry all the time. Maybe this is why Christmas pees everywhere.

4. When the contestants kill a chicken on Survivor, I need to leave the room. I eat a lot of chicken and I feel bad about it... but clearly not bad enough to stop eating chicken.

5. Apple Jacks with Marshmallows is my new crack! Paul saw it at Aldi on Wednesday and we could not pass it up. I had a bowl for dessert that night... and then stuck my hand in the box for a few more chomps. It's so good!

And look, it's an excellent source of iron! You know, I always wondered how to get enough iron in my diet. Clearly I should be eating more of this cereal!
Happy Friday!

What's your favorite cereal?

Did you ever need to put your fur baby on a diet?

What is going to happen to me if I continue to not wash my produce?

Today, I'm linking up with the DC girls for Friday 5!


  1. LOL I'm glad someone else sticks their hand in the cereal box! I LOVE Lucky Charms!!!!!!!

    Sometimes at school I am too exhausted at lunch to get up and wash my pear so I just cut it up and eat it.

    1. LOL you are such a rebel with your pear! :)

      I love Lucky Charms too! I always try to get as much marshmallows as possible. Do you know they sell just the marshmallows?

  2. I love me some raisin bran cereal! Mmmmm, so good. The only thing I can stand raisins being in except trail mix. Weird. I would definitely try those Apple Jacks. My goodness...what took them so long to add in marshmallows. Macy's not on a diet but we can only give her one treat per day (Rick was giving her tons before). She has dyslpasia so keeping her lean is the name of the game.

    1. I am not a huge raising fan either, but raisin bran doesn't bother me... just as long as there are not TOO many raisins. I have to pick some out sometimes.

  3. Our fur baby needed to go on a diet, but we sucked at it. Now that she's sick, it was probably fortunate that she had a few extra pounds to get her through.

    And that cereal? I could not have it my house. I would eat an entire box in one sitting. No bowl. Just hand in the box...

    1. Oh I am sorry she is sick. :( It is so hard when our pets are sick!

      The cereal is dangerous. I mean, you eat it and you feel like you ate nothing. Not filling at all.

  4. Love your take on the Friday 5 food them! Love the food confessions! I think this should be a monthly theme for you!
    Our Baylee is on a prescription dog food. It cost $89 a bag!!!!! Sometime I spend more on her food a week then I do on our own! It's totally worth it though!

    1. Aw thanks girl! I inadvertently got the idea while I was chopping up the lettuce for my salad and realized I didn't wash it. :)

      THAT IS A LOT FOR FOOD!!! But I agree, it is worth it. I'd pay whatever it took to keep my kitties healthy if I could afford it. Luckily his stuff isn't too bad, it's just every few years he has some sort of health episode that costs $$$$. Last year he needed his teeth cleaned and a tooth pulled.

  5. Adam drinks the most amount of milk ever. He should own his own cow. We usually have 3.5 gallons in the house. He has three gallons for himself a week and I buy a half gallon for myself that is separate from his because if I didn't he would just drink it all and leave me nothing!

    I would have to leave the room for #4 too. I can't even kill a bug just in case it needs to get home to its bug family. When I went vegetarian for a year I felt good about it, but I missed eating chicken a lot. It's so good and I feel bad about it!

    1. Wow Adam is my hero. That is A LOT of milk. Does he just LIKE it a lot or is it for a specific dietary purpose like to make protein drinks or something??

    2. He likes it but also he makes a HUGE protein shake each nice and then just has a small dinner or snack. I think he said his protein shakes are like 1400 calories each so definitely a meal replacement. He's gotta keep growing those muscles or I'll leave him. ;D

    3. Dang he must be in Finn Baylor territory with all that protein. ;)

  6. I obsessively wash my veggies and fruit but I don't know why! I would be afraid to try the apple jacks bc I think I would eat the whole box

  7. How does washing it ruin it? I don't like how it is all wet after, that is for sure.

    You hang in there, Karen.

  8. I am a produce washer...sometimes I buy the greens pre-washed when I am feeling lazy.
    Surprisingly, we are not a family of cereal eaters. We have had the same box of cinnamon Chex in our pantry for 4 months...I should throw it out. I did just get some instant oatmeal, because I am going to try and replace that for my nightly bowl of ice cream...So I will probably end up hating it!!
    Before you think we are crazy healthy, we aren't our junk food tastes go more on the "chip" end of the spectrum!!

    1. Replacing ice cream with oatmeal??? Why would you do such a thing!? ;)

      I love chips too. :)

  9. Wow, that is a lot of milk!! We usually have 2 gallons but it's for 4 out of 5 of us (I can't have dairy). I don't eat a lot of cereal because of that but my kids just went on a Honey Nut Cheerios bender. There are worse things to be addicted to ;)

  10. I don't feel bad now... I don't wash my produce either (hubby does though!) and I need to find that cereal!!!

  11. i love your take on this. i do wash our produce though :)

    1. I know I should wash mine. I was hoping people would chastise me on here so I would start washing, but it looks like there are a lot of others who don't wash as well!

  12. Cereal makes the best nighttime dessert! I am usually munching on Fruit Loops or Lucky Charms so I will definitely have to find the marshmallow Apple Jacks (and hide them from my 3-year-old)!
    I am also an unwashed produce offender. But a third arm could come in handy...

  13. Confession. I also never wash my produce. I've been living this way for years & my third arm still hasn't grown in. I like to think of it as building my immune system!

    1. Oh wow I never thought of it that way! Gotta stay well, right?

  14. Our cat Steps was obese. His belly would drag on the ground and wag side to side when he "ran" across the room. We had to have little step stools around the house for when he wanted to come up on the couch or the bed. We didn't put him on a diet because he'd just eat his brother Junior's food. Junior died years before Steps did. So, there.

    Me and my kids drink tonnes of milk too. TONNES. I love cereal too. I love Cinnamon Toast Crunch, Lucky Charms, Just Right. You guys have way more cereal selection down there. Every time we go to the States I stand in the cereal aisle about 30 seconds away from a cerealgasm.

    1. I never heard of Just Right, I will have to look it up!

      "Tonnes" I didn't realize Canadians spelled it differently than us. I like that spelling. It is more fancy.

      I think it is fun your obese cat was named "Steps". :)

  15. Apple Jacks now has Marshmallows? My no-sugar-for-breakfast rule is doomed. MUST try this. In a perfect world, they would make a box of cereal that ONLY has marshmallows. I would eat it all day long...

    1. You can still uphold your no sugar for bfast by eating it for dessert. :)

      Where I live, they have the Lucky Charms marshmallows on their own sold at farmers markets!

  16. I rarely wash my produce either! I figure our immune systems need some challenges.

    I really don't eat much cereal at all -- it just doesn't fill me up. But I've been enjoying Love Grown as a post run snack occasionally this week.

    1. The only cereals that fill me up are the hearty ones like Raisin Bran or Shredded Wheat.

  17. I have always been a little OCD about washing my produce, but then I wonder if it even does anything! Like if there is anything really bad on there I don't think water is gonna get rid of it. But I always read about how you should buy organic because of pesticides that can be on other stuff, but it's so much more expensive!

    1. It IS a lot more expensive. I do not buy the organic stuff for that reason. I supposed I could swing it if I wanted to, but I guess I just don't want to!

  18. I don't always wash my lettuce. It's triple washed, right? Drives my husband nuts.

    1. Hmmm... maybe he should do that fourth wash? :)

  19. My favorite cereal is Lucky Charms. It's not GF so I don't eat it anymore, but I still love it. Now I love Cheerios.

    I don't wash my produce either!!!! I figure a little rinse isn't going to actually help, so I only wash them if there's obvious dirt on them.

    We've started drinking more milk since Matt began testing protein powders, so now we always have 2 gallons in the fridge. It's the one thing we buy organic and it's so freaking expensive. Ugh. What kind do you drink? We drink 2% now, but I used to like skim!

    1. Lucky charms is VERY good. Did you know you can buy JUST the marshmallows? Maybe you can snag some of those... if they don't have gluten!? I have no idea if marshmallows have gluten or not.

      I am feeling so much better about not washing my produce. I mean, I was hoping the comments would shame me into washing it but as it turns out mostly everyone here doesn't wash their's either!

      What is Matt testing the protein powders for? Like which ones he likes the best, etc? We drink skim but I grew up on 2%. Organic milk IS expensive, we just get the "normal" kind. Why do you get organic milk?

    2. The marshmallows are GF, and now that Cheerios are, I'm going to buy a bag of marshmallows and put them in the Cheerios!!

      Matt's doing some experiment with a university about when is the best time to take protein when working out. So he has to drink a shake every morning! We get organic because I bought into the hype and now I just can't seem to break the habit. I know it's illogical, but I feel like it tastes better!
