
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Weekly Workout Recap!

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Happy Weekend! I am pleased with my workouts this week because I did some stuff other than just my boring 5 miler around my hood! Also, the weather has been FABULOUS, so that helps. I swear my runs are better when I'm not wearing two pairs of pants and 4 layers on top.

Saturday- I had it in my brain that I needed to do a "longish" run. It wasn't too cold, I had some good podcasts, and I ventured out of my neighborhood. There were a couple hills but nothing crazy. I ran by effort and didn't look at my Garmin until I was done. Boy were my paces all over the place!

Avg Pace: 8:23
Splits: 8:22, 9:11, 8:45, 8:19, 8:11, 8:23, 8:17, 8:16, 8:09, 8:02

Sunday- It was so warm out- about 40 degrees! My run was quite enjoyable! I was purposefully pushing the pace a little bit, but not too much.

Avg. Pace: 7:41
Splits: 7:24, 7:56, 7:48, 7:46, 7:33

Monday- Time to lift! I did chest @ home. A good way to start a Monday! I added some glute stuff so we'll see if I am sore tomorrow.

Chest Press- 5x15x20lb
Bicycles- 4x40
Push Ups- 5x10
Shoulder Press- 5x10x20lb
Chest Press (neutral gril)- 5x15x15lb
Stability Ball Knee Tuck- 3x15
Tricep Dips- 5x15
Plank w/ Knee Tuck- 4x20
Donkey Kicks- 4x20
Fire Hydrants- 4x20
Kick Backs- 4x20

Tuesday- Tuesdays are my "bad" day. I work and then teach six piano lessons. I can't get into my jammies and eat dinner until 7:30. I go to bed around 8:30 so that makes for a work filled day. The best way to start off a Tuesday right is with a RUN! I ran 8 miles around my hood. There were parts I had to be careful and walk due to the ice! The snow has been melting and the little puddles freeze overnight. It was a little cold, but I felt strong the entire run. It wasn't a "chore" to run 8 miles, so that is good.

Avg Pace: 8:29
Splits: 8:38, 8:36, 8:37, 8:28. 8:29, 8:24, 8:22. 8:14

Wednesday- I slogged through the rain for 6 miles! Glad to just get it done.

Avg Pace: 8:38
Splits: 8:44, 8:54, 8:38, 8:35, 8:32, 8:24

Thursday- Okay, I have come to the realization that if I only lift 2 times a week, I should not be doing split body parts. Since I can't manage to bump my lifting up to 3-4 times a week these days, I decided to start doing back and chest on the same day. It may take a little longer, but at least I will be getting everything done twice a week.

Band Asst. Pull Ups- 4x6
Chest Press- 4x10x25lb
Donkey Kicks- 4x20
Row- 4x10x25lb
Bicycle Crunches- 4x40
Push Ups- 4x10
Fire Hydrants- 4x20
Shoulder Press- 4x10x20lb
Stability Ball Pull Ins- 4x15
Band Asst. Neutral Grip Pull Ups- 3x8
Kick Backs- 4x20
Bicep Curls- 3x10x15lb
Tricep Dips- 3x15
Plank w/ Knee Tuck- 3x20

Friday- Just a lah-dee-dah run around my hood. My paces sure all over the place this week! I blame it on the treadmill running last week...

Average Pace: 8:29
Splits: 8:19, 8:41, 8:40, 8:31, 8:19

How many times a week are you lifting these days?
Did you have a good week of workouts?


  1. I usually just have 1 days of full body strength training so I try to squeeze everything in. It would probably be better to split it up over more than one day but I like to do so many other types of workouts too!

  2. I only lift one day/week and it's heavy. We mostly do lower body, because I get a lot of upper body with yoga.

    1. I lift heavy as well so I always have to make sure there is at least 72 hours between lifting workouts. Sometimes I break that rule.

  3. While you had a great week of working out! You're in a lot of miles, it makes me jealous LOL. That is one thing I'm noticing around here too... some of the snow has been melting and causing a lot of ice patches.

    1. I have no idea why the first word says "while" LOL

    2. Yes our snow will be gone very soon due to the high temps. Today it is very bright out and I see patches of ground! Don't worry, you will be running many miles soon. :)

  4. Nice week! I lift 2x/week if I'm lucky. This week I lifted only once. It's tough to fit everything in, especially when I need to swim and cycle too. I think I overdid it on upper body lately cuz I'm crazy strong. Think 60 pushups at once and I'm not even at failure. Maybe it's good for swimming? But I'm pretty sure I don't need that much upper body muscle. It's supposed to hit the 40's this weekend. Bring it on!

    1. Wow 60 is a lot!!!! The most I did at once is 39. I was making some interesting noises as I approached failure!

  5. Great workouts! Nice job with all the running. So, I ran last weekend. Took planned rest Monday due to snow then got knocked down with a sinus infection so I didn't do anything for 5 days!! I never get sick and this was awful. Still not over it and have 7 more days on my Rx but got an indoor track run/rowing session (2 miles each) followed by 1/2 mile in the pool. It wasn't a lot and it was tough but it felt so good to move my body again. I am so ready to be healthy again!!

    1. Ugh I am sorry you got so sick! Being sick is the WORST!!!! But I'm glad you didn't workout when you were sick. Some people make themselves keep going but I think just giving yourself a break helps you get better faster.

    2. ...truth be told, I used to do that. It helps that I have not gotten this sick in a good 5 years so that gave me time to get my exercise addiction under control. It was still hard but being healthy for vacation trumped getting in a workout. I did end up losing weight, however, which I am not thrilled about. I know it's muscle but now I have a starting place to begin that is lower than before but that is OK. I gotta be kind to this body of mine.

  6. The most I ever did was 39. When I do push ups during my chest workouts, I use The Perfect Push Up thingermabobbers- look them up. Gripping them is a lot harder than "normal" push ups so that is why I only do 10 at a time.

    I hope your new lifting strategy helps your shoulders!

  7. I love that 10 miles is "longish" ;) We runners are nuts.

    1. Well right now 10 miles IS long for me, but I know there are a lot of runners who read this who eat 10 miles for breakfast so I wanted to properly categorize it. :)

  8. Using the perfect push up makes it harder on the muscles but easier on my joints. It feels so good and it makes me stay in proper form.
