
Sunday, February 7, 2016


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Current Book: Weep No More My Lady. It is a big 'ol ball of CHEESE!

Current Music Podcast: I am officially changing this question to Podcast because I don't listen to music. I am enjoying listening to the presidential debates in podcast form. There's nothing like running to the sound of Bernie Sanders screaming about income inequality!

Current Guilty Pleasure: Jam coffee cake. The recipe is here. Your life will be changed forever. Note: It is green because I used green food coloring in the icing. You can make the icing whatever color you want!

Total Number of Survivor Episodes We Watched This Week: 15- all old episodes. But the new season is starting very soon!

Current Need: A new bathroom mirror. Ours straight up just fell off the front of the medicine cabinet yesterday. Damnit!

Current Triumph: My 10 miler yesterday was AWESOME!

Current Wish List: Okay, I am watching the Republican Presidential Debate right now and I wish Trump would just shut his mouth.

Current Bane of My Existence: My ITB.

Current Most Annoying Celebrity: Trump.

Current Indulgence: We went out for sushi last weekend. That was pretty indulgent $$$ wise.

Current TV Show: I started DVR'ing Sex and the City again. I love to hate Carrie.

Current Food: I love cheese and never feel at ease unless we have a couple blocks in the fridge.

Current Drink: Red wine. Always and forever.

Current Thing I Am Thankful For: Paul being off chemo for 21 days! 5 days on, 21 off... repeat 5-6 times. It makes him very tired, weak, and nauseous. Don't worry, I rub his head and his back and do everything I can to make his day a little easier.

Current Excitement: I know summer is far away, but I am vacation dreaming!

Tell me something "current" about you!


  1. Yay for red wine! I was telling Rob las night that I enjoy the taste so much I would drink it even more often if it didnt have alcohol. But of course, I don't usually mind the alcohol:)

    1. Lol same here. The alcohol just slowly starts to melt the stress out of me. :)

  2. You are such a wonderful & supportive wife. I know Team Paul is gonna kick ass! Current drink is always decaf coffee mixed w/ vanilla cashew milk. Current indulgence is Rick and I treating ourselves to a really good steak each week. Current TV show is anything by Anthony Bourdain--he's hilarious and I love watching him get in depth in real into the cultures and all the food! Current excitement is leaving for Mexico in less than a week. Sunshine, here we come!

    1. Oh man have fun in Mexico! Is it just you and Rick this time?

    2. Yes, just us & I cannot wait!

  3. That's really wonderful about Paul. I have been trying to watch the republican debates, but I get so angry that I just can't. I'm pretty sure that I agree with you on that wish. Haha. My current excitement is traveling. My husband and I figured out that we can probably take about a month off from work in December, so we are planning a wild trip to somewhere pretty cool (Top choices are India, Ethiopia, and Nepal).

    1. It was hard to watch it for 3 hours but I DID it. Now I can at least say I listened to the other side. But those candidates leave me with so many more questions than answers.

      That is AWESOME that you're going on a nice long trip! I just saw a commercial for China- like, travel to China. It looked so beautiful.

  4. Currently watching reruns of the office and the vampire diaries and I just can't get enough! Matt and I also keep at least two pieces of cheese in the fridge as well LOL. Even Lola likes to join in on the cheesy fun.

    1. Oh Jelly loves cheese but I don't let him have it. He really just likes lickingit. :)

  5. Oh I love this post! So fun. And all Mary Higgins Clark books are totally cheesy and follow the same writing formula, But I can't help but keep reading them. And I give you so much credit for listening to the debates while working out. I would lose all motivation with that drumming in my ears. I am completely impressed!

    1. She sure does follow the same formula but for some reason I find her books so relaxing. :)

  6. I blame the people who made Celebrity Apprentice a success for Trump's current status. Seriously. Why do we Americans insist on giving attention to such annoying, horrible people?! (I'm part of the problem - if a real housewife of Beverly Hills ever runs for office, it'll be my fault for watching her damn show haha.)

    1. And if someone from Survivor or Big Brother run I will be part of the problem as well! :)

  7. Cheers to red wine, cheese, 10 miles and Survivor!! I am really looking forward to the new season. Current guilty pleasure --> cupcakes and wine at 8pm! I can indulge a little after my last pumping session before bed.

    I ran 10 miles this morning. It was my first double digit run since April. Very excited about it.

    I also found Carrie to be pretty annoying on Sex and the City. Who is your favorite?

    I still can’t believe what you and Paul have to go through together. Both of you are so strong!!!

    1. I am glad you get to indulge! I saw a meme today that said, "The most expensive part about having kids is all the wine you have to drink." I thought that was funny. :)

      Congrats on your first double digit! I bet it felt great. There is something about getting over that mental hump at 10 miles...

      I like Miranda and Samantha. I like how Samantha is always poised and is very open and not judgmental. Miranda reminds me a little bit of myself because she can be independent and uptight. :) The older I get, the more Carrie annoys the crrrrappppp out of me.

  8. I am currently loving the The People vs OJ miniseries on FX! I was too young to really understand as it unraveled in real time even though I was definitely aware of it, so watching the miniseries as an adult is fascinating. Are you watching?

    1. No I am not watching. I heard there are a lot of inconsistencies and I have read soooooooooo many books on the trial that I feel like I just would not enjoy it because I'd wrapped up on things they got "wrong".

      Hey, the absolute BEST book on the matter (if you are ever interested in reading about it) is the one Mark Fuhrman wrote: Murder in Brentwood. I mean, OJ is 10000% percent guilty of this crime, and I used to not be able to wrap my head around how a jury did not convict him. This is the first book that really made me understand it all.

    2. Thanks! I'm in need of a new book - gonna check it out!

  9. Aww hehe. Sometimes my mind wanders too and then I know it's either a boring podcast I need to delete or I need to rewind it! The ones I listened to today were a little boring...

    You earned that wine last week, you had a stressful one to say the least.
