
Friday, February 5, 2016

Friday 5

1. New piano bench! I got a new piano bench! Well, it is an old piano bench, but new to my house. It's the one my brothers and I used at my parent's house growing up. It has been officially passed down to me! Except Christmas thinks it's his new bed...

2. Running Rut. The running rut I have been in is officially OVER! That doesn't mean every run is fabulous, it just means my runs don't feel like a chore anymore and I look forward to them. Whew. That was like a month long rut I couldn't seem to get myself out of. That being said, I'm not really in the mood to make any goals right now or sign up for races.

3. Coloring. This week, a couple students and I worked together to create a bulletin board for the Recorder Karate unit I do with the 4th graders. I am not very artistic but I do love to color. It is so relaxing. Coloring and puzzles... I could do it all day!

You probably won't find this bulletin board on Pinterest but I love it anyway because a lot of LOVE went into it!

Oh, and while we're on the subject of Recorder Karate, this week I got the actual "My dog ate my recorder" excuse!

4. Iced Coffee! Not only does Paul supply me with chicken, but he supplies me with iced coffee! He always makes sure there is a big jug of it in the fridge. I was a bit perturbed when I woke up Thursday morning and there was no iced coffee! Luckily, there is a McDonalds about two minutes from my house. I hopped in my car (still in my jammies!) and got a large black coffee. When I got home, what did I see sitting on the counter? The jug of iced coffee! In my tired, Thursday morning haze, I totally missed it!

5. I don't watch the Super Bowl. I hate football every day of the year and don't magically enjoy it on Super Bowl Sunday. I also hate commercials and don't think the ones during the Super Bowl are that great. But one thing I always try to catch is the singing of the National Anthem. I like it best when they sing it "straight" and don't put in too many fancy runs.

Any other Super Bowl non watchers? What will you be doing instead?

Do you like coloring?
Silliest thing you did in a tired haze?

Today, I'm linking up with the DC girls for Friday 5! It's my first time! YAY!


  1. That note from your student is so funny! And I am glad you are out of your running rut. I don't care about the Super Bowl either, but I will partake in the drinking and eating part of it.

    1. Just homemade pizza! We figure there's no point if making a ton of food for just the two of us.

  2. I have to admit--big football fan here. I am looking forward to the Superbowl, but not as much if my team was in it.
    I agree about the national anthem--sing it straight up. It is a challenging enough piece!
    The craziest thing I have done it a haze...Running an 18 miler on the treadmill and "dying" of thirst only to find out there was A CASE of water directly behind the treadmill (Never mind the KITCHEN directly upstairs!!) AND watching TV with subtitles thinking the sound was broken, when really the mute button on the remote I was using was broken...
    I eventually would like to get a padded piano bench, especially one that could tilt...I used to have an old piano bench that we shortened and made into our coffee table...
    Enjoy the weekend!

    1. It IS challenging! Most "stars" who sing it aren't that great at it.

      I bet your piano bench coffee table is so cool! That is a great idea.

  3. Not really a fan of the superbowl either. I've been drinking Iced Chai tea lately and I make it better than It's been my treat before bed lately!

    1. I wish I was a tea drinker. Tea drinkers seem so calm. :)

  4. I was in a running rut too! It's terrible but getting out of it felt amazing! I'm going to tell you the silliest thing Frank has done in a tired haze. We were laying in bed and I was telling him something that he clearly didn't care about. He then sleepily says (while we are bundled up in covers) "I wish it were snowing in here". It took me a second to figure out what what was happening and then he just says "Oh no! I was falling asleep when I said that". Haha! It made me laugh pretty hard.

    1. LOL that is hilarious!!! I have talked in my sleep before. Not lately, but I used to. Paul said it would freak him out because whenever I talk in my sleep I am very strong and adamant about what I say. He says it was so weird...

  5. Omg coloring is amazing. It's so therapeutic. I do it with the kids pretty regularly.

    I watch super bowl although this year I was considering missing most of it to get my long run done lol

  6. Ha ha both teams lose. That's awesome. So funny about the dog eating the recorder. Makes sense to me! And I have no idea how you can drink iced coffee. Blech. The only way I can do it is if it's so smoking hot outside and I am so beyond exhausted that I need coffee in iced form. GLAD YOUR RUT IS OVER! Now go kick some ass.

    1. For some reason when we make hot coffee at home it bothers my stomach. Iced coffee is the only thing that doesn't bother it. Of course I enjoy hot coffee for other places- like McDs or Dunkun!

  7. That note from your student is so cute. I would have laughed on the inside – and then on the outside when he/she wasn’t looking. I like the “pay for a new 1”.

    I love coloring, but no longer have time in my life to do it. Have you tried those adult coloring books?

    1. No I never tried the adult ones, I like coloring kid type stuff like animals and beach scenes lol. I can't believe I actually have a coloring preference. :) Oh, and anything Christmas related!

      Yes, I did laugh on the inside for sure! But I do have to give her credit for owning up to it and writing a thoughtful note about it. She seemed sheepish about the whole thing. It was cute. :)

  8. Hahaha that note from your student is great. In this instance the dog ate my homework excuse actually makes sense - he thought it was a bone! So cute!

    I love coloring and should buy a coloring book. It's a bit stressful for me though because if a color ends up looking bad in a spot (like I use the wrong shade of green for a bush) or if I color outside the lines by accident it DRIVES ME CRAZY. Just thinking about it is making me upset! O_o I wish I found it more relaxing like you!

    1. It was cute. I of course had to give a short lecture about keeping it somewhere safe where here dog can't get it, but she seemed ashamed about it so I didn't lecture too much. I could tell she already knew she messed up!

      LOL I love that you have a specific instance (like a bush being the wrong shade) that drives you nuts with coloring! :)

  9. Yesterday, I sat down and played the piano for the first time in a long time! My fingers stumbled a little bit, but it felt great.

    1. That's great! What kind of music do you like to play?

  10. That note is hilarious! I do like watching the Super Bowl and at least the commercials if it's not an interesting game.

    1. Hopefully there will be some good ones on for ya on Sunday :)

  11. That recorder note!!! LOL.

    I absolutely cannot stand to watch foot ball and I do not pretend to love it on Super bowl Sunday. :S I get super annoyed when people who don't mention it ALL YEAR suddenly can't stop talking about it....grr.

  12. 1.) Today I pulled rusty staples out of the bedroom floor in my new house. Seriously, the previous owners let their kid live in a room with rusty staples poking up out of the floor.

    2.) I co-direct a choir but ever only lead an entire rehearsal when my co-director is at a band festival. Today, I finally had a great rehearsal with my jr high choir!

    3.) I love coloring!! I am so excited about the coloring for adults trend. Amazingly, Derrick also loves to color! I bought us The Enchanted Forest coloring book and fancy colored pencils. We color out of the same book together.

    4.) I had 2 students have "my dog ate my recorder" excuses this year... it never gets old.../sarcasm.

    5.) We have the best hubbies! Derrick makes me coffee and packs my lunch for me in the morning. ♡

    1. Awww that is so cute that you guys color together!!! <3 And it is very sweet he packs your lunch and makes your coffee. I am glad he takes care of you because you deserve to be pampered! You work hard. :) Can't wait to see the new house!!!

  13. Great that your running rut is over! What is recorder karate? I usually watch the Super Bowl but I have to work on Sunday.

    1. It's a program for teaching recorders where the students play songs for me and earn their "belts" which are actually ribbons to tie at the bottom of their recorders. The white belt song is the easiest and the black belt song is the hardest- get it!? :)

  14. "The dog ate my recorder" is the best excuse ever. And that note is hilarious.

    I'm glad your running rut is over!! I'm still taking days off for my foot. Blah.

    I don't watch the Super Bowl either. I watch the top 10 commercials online the next day so I'm ready to discuss them with my students, but that's it haha.

    1. The note is great and very sincere! I admire the thought that went into it.

      How is your foot doing? Did you go to the dr. at all?
