
Monday, February 15, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

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Happy Presidents Day! I hope you have off today. We have school today since we needed to make up a snow day. Oh well, I'd rather get the days in now than tack them on at the end of the school year when it is gorgeous outside! Here's what we were up to this weekend...

The "real feel" temperature was 7 degrees, but I braved the cold on my morning run! Most of my body was numb for the first mile, but then I started to warm up and it wasn't so bad. The real pain came when I had to get gas on the way to work. It was SO. FREAKING. COLD. All I could think about was those poor people on the Titanic...

Work was relatively painless as the students had an early release day so the teachers could do some professional development. There were several valentines dropped off in my room. I love that the students who make me valentines usually include a picture of a cat!


I want to show you the sweater I wore because I got so many compliments on it! This sweater is from Express- purchased in HIGH SCHOOL. You young folk may be surprised but this is the type of stuff Express USED to sell!

I used to wear this with my brown baggy cargo pants and combat boots.

After work, Paul and I had a big Friday date consisting of... grocery shopping! What a way to start off Valentine's weekend! When we got home, he made me a yummy dinner and we relaxed and watched TV. Bedtime was super early. 

The temperature was to be bitter cold, so as soon as I woke up, I started mentally preparing myself for a boring treadmill run.

Before I hit the gym, we quit our bank! It was a very exciting day for us because we were not happy with the changeover between Susquehanna and BB&T. We spent over a month getting everything in order and finally Saturday was the day. As we drove out of the BB&T parking lot for the last time, I beeped my horn with glee.

Somehow I managed to run 10 miles on the mill without killing anyone. Partway through my run, a woman and a man got on the treadmills right next to me (EFFF!) and the woman started talking really loud. It was so loud that I couldn't hear my podcast! I really wanted to smack her in the face even though I had already been running for an hour by that point and should have been feeling very relaxed and exercise-happy. 

Towards the end of my run, an older guy who liked to sniff his snot into the back of his throat got on the treadmill on the other side of me. I almost got out my teacher voice and insisted he go get a tissue. Actually, I think I will just start carrying tissues around with me and handing them out to people because clearly there are grown ass adults who don't know when to use them.

That afternoon we went to my brother and SIL's house to hang out with my parents who were watching my nieces. Boy did we have such a fun time playing and jumping around. I was exhausted! (Parents reading this right now are probably rolling their eyes.) 

We hung out with our family for quite awhile and got home just in time to move the litter box from the dining room to our bedroom so our house was ready for... GAME NIGHT!

Geoff and Bree came over and we laughed harder than we have in a long time. 

The highlight of the night was playing Bean Boozled. 

First of all, a shout out to Geoff and Bree to being the first people to be willing to play this game with us! Second of all, if you never tasted any gross jellybean flavors like moldy cheese, booger, and canned dog food, I can assure you that they really taste like the disgusting things promised! 

Can you imagine putting a candy in your mouth and not knowing whether it's going to taste like peach or barf!?

Luckily I only got one gross flavor- canned dog food. It was absolutely positively horrible and the flavor was stuck in my mouth for quite awhile. I tried to erase it with Twizzlers and expensive scotch, but I still had a bit of that puke-y feeling in the pit of my stomach!

We celebrated our love on Valentine's Day by having breakfast at a diner right down the street. I was so hungry and couldn't wait to dig into dippy eggs, home fries, bacon, and a pancake.

I was so excited I apparently couldn't even open my eyes!

Even though breakfast was yummy, my stomach felt a little... delicate, if you will. I think it boiled down to a couple reasons:

1. The night before, I had scotch for the first time in a long time.
2. I kept burping up the jelly bean that tasted like canned dog food.
3. I only slept for a little under 4 hours the night before and I had that "sick tired" feeling in the pit of my stomach.

Due to not feeling my greatest, I couldn't decide whether to run or not. Part of me wondered what the point was, but another part of me thought I would feel better after the run. I ultimately headed out and while my legs felt very heavy, my stomach held it together. I did 5 miles at a pretty consistent 8:00 pace, which is weird because I felt like I was running a 9:00 pace. It's so weird how sometimes I just can't tell.

The rest of the day was spent on the couch starting a new puzzle and getting my stuff together for the week!

And finally, Jelly has a Valentine's Day message for you!

What's your favorite thing to get when you go out for breakfast?
Have you ever eaten a gross Jelly Belly flavor?
Did you ever quit your bank?
Did you do anything special for V-day?


  1. OMG that treadmill story! LOL. Sometimes I unexpectedly use my teacher voice with Matt and he outright asks, "Do you speak to your students with that voice?"

    We have today off for Heritage Day. It's only the second year for teachers in my province to get this day off. :D I'm going to attempt my long run but right now the feel like is -24 Celsius!!!!

    1. That is really freaking cold!!!!!!!!!!!

      I use my teacher voice for Paul too sometimes. He is not as nice about it as Matt is. :) I can't say I blame him!

  2. Nice job getting in those miles despite the cold. I always have trouble since I hate the mill so much and I hate cold. It's always a toss up if I'm going to make it out on a really cold day.

    I absolutely love your valentines. Haha!

  3. Scott use to buy me the HUGE box of Jelly Belly beans for Valentines day (and we'd usually have them till One year he bought the bean-boozeled beans. I died laughing. The first couple I had were not gross beans. I then took the remaining beans to school with me and used it as a game with my high school students. Every time they participated in class, they got to come up and spin the wheel and try a bean. Boy I got SO much participation that week!

    We had off school Friday and today because we didn't have any snow days. We have quite a few snow days built in this spring so I don't think we would have to make them up at the end of the year. Honestly, i'd rather make them up at the end in June. Everyone is always in a happy mood anyway.

    1. That was a great idea to take them to school!

      Good point about being happy in June. :)

  4. I really hate when people near me at the gym start having loud conversations!
    That sounds like an amazing Valentines breakfast! I always get eggs and bacon when I eat breakfast out, ad I am always excited when it comes with some kind of hash browns or bread too.
    Schools here are closed today, and I was going to work but I ended up getting off for the snow/ice we are getting today.

    1. Some schools around us are closed. It is sort of funny because most of us go today as a snow makeup day and then they ended up closing anyway! I hope you enjoy your day off and do extra push ups to celebrate! ;)

  5. That game sounds disgusting! I find buttered popcorn jelly bellies gross. Glad you're making up the snow day. I love snow days but making them up in June blows. I have so many gripes about people at the gym right now. Saving for runfessions! If I had one meal left on this earth, it would be breakfast. With bacon, eggs and plenty of pancakes.

    1. Yeah I wouldn't eat buttered popcorn jelly bellys for fun either. Can't wait to hear your gym rants!

  6. You definitely had some interesting treadmill time last week, lol!!

  7. I can't even count how many gross jelly beans I've eaten because of all these damn kids trying to trick me.

    The Titanic? LOL sorry, that made me laugh. It just came out of nowhere. I love you.

    1. It's my new way of psyching myself up to run in the cold. It can't be worse than being on the Titanic!

      I am so sorry your kids have tricked you into eating disgusting Jelly beans. :( That dog food one knocked me done for a day.

  8. When I was at the gym Saturday morning, the guy on the mill next to me smelled really strongly of cologne AND hangover (you know how some people just have that booze smell seeping out of their pores after a night of drinking?). And somehow, the cologne smell made it even grosser. Like I'd almost prefer just the BO.

    I quit a bank once, but it was kinda sad. It was my hometown credit union that I couldn't use anymore because, well, I don't live there. They were rad.

    1. That smelly guy sounds horrible. I saw a meme the other day that said, "If you can afford a gym membership, you can afford deodorant" :)

  9. Ugh snot sniffers are the WORST. I have a student who does it constantly. I don't understand why he doesn't just get a tissue! I can't imagine running next to someone who was doing that. Yuck!

    1. That really sucks because I guess you can't MAKE a middle schooler blow their nose, can you?

      There is a 1st grader at my school and a 2nd grader that sounds like grown ass men when they sniff. It is disconcerting and disgusting. I MAKE them blow their nose, because they're so young I can get away with that!

  10. Those Valentine's cards from your students are adorable!

    I love breakfast foods and would happily eat them for every meal ever so going to a diner for Valentine's Day sounds perfect!

    Congrats on quitting your bank. I quit Suntrust about a decade ago because there weren't enough branches around in South Florida. Now a days that's not a problem with online banking but back in the day it was such a hassle! Remember having to go to the bank and see a teller to cash a check? Annoying!

    1. Welllll I still have to do that because I have a flip phone. :( I know you can like take pics of checks now and deposit them. I think when I finally get a smartphone that will be thing thing I like best about it- not having to go to the bank to deposit piano lesson checks!

  11. LOL I ove how you got annoyed FOR Kenny! :) That is love.
