
Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Things I'm too old for...

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This post was inspired by an article I read over at Huffington Post- 
8 Things I Am Too Old For

1. Cosmopolitan Magazine. I used to love diving into this mag! But let's examine some of the latest headlines:

When His Diet Makes You Feel Fat

Sex Tips So Hot You'll Get Turned On Just Reading Them

Would Your Life Be Better Blonde?

So, You Want Abs? Ok... we found the 5 minute plan to get you some

Love! Money! Success! Bedside Astrologer

Sorry, I just don't relate to these articles!

2. Wearing high heels to work. I love cute shoes, but I also love running and not being injured. Gone are the days I wore heels to work. I now save them for special occasions... or sitting down occasions.

3. Saying YES all the time. If I don't want to do something, I say NO and I don't apologize for it. I love saying no! I love not being busy! Having nothing to do is the BEST THING EVER.

4. Going to an event that starts at 9 o'clock or later. That's really too late for me. Why can't it start at 7? Or better yet, 6!

5. Apologizing for who I am.

6. Inadequate accommodations. Aka: sleeping on the floor, a couch, or a shitty hotel room. I don't need to be in the lap of luxury, but I do need a clean room that doesn't smell and a bed.

7. Negative people. Sometimes you don't even realize how negative someone is until a couple years have gone by and then suddenly you're like, WOZWERS! This person needs to GO.

8. These leggings. Probably. But I want them anyway!

What are you too old for?


  1. OMG I LOVE THIS. I used to feel so risqué and cool reading Cosmo and now I'm like "ugh, what trash."

    I'm definitely too old for starting activities anytime after 8. VERY rarely we'll see a movie that starts at 10, but usually I like to be home and getting ready for bed by 11, even on weekends! I'm way too old to care what people think of me (haha, SO old!) and I told Matt this past summer that I'm done with vacations that involve rough accommodations. I need a nice bed and preferably a hotel with 3+ stars when we travel now! And I've definitely been cutting negative people out of my life. They waste my time and drag me down! I love the "hide" and "unfriend" buttons ;)

    I'm kind of into the printed leggings. I don't think they have an age limit, honestly!

    1. I think the leggings definitely depend on what you pair them with. I do have some cool houdstooth-ish leggings.

      Cosmo used to be VERY naughty to read!!! :)

  2. Haha I definitely agree with these. I don't even like staying out past 9 anymore! And so many of those magazine that I used to love just make me cringe now.

    1. They are all horrible. I can't think of any magazine I would like to read except maybe Cat Fancy.

  3. I agree with every single thing on this list! I thought Cosmo was so cool back in the day, but now the whole concept of it makes me sad.

    I haven't worn high heels since I started running! I don't even own a pair anymore! I love ballet flats and think there is a style of them that is appropriate for every occasion! :)

    1. Ballet flats are very stylish. And you are on the tall side too, right?

  4. I used to read Tiger BEat and Big Bopper!!! OMG so many memories!!!

  5. OMG, Love this post!!!!
    I agree on the accommodations. I don't skimp on hotel rooms.
    I think I need to make my own list and post it. I'll of course give you credit for the idea!! Oh, I think concerts will be on the top of my list. I've been at a few that were at the Wittaker center and I really enjoyed them because it was a nice setting and comfy seats. I think it was a more upscale concert than in an overcrowded stadium!

    1. I would love to read your list. :) The Witaker Center is really nice. I haven't been to a big crowded concert in years. I have a feeling I wouldn't like it anymore!

  6. I think you should get the leggings. I'd give zero fox about what people thought of you for wearing them! Just imagine how hard it would be to have a bad day wearing cats all over your legs flying around in outer space?!?!

    1. lol it would be hard to have a bad day wearing those! I am sure my students would LOVE them too!

  7. At age 20 I was too old for Cosmo. I always found it so "whorish". GET THE LEGGINGS! Never too old for cosmic kitties! :D

  8. You aren't too old for Cosmo, you're too smart for Cosmo. :P

    I am definitely too old for the leggings, but I don't think everyone my age is too old for them. Haha! Does that even make sense? I cannot pull them off. You could pull them off. You have the right personality to pull of something like that.

    1. I am honored you think I have the personality for galaxy cat leggings. :) What a great compliment!!

  9. I agree with all of these! Well except the accommodations thing - being in AmeriCorps and traveling made me pretty tolerant of living in crappy places and made me realize how good most of us have it.

    I went through a Cosmo phase in my early 20s. Now I look at it and I can't believe people get paid to write that...with $$ from grown women who actually want to read it. I don't mean to be judgmental, but, I wince at some of those headlines. Especially when they're placed with other articles that claim to be empowering and deep.

    1. The writing is HORRIBLE in those things. It's like reading a text msg from a 13 yr old.

  10. Love all of these!! Add on people that ask for your advice, but yet always do the opposite and I'd say the list in complete, haha!!

    1. Ugh I hate that!! Like why ask for my advice if your mind is clearly already made up??

    2. I don't know people like that. Maybe I have weeded them out of my life already? Or else I AM THAT PERSON!

  11. Yep, totally agree with you on Cosmo. That ship has sailed for me!! I have recently learned that I may be too old to do flips on the trampolines at SkyZone. My mind totally said yes, but my body rebelled with a sore neck and back the next day. Geez!!

    1. Ow! I have never ventured into a place like that because I envision there being a lot of kids there... or maybe I am wrong? I just hear my students talk about Monkey Joe's and SkyZone and stuff and the last place I want to be is where children are bouncing up and down screaming. I don't even know if I am right or not!

  12. LOL those titles in Cosmo! I used to be obsessed with that magazine and now I feel silly just browsing on the cover at the grocery store LOL.

  13. YES to ALL of these. My favorite --> events that start at 9pm. I like to be home by 9pm. Haha! I can maybe do one or to "late" events each year.

    1. I like to be home by then as well. :) It's funny when I was young I remember going "out" at like 9 or 10!
