
Wednesday, February 17, 2016

I signed up for a race!

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For my dad's birthday, I got him a race! I signed him up for the Capital 10-Miler in Harrisburg on April 2nd. (Don't worry, I asked his permission before registering him!) I also signed myself up for it, so it looks like I'm going to be racing in a little over 6 weeks! 

I'm not sure what my dad's goals are for the race and I'm not sure of mine either! I definitely want to do better than I did at the Dover 10 miler. That was a hilly course and this one is flat, so I think that is an attainable goal. But as far as an actual time goal and race strategy... I'm still working on it. I am designing a training plan for myself so I am in racing shape. I feel strong and ready to tackle a more structured workout plan for the next couple weeks.

But I'm also scared. The last two races I trained for (BDR and Dover) did not go according to plan. I set lofty goals and I did not attain them for a myriad of reasons. It sucks to work hard for something, say a goal out loud, and then not crush it. I'm scared to set an expectation for myself because it's so. much. pressure. Oh my gosh I have to poop just thinking about it!
Are you ever afraid to set goals?
Do you feel more pressure when you announce those goals to the world?


  1. That is so exciting! I think you will kick butt at a 10 mile race! I usually do not announce specific time goals to the world in fear of not reaching them I don't know why. Who cares? I tend to do better at races I have lower expectations for. Both my most recent PR's I literally went into the race thinking I'm going to do my best and be happy with that and I really meant it. The races where I'm so focused and I'm determined to break a certain standard I usually crash and burn.

    1. I remember your 1/2 PR was just one of those days where you wanted to do your best... and boy did you! Believe me, I thought about that- just going out and winning it. Except I am in the mood to be on a sked and train.

  2. I have not set many goals in a long time due to my injury, but I am hoping this summer to get back at it. I really want to find a 10K in the area. The 10 miler is a nice distance too!

    1. I bet there will be some great 10ks this spring!

  3. Yay! I can't wait to hear how this race goes! And having your dad there to race with you will certainly make it even more fun. I've never been one to be afraid of falling short of a goal, so announcing my goals is no big deal. Haha! I'll always have another opportunity to reach whatever goal it is.

    1. I am definitely excited to do it with my daddio. :) You have a great attitude about goals! I aspire to have that attitude!

  4. Yay! How exciting! I love the 10 mile distance. I wish it were more popular around here.

    Honestly, I know you don't like to race much, but I think the more you practice and put yourself out there, the easier it gets in regards to the fear of setting/falling short of goals. The more you race, the more you learn about what strategies and training and tapering work best for you, etc. Just remember that simply deciding to go after a goal and put it out there takes a lot of guts, so by daring to take a chance on yourself with a lofty goal and putting in the work to try to make it happen, you've already won.

    1. That's why I am making myself say it! It will be good for me. And it will be good for me to race, like you said!

  5. Yep - ones of these days I'm going to shut up about wanting to re qualify for Boston. Ugh, the pressure!!! It's great to have goals and put them out there, but extra disappointing to me when they don't happen.
    Very cool you got your Dad a race entry. Just today I was thinking it would be fun to get my mom to do a 5K this summer. Granted she has never run a day in her life, but I think she might enjoy the accomplishment of doing it!

    1. Maybe she will do it if you promise to run with her. :)

  6. You'll do great! Love that it's a flat course too. So exciting! I love signing up for new races.

    1. I'm nervous but I am sure I will feel like a million bucks just DOING it.

  7. I think I reach ATTAINABLE goals but sometimes they are contingent on EVERYTHING clicking!

  8. How exciting! I love reading your race recaps, but reading your training recaps is just as much fun :)

    The pressure is all self-inflicted because you know we will support you and be amazed by you no matter what!

    1. You are so sweet. :) I know it is self inflicted, you guys are always awesome!

  9. I know exactly what you mean about setting lofty goals, saying them OUTLOUD, and then feeling the pressure of meeting those goals. I think that is one of the reasons why I get bad anxiety before a race - there is always some goal attached.

    I will say, the one time I went into a race for "fun" without any expectations or goals was the time I set my current PR for the half marathon distance and won the race. I am going to try this approach more often! :)

    Do you feel pressure to set goals?

    1. That is so cool that you had an unexpected PR and WIN without all the stress and worry!!! :)

      I do not feel pressure to set goals. But I kind of feel like if I am spending the money on a race, I should at least try to set some sort of goal.

  10. It makes me so nervous to set a big goal and share it with the world! I don't even like to talk about race times other than the marathon because I don't want to feel all that pressure. That race sounds like it will be fun and it's good to have something to work towards!

    1. It is nice to have something to work toward because after weeks and weeks of workouts with no direction at all, I am excited to have a focus.

  11. I'm glad you signed up for another!! I think the more you race, the more accustomed you'll become to it and you'll just get better and better at it. You have plenty of time to start training and figure out a realistic but challenging goal! I think it sounds like this one is going to be a good one - it's flat AND your dad will be there!

  12. I used to get really anxious before races. But the more I've done, the more confident I feel, and the better it gets. Just keep doing them. It will get better!

  13. Haha! I'm excited FOR you! In fact I have a 10-mile race the week after yours. I know what you mean about the pressure. I needed something to train for. Too much jacking around here.

    1. LOL I am jacking around too. :) There has been NO direction to my workouts.
