
Friday, February 26, 2016


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Today I am participating in Marcia's Runfession's link up! Be sure to visit her blog and check out some of the other bloggers who are Runfessing today!

Runfession #1: I signed up for the Capital 10-Miler on April 2nd but I was afraid to set a goal for it. The last time I ran a 10 miler I did not accomplish what I set out to do. Well, I did set a goal and I did put it out there in the universe. It's a scary thing to do!

Runfession #2: There are two long sleeves I wear when it's bitter cold out. One of them is this pink one I got at Marshall's or something. It still works really well but there is one problem. It STINKS! And I cannot get the smell out of it! I wear it anyway... but only when I run alone!

Runfession #3: Speaking of stinky running clothes, I only have one pair of really thick running tights to wear in the winter. This means I wear them about 3 times in a row before I throw them in the wash.
Do you have something you want to Runfess?


  1. I think you are going to kill your 10 miler--you are ready! My runfessions for this month: I have decided that running in humidity totally offsets any benefit I get from running at a much lower altitude. Wow--talk about feeling like I was suffocating. I know that is how others feel with our thin Colorado (mile high) air, but I guess I am just so used to that. I do miss the warm temps of Mexico, however. My second one is that I feel a bit in a rut again simply because I am bored of my 'hood. Yesterday I drove 3 miles away and ran home but then Rick has to go w/ me to pick up my car. He's totally willing to do it, so I think once per week I will try that. Maybe another day I will just pick another area in town to run and when I am done I can drive home. Trying to be creative because it really gets in my head how bored I am with the 'same old, same old'.

    1. I am sorry you are back in a rut. Winter will do that to you. And us neighborhood runners... seriously, how many times do you think we have run loops around our hood?? 5000??

  2. OMG Meg, to be totally honest? Most of my running clothes are so old and so used that they all reek. They're actually okay when they're in my drawer but as SOON as they mix with my body heat, they start to get scenty. And once I start sweating in them? Release the hounds.

    But the weirdest thing ever is that they don't smell like ripe BO or anything. They smell like cat pee and/or semen. And I KNOW I am not alone in this because a runner friend I know who runs as much as me and for as long as I have has the exact same problem.

    There. I said it. Cat pee and semen. Now the whole world knows how gross I am.

    1. Omg semen. That is the grossest smell. Mine smell like BO as soon as the body heat hits. Paul won't even get near me after a run if I have that pink shirt on! I would say ou should join in on this runfessions link up but I think you whole blog is a big runfession! :) I love how open you are!

  3. Did you soak that top in vinegar? May be too late though. I pre-soak my stuff in OxyClean and I swear no odor. I'm using VaporFresh sport wash now and still no stink! You need the new Spandits thermal tights. SPANDITSLOVE saves you 10%! Thanks for linking up!

    1. I knew people would comment with tips to getting my clothes to smell fresh! I do think it is too late for the pink top, unfortunately. But if I had taken better care of it and used vinegar or sports wash in a timely fashion, it may have been salvageable. I never heard of spandits. I always thought my running tights were underarmour but I looked and they are actually Reebok. oops!

  4. I was just going to suggest vinegar when I saw Marcia did the same thing. See, that's why we are friends. Great minds and all!

    1. Vinegar is good for everything. We use it to clean up cat pee too!

  5. My winter stuff reeks too. I have soaked it in baking soda and vinegar, but the fix is only temporary-it lasts for maybe 2 washes. I just shower and change right after. Let's face it, the winter gear is expensive.

    1. It sure is. And if no one is running with me to smell it anyway, who cares right!?

  6. Try vinegar and baking soda on your shirt before you wash it (or along with the usual detergent in the washer). It really does seem to work on the toughest smells.

    I have a runfession: I don't understand how to do link ups, and even though I'dl like to do "thinking out loud" and stuff, I am so confused about how to properly link back (and get linked to) that I just never try! haha

    1. Oh man it's easy! Okay so like today, I wrote my post and thanked Marcia for the link up so that people could easily go to her blog from my blog. Then I published my blog. Then this morning, I visited her blog and at the bottom of the page there is a little button to push that says "add your link to the link up". So you lick it and you just enter what it asks for- name, website, etc. They you hit another button to add it to the link up. That will put your blog link at the bottom of her post.

      When I say it is easy, I mean it is verrrrrry easy. I am not blog/tech savvy at ALL!

    2. So you have to try to plan the post ahead, but don't actually join the linkup until the day of?

    3. Exactly. So I know the last Friday of the month is Runfessions. So I have my post ready and then that morning after I post my blog, I go to their page and join the linkup.

  7. Hi Megan - Most of my running clothes stink - I wash them all the time but I can't get the smell out! I run by myself, so it's never an issue. Usually there is a breaking point and it's even too much for me so I throw a shirt out. Have a good weekend! Kristen : )

    1. Oh man I think my pink shirt has hit the breaking point too! I need to steal a page from your book. Have a good one, Kristen! :)

  8. I hang up my winter running clothes to air out and absolutely wear them again. I love it because it's so convenient -- right there ready to go. Suzy's comment up there is hilarious!

    1. I know she is funny. You should visit her blog if you haven't- :)

  9. Everyone's already chimed in with laundry advice, so instead I'll say treat yourself to a new shirt - there are so many great sales going on for cold weather gear :) Winter gear is so expensive, so I usually wait till now and hope to catch a deal!

    1. I bet there are good deals right now! Thanks for the reminder. :)

  10. Good luck with your 10 mile race!! I will be running the Cherry Blossom Run on April's scary but exciting, I haven't set a goal for the race yet!

  11. Yah I don't think plain old detergent is any match for us runners. :)

  12. O man for winter running I have a few pair of really warm running tights. I've even worn the leggings that are fleece lined (although I will admit I was a little over dressed that day. They are probably best when it is 30 degrees or

    1. I don't have any fleece lined ones but I am sure they are so warm!

  13. Adam has this problem with all of his MMA clothes! When he comes home from class we air hug while I hold my breath!

    Lucky for him I am a dainty princess who never sweats and I smell amazing all of the time. He never has to complain about me smelling after runs and he's definitely never ever told me I smell like wet dog after a long run during summer! Amazing!

    1. LOL! Well you know I would almost believe that with all the yummy B&BW stuff you use! I am sure you come home from a run smelling like a Tahitian Island Princess!!!

  14. Confession: I was a bitch on my long run last week. I met a girl whom I've run with only once before. She's pretty much the same speed as me. She wanted to join me on my run, which the majority was marathon pace miles. She knew I had to run pace miles. As we went out (out and back) we were in the wind and were exhausted. After we turned I picked up speed as she faded. She told me that she had to stop and I should just go on. It was one of those "what would my coach do?" situations. So I just kept going. After the run I didn't wait long for her, and I left (we drove separately). Seemed like a dick move after I thought about it, but I was tired and wanted to go home! Whew, now I feel better that I confessed that!! (please, no judgement!! :)

    1. Girl, no judgement. I mean, I maybe would have sent a "sorry I'm exhausted I just gotta head home" text. But as runners, I am sure we all understand!

  15. Stinky is ok when running :) Winter running is tough. The gear needed is crazy!

  16. Some of my favorite running tops reek too... someone recently told me about special sports detergent but I have never tried it. Not sure if it is a marketing gimmick or not....

    1. Well one thing this post has definitely determined is that most of us have stuff the reeks. :)

  17. I have a limited selection of winter running clothes too. I have a bunch of running tights, but only a couple pairs work on the REALLY cold days. And i have a favorite layering combo for tops on those cold days as well.

    1. Do you ever wear more than one pair of pants, or are the pants you have warm enough?

  18. All of my running gear stinks, especially my bras! :( I rewear my tights for three times too before washing. Usually it's just the lower back waistband that gets wet with sweat this time of year.

    1. You know I don't think my bras smell! How weird is that? In theory, they should reek!
