
Thursday, February 25, 2016

A really shitty run...

Related Posts Plugin for WordPress, Blogger...On Tuesday, I had a really shitty run. Even though it was a warm 29 degrees, I was fairly well rested, and I had an excellent podcast to listen to, my run was CRAP!

The one and only factor that contributed to this run being shitty? I got my period the night before.

I know what you are thinking... "Wah wah wah, women's troubles boo hoo, you should be used to it by now, suck it up like the rest of us."

Well, I did suck it up and I did bang out the 8 miles on my schedule. But not one single step felt good. My whole body was creaky. My lower back ached. My glutes felt like they were all knotted up. It felt like my legs were tree trunks. Every single step was an effort. Tomorrow I will be fine, but on Day #1 of my cycle, runs are never good.

As I was completing my last mile, it truly felt like I had run twenty, not eight.

I walked for 8 minutes after my run and it felt so good. Then I turned on the Today Show and stretched. Boy did it feel good to just bend over and touch my toes. After a couple rounds of pigeon pose and couch stretch, my body was feeling a lot better.

Hopefully tomorrow's run will be better! Thanks for listening to me complain today!
Does your period affect your runs?


  1. Ugh...that sucks, Megan. I applaud you for getting it done. I think I would have chosen to take a rest day (I find myself taking more of them than I ever have in the past). I used to get really terrible cramps but I have been on the pill year round for a few years now so I don't even deal w/ it anymore. It's bliss. Hope you had a great run yesterday & have a great one today!

    1. If I wasn't training for something, I definitely would have cut the run short- like 5 miles or so. But after just signing up for two races and making a training plan, I was more inclined to just do it. I am glad the pill helps you! It is crazy all the little things that pill can do besides prevent pregnancy!

    2. Makes total sense. Maybe that is why I never train for anything. Too much pressure. I love the low dose pill I am on. Don't need it for prevention--Rick took one for the team on that one (such a great guy...)

    3. Rick! What a guy! I want Paul to take one for the team buuuuut he has enough to worry about right now!

    4. ..that is totally true. I was going to get things taken care of but our doctor said "Rick should really do's much easier for the guy". Then she talked to him about it so that was that :)

    5. It is much easier for a guy. I will NOT do it.

  2. When I knock out a shitty run, I always feel good about it mentally. I'll bet you do too, particularly after you get a good stretch. Our female biology just gets in the way sometimes but we do not let it stop us. Superwoman! Something that really irritates me is when my boobs are sore from PMS. We both know that I barely have boobs but they can be sore as hell and running with sore boobs sucks. You keep defying those bad are a badass.

    1. Wow I have never had sore boobs but I am sure it is horrible, let alone RUNNING while they are sore! I certainly didn't feel like a bad ass Tuesday, I was questioning why I was signed up for two races, I suck, yada yada. But today I had a great workout so I am reminded that I don't suck. Just on certain days I suck. :)

  3. My period doesn't affect my running, other than wearing a pair of compression shorts instead of regular loose shorts. For anything other than a long run I'll still just wear a pad. I have tampon phobia! But how about tight glutes? EVERY DAY OF MY LIFE lately. Sucks. My glutes are swearing at me for marathon training.

    1. Dang that sucks about your glutes? Do you foam roll them?? I love a good butt massage.

    2. Been foam rolling them like there's no tomorrow! Oh well.

  4. Ugh. I don't miss my period at all. That first day or two used to really mess with my runs. And give me the runs. TMI, right?

    1. Not at all! I used to get the runs, now I get lower back pain.

  5. At any given time, nearly half the population could be secretly hiding the pain and discomfort of cramps from literally SHEDDING INNER ORGAN TISSUE and we rarely let on. I swear, we are superheroes.

    I'm sorry your run sucked, but way to get it done! The shitty runs are what make us strong.

    1. They sure do!! And I love your colorful description of it.

  6. Such a relatable post. I started my period yesterday and the best part of my run was definitely stretching and taking a few minutes after to relax.

    I'm not looking forward to tonight's run either. Last night Adam woke up in the middle of the night with heart burn and he was moaning so much I ended up being awake with him for such a long time. I'm so ZzzzZZZzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!

  7. The first day of my period is the absolute worst for me too. It's weird though, sometimes it hits me in the morning and other times later in the day, so last month I got lucky and had a decent morning run but then felt like I was gonna die by 3pm. It's so tough being a girl!

    1. It is! And for athletes like us, we sort of are used to feeling pretty good, you know? Strong and healthy and then BOOM our period reminds us we are mere mortals.

  8. I totally thought you wrote "crotch stretch" not couch stretch. Appropriate, no? Ha ha! You can complain about periods to me any time, all you want. Shitty runs happen. Why pretend that they don't?

  9. CREAKY. YES. That feeling. I know it too well! Felt it on my own 8 miler today. UGH. EVERY Friday I run at the ass crack of dawn (4:45) and every Friday I hate it just as much. I know how you feel. UGH and throw period into the mix...torture. Girlfriend. I feel you. Rest up!!

    1. I know, you don't have much time between your Thurs and Fri run do you? That's why sometimes I hesitate to push my run to after work because then there's like 12 hours between runs. It's so hard to fit it all in. Too bad running is not our job. :)

  10. Oh the things we have to look forward to! :)

  11. Okay, when I'm on my period or it's coming my boobs really hurt when I run. :(

  12. Ow :( My boobs have never hurt. But then again neither did my back until a couple years ago.
