
Thursday, February 18, 2016

A post that has been hanging in my draft folder...

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This post needs a disclaimer! I wrote it almost two years ago and never hit publish! It has been chilling in my draft folder ever since. I finally decided I need to either delete it or publish it. It didn't feel right to get rid of a perfectly good blog post, so here you go! It's kind of dumb (and way outdated... most of these things are not on our fridge anymore!) but oh well!

This is our cat's calorie log. They are on a diet, so we have to keep track
of everything they eat.

The green post it is a note Paul left for me on my computer.
The coffee magnet that reminds me of my friend, Maren.
The picture of Jelly is from when he got groomed. (He has some serious butt knots.)

A few older pictures. The one of the cats is from way back in my apartment.
They look so tiny!

A printed out picture of a Hawaiian beach. Just to get us hype!
(Side note: At the time we were planning a Hawaii trip.)

The cutest note from one of my piano students.

We have cat butt magnets. Yes, it is holding up The Virgin Mary we got at a memorial we recently attended. We probably should have used one of our sushi magnets or something.

This needs no description!

Okay, now let's fast forward to the present day. Here are some of the things that are on my fridge now that weren't there two (plus) years ago...

What better way to express our love for the great state of Colorado!?

 Me and my late, great Uncle Jack. Boy do I miss him!

So we have those magnets that you can make sentences with. These are cat related.

Paul writes PG-13 sentences to make me laugh!

What's on your fridge?
Do you have any posts that have been chilling in your draft folder for a long time?


  1. I love it! I have those post it notes all stuck on the inside of my cabinets. Rick and I always leave each other notes and for some reason I save them -- they make me smile.

    1. It is such a sweet gesture. :) I have one on my computer at work. Makes me smile!

  2. Our fridge has always been covered in baby announcements, wedding invitations, and photos...but now that we've gotten new appliances, Matt likes the look of a "clean" and empty fridge.

    1. Clean fridges do look very nice! I sometimes get in that mode.

  3. I have a bunch of posts that have been in my draft folder for a long time. Sometimes I just need to write something out to get it off my chest - but it doesn't need to see the light of day, haha.

    My fridge has Cecil's best painting, a couple of pictures from Paris, an autographed picture from a Miami Dolphins football player and an autographed picture from my favorite Miami Heat player!

    1. I wish my cats were as talented as Cecil. I would love to display their artwork!

  4. I have a bunch of posts in my draft folder too - most of them are just ideas that never even made it into a full post, sometimes just a sentence and sometimes just a title! I either don't get the time to finish them or I just don't feel like writing about them anymore.

    Our fridge is mostly just pics of Kevin's nieces and nephew and some Xmas cards that are still hangin out.

    1. I have a couple like that too! Some things I don't quite know how to put into words yet.

  5. I used to have cat butt magnets too! One by one they disappeared. I LOVE that one of them is holding up the virgin Mary. That is so funny! I'm so glad you hit publish! I have a tonne of drafts in my draft folder. I should go back and check them out!

    1. Woah I wonder where all the butt magnets went!!??

  6. My fridge is pretty bare, but I do have a game of mini golf up there where I kicked Frank's butt! He's better than me in everything not having to do with running, so that felt good. Haha!

  7. That is a lot! I have 11 right now and 3 of them I definitely intend to write. The others... I don't know what the hell is going on with those.

  8. If someone came to my house they would have no idea what color my fridge is. One side is completely covered by the wall, actually two sides and then the other two sides are covered in photos magnets race bibs and training plans LOL

    1. It doesn't surprise me that your's is full of training plans and race bibs! :)

  9. Oh my gosh I just love these random Posts you do. What aa great theme. I just cleaned off my fridge last weekend (first time in over a year) but here is what WAS on it.
    1. A post card from my sister from Paris
    2. An invitation to a baby shower I never attended because I was running a marathon that day.
    3. An invitation to our neighbor baby's 1st b-day party that was back in July.
    4. 2 pics of baylee and 2 pics of our dogs that have passed.
    5. Random Disney magnets.
    6. Pic of me and Scott at Disney's jingle jungle 5k.

    On the side of the fridge I have. Random race magnets and an obituary of my grandma that has been there since 2008.

    Cus I know you just wanted to know all this right??? Somehow all this clutter was really organized though. I'm really not a pack rat, honest!

    1. You had a very good reason to not attend the baby shower. I hate baby showers. I think we talked about this. :) Actually the last baby shower I really enjoyed because it was a CLOSE friend and they had been trying so hard to get pregnant. That was a GREAT shower.

      I DID WANT TO KNOW THIS! :) I asked, right!? On the side of our fridge we have a bunch of random magnets too. :) I don't normally put race bibs on the fridge but I put Boston. It has since been moved to the side of the fridge.

    2. If I had ran Boston that bib would probably be on my fridge too!
