
Thursday, February 11, 2016

A Day In My Life

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The nosy person in me loves reading "A Day In My Life" posts. If you are nosy about how my Tuesday went, this is the post for you!

My day began at 5:38. I woke up just a couple minutes before my alarm went off. The first thing I do is pour my iced coffee and sit at the island while I fiddle around on my lap top and wake up...

...except my mouse wasn't working at all.

My morning wasn't starting out that great.

I was supposed to lift that day, but the fact that my mouse didn't work put me in a really bad mood. I was in the mood to run my cares away. Even though I put a lot of miles on my legs the past couple days, I suited up for a run. Before I hit the streets, I checked the weather forecast. It was supposed to snow all day, but it didn't look like it started yet.

As soon as I stepped foot outside, blowing snow smacked me in the face. It was snowing for sure. I ran a couple careful loops around my hood. The snow was not only smacking me in the face and numbing my chin, but it was sticking to the ground. By the end of my run, my 'hood looked like this:

My legs felt fresh and strong on my run. I felt guilty about not lifting. Tomorrow, for sure.

After each morning run, I turn on the Today Show and stretch with Jelly.

My deadline to be done stretching is 7:20 because by 7:35 I have to look like THIS:

Do you see how I not so sneakily wear my compression socks on under my boots?

Time for breakfast! I love a hearty cereal and have been on a Raisin Bran kick for the past several months. I eat it in the car on the way to work.

Unfortunately, the snow caused a huge delay on my normally short commute. I was about fifteen minutes late!

Finally, I arrived in my classroom. My morning time is the calm before the storm. I had quite a busy day ahead of me- 8 forty minute classes. 

That morning, mid way through a lesson on The Little Red Hen, there was an announcement that school would be dismissed early for the day due to the snow. I think the school officials wanted us safe at home before the temperature dropped and the roads got slick.

I'm not going to lie. I was quite happy for the early dismissal! I was also nervous about driving home. I am not a fan of driving in winter weather.

After three morning classes, I had lunch. Chicken, broccoli, and roasted red potatoes. I use a lot of salt.

The snow was really coming down! Here is the view from my classroom:

After lunch, I had two kindergarten classes before it was time for our dismissal. What a short day! The roads were not bad at all on the way home- simply wet. I swung into the Community Aid store and got some new puzzles! I figured I'd need something to occupy my time that afternoon! (Normally I teach 6 piano lessons after school but everyone canceled due to the weather.) I rarely buy brand new puzzles because that can get expensive. I get them at the Dollar Tree or thrift stores.

When I got home, I decided to lift chest. Usually I don't run or lift on the same day but my training is all screwed up this week. It's my fault. I didn't really feel like exercising again, but once I got started it was fine. Plus I had a couple episodes of The View to catch up on!

This is what I did:

Chest Press
Push Ups
Shoulder Press
Chest Press (neutral grip)
Tricep Dips

I also did a couple ab exercises and some glute stuff. I tried lateral raises but they make my arms and shoulder creak! That can't be good! Instead, I did planks. I haven't done a side plank in a good year. And you can tell, by the look on my face and the tense neck!

I haven't done the standard forearm plank in awhile either. I could only manage to hold a couple one minute planks. My shoulders are just so tired by the time I'm done lifting!

Some of you asked about my push ups. I use these things called the Perfect Push Up because I feel like they help me use the correct muscles. I took this video and Chrissy crashed it. He totally had to one up my push ups! 

After my shower, I was hungry. I turned on the news and had crackers dipped in hummus.

Then it was wine and puzzle time! I had the TV on CNN so I could also listen to coverage of the New Hampshire primaries. I am a political junkie these days.

This took me about two hours! It is HARD! This is what it's going to look like:

Around seven, I ate dinner and watched Survivor with Paul. I had a salad with a turkey burger and ground turkey on top, tomatoes, croutons, and ranch dressing. We were out of shredded cheese or else I would have sprinkled some of that on it as well!

This is going to sound silly, but watching Survivor makes me really hungry! The contestants are so skinny and starving that I start to crave food for them! For dessert, I had THREE of these delicious chocolate marshmallow cookies we get at Aldi.

Livin' the dream...

Around eight I crawled into bed and read my Mary Higgins Clark book for an hour. I read this one before but I forget how it ends, so it's really like reading a brand new book!

Lights were out at nine o'clock!

And that was my day! It was a lot less crazy than a normal Tuesday due to the weather. I know I missed out on some piano lesson income, but it was a little nice to have a "free" night to myself. It will all even out in the wash.
What do you eat for breakfast?
Do you have a long commute to work?
Tell me how long you can hold your planks!


  1. Girl, you are living the dream! I love that you can get ready in 15 minutes. It takes me 30 minutes (I have to dry my hair). You are so lucky! I have eggs, peanut butter, fruit for breakfast 1 & oatmeal w/ apples, flaxseed, almonds for breakfast 2. My commute is nothing since I work from home. I can hold a plank for a minute just because I never try to go longer. I plank 1 minute per day and that is good for me.

    1. Okay, to get my hair looking it's best, I certainly need to spend more time on it. However, I really don't care too much about my hair and neither do my students! So I am living the dream in that aspect. ;) Also, I can fart at work and the students just think it's another student. Again, living the dream. ;)

      YOU are living the dream working from HOME!!!! That is my dream.

  2. Snow days can be a nice "gift" day. My commute is now 30 minutes round trip to drop off the kids at school--WAY shorter than it used to be!
    However, I have to do it about 3 times in the afternoon with sports/activities for 2 kids.
    Breakfast is ALWAYS a fail for me. I have a cup of coffee. I cannot eat when I first get up. I do make breakfast for everyone else though.
    I can only hold a plank for 1 minute, and side 45 seconds..guess I should work on that!!

    1. That is not bad for round trip! But I see with you being the taxi driver all day it can add up. Makes me wonder how you did it before!?

      I don't like to eat right away either. I normally eat bfast during the week an hour and 45 min after I wake up- and after my workout to boot! But by then I am nice and hungry. :)

    2. ...before I did a lot of hanging out in the parking lot with whomever wasn't in the activity, and ride sharing with different families--our joke was that as long as you ended up with the same number of kids at night, it was OK. Eventually the rides/days would line up where you would have your kids back again!!

  3. When I don't have time to eat anything at home, I grab a warmed up croissant sandwich and eat in the car. I have been multitasking lately though and fixing my lunch while I heat my steel cut oats, and then eat the oats while I get ready and fix my hair, make up etc after my shower. That system has been working out pretty good so far.
    I need to do another Day in the Life. I find it so interesting to see how people fit everything into their days! Oh, and I have a short 10 min drive to work. Very happy about that!

    1. Yes I would love to read a day in your life. I am nosy. And i like to see lots of pictures of people and their family and their houses... I'm just a nosy SOB!

  4. I often skip breakfast, but today I had some fruit. I have to leave my house by 6:30 to get my oldest to school and my commute to work is about 35 minutes. My dream would be to work from home!

    1. That is my dream too!! That is really early to have to leave your house. Do you workout in the morning or after work?

  5. Oh this was such a cool post! I love these day in the life posts. SO fascinating. I'm really random with my breakfasts. I usually eat cookies and drink coffee or I'll eat Callum's oatmeal if he doesn't eat it. Stuff like that. And I've started doing planks again and I hold them (the regular forward ones) for 3 minutes. Then I do 30 pushups! And then I stretch my chest out because I have bad posture and don't want to make it worse.

    1. Those are some great exercises! 3 minutes is no joke. I was struggling to hit 60 sec. but made myself do it because I was mad that it was so hard!

      Mmmm cookies for bfast. They would make me feel crappy but they would taste very good. I have been craving pancakes lately, which is basically just a big ass cookie, right? I think Paul and I are going to hit up the diner Sat. Pancakes ARE IN MY FUTURE.

  6. I really like Day in the Life posts! I should totally do one. My life is pretty hectic and different, so I guess it could be interesting. I usually eat oatmeal with soy milk for breakfast. Pretty boring. lol.

    1. I would love to read a day in your life. :) Hey, oatmeal is no more boring than raisin bran!

  7. We ended up having schools closed here on Tuesday, but the roads were just wet! My commute is about 25 minutes but driving in the snow makes me SO nervous! I can hold a plank for about 2 minutes right now but Im not really sure if Im using 100% proper form...

    1. I hate driving in snow and wet as well. I am relieved I have a job where I don't have to go to work if the weather is bad!

  8. I am jealous of your short commute and how much you get accomplished in the morning before work. My commute is about 25-29 minutes. I usually leave by 7:10 so I don't get up early enough to work Breakfast for me is usually a Greek yogurt with granola and I eat at work.

  9. You do pack a lot into your day! fun to see how you spend your time.

    1. Thanks! I am a big homebody and just love chilling around the house. :)

  10. Yep, I really like these type of postS! My day sounds quite similar to yours except that I do my working out after work instead of before and I don't teach piano LOL. We've been having some tricky driving going on now back-and-forth to work as well with the snow. But to keep everyone safe this week – they closed the school for two days and I certainly was not complaining. My commute is about 30 km to work, so not quite 20 miles. That can be very tricky because it is all on the highway and if there is a traffic jam then of course I will be delayed.

    1. How much earlier must you be at school before the students? We must arrive at 7:55 and I have duty at 8:25, so there is some wiggle room. On days I don't have duty, I don't have a class until 9!

  11. You have such long, full days! You make me feel lazy :)

    1. Ali, I spent my day doing puzzles and reading and only teaching a partial day!!!

  12. I love day in the life posts! I love Jelly! I love your dress! I love Chrissy jumping over you!

    1. I am glad you enjoyed!!! Doesn't he look like an athlete!?

  13. 8 minutes! You are living the dream. :) I would love to read a day in your life.

  14. Iced coffee? How do you do that? Is that the way you always drink it? I do hot coffee, yogurt, and oatmeal for breakfast.

    I love that you wear compression socks under your boots.

    That’s funny you get hungry watching Survivor. I am guilty of eating brownies/cookies during the Biggest Loser while drinking wine. I don’t know what it is about watching other people workout… I can’t wait for Survivor to start this week!

    1. At home I always drink iced coffee but at work or whatever it's hot coffee. I don't like the way hot coffee tastes from our coffee maker. We tried cleaning it, we tried buying better coffee... nothing works. I am not sure how the iced coffee is made. Paul makes it. :)

      When we watched BL I used to eat junk during it too!!

      I am so excited for Survivor too! We just watched the Philippines season and loved it.
