
Thursday, January 28, 2016

Work It, Circuit!

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Did you hear it snowed in my neck of the woods? No, I am sure I have not mentioned it yet, right? 

On Tuesday, I planned to drive to the gym and run on the treadmill, but Facebook was telling me the roads were a sheet of ice. I was chicken and stayed home. So no running- and no lifting because I was still sore from shoveling.

What's a runner to do?


I remembered a cool one I posted last year- the "Oh No, It Snowed!" workout. If you have tried it, you know that it's no joke. What I did on Tuesday was pretty much the same, except I messed with the exercise order, subbed one exercise for another, and added some donkey kicks at the end. 

This is what I call a donkey kick.
It's easier than "quadruped leg extension".

What I ended up with looked like this:

It took me a little over 8 minutes to do the circuit one time through. I did the circuit 5 times total. My heart rate was quite high by the end of each circuit, so I made sure to get it back down before I started up again.

A couple random thoughts...

1. Doing 100 jumping jacks in a row was really hard at first!

2. The kettle bells swings mildly bothered my IT band. The next day, my glutes were so sore!

3. Push ups are hard after all those kettle bell swings.

4. Burpees... I haven't done them in months. Doing 20 SUCKED!!!!

5. But what sucked more was doing a plank almost right after the burpees!

6. Running 5 miles would have definitely been easier than doing this circuit 5 times!

I wanted to share this workout to remind you that even if you're stuck inside, you can still get an AWESOME workout with minimal equipment. Use this circuit or make up your own to fit what you need. There is no magic formula. Make it your own!
Do you have a favorite circuit you like to do?
What's your favorite way to get your heart pumpin' when you are stuck inside!


  1. Ok, i might go do this right now. I really don't feel like driving to the gym and I go back to the office today so I don't have any time to procrastinate! But I feel like I need some cardio. 100 jumping jacks sounds like alot though....

    1. Ok so I made it through 3 times but only did 10 burpees each time. That was rough- I can't believe you did it 5 times!

    2. If you do it let me know how you liked it! You don't have to do 100 jumping jacks. You could do less OR split them up throughout the workout. I will tell you once my body warmed up, 100 wasn't so bad. The first 100 though, my body was like what!!??

    3. Nice job!!! Oh my gosh I am glad someone else got good use out of this. :)

  2. Wow--that is an intense workout! Good for you, Megan. I keep saying I will try Rick's T-25 when I can't get outside or to the rec center but so far I haven't.

  3. Thanks, I will have to give that workout a try! Fun fact - My husband and I both thought those things were "kettleballs". Just a few days ago we realized they were actually "bells"! I use one now at the gym for one move. But it's not a swing, so I'll have to check that one out!

    1. LOL kettleballs is awesome!!!

      Swings are great cause you get your glutes, abs, and arms going. It's pretty much a whole body exercise that involves strength AND cardio.

  4. You did that entire circuit in EIGHT MINUTES?! Dude. That thing is badass. One round would easily take me 15 minutes. OMG. You are my hero!!! I do like this workout and I need to use it soon!

    1. Well let me know how you like it if you try it! Yes, between 8:00-8:10 each time. I took AMPLE rest in between.

  5. Oooooh NICE. K, that looks seriously tough. I don't have a kettleball but I could do everything else!

    1. Cool! Just take them out. Or door squats. They're basically squats anyway. Sort of. For some reason they don't bother my IT band as much as squats do.

  6. I'm super impressed that you did all of that in 8 minutes!!!! O_0

    I did your Oh No It Snowed circuit one time right after you posted it. My heart was THUMPING!

    1. I REMEMBER that! This is basically the same thing. It's the effing burpees.

  7. I'm so bad at burpees. Maybe this year I'll finally do them and get good at them. I've heard they're great for full-body :)

  8. Thanks for sharing! I cannot remember the last time I did jumping jacks!!!

  9. This looks killer! I love circuits, so I'll have to try it!
