
Tuesday, January 12, 2016

The Oddest Fitness Item I Have Owned!

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When I was in college, I would do Tae Bo a lot. I had two VHS tapes. Out of curiosity, I jumped on Youtube to see if the videos were there, and they were! Obviously the quality is not great, but by golly I would recognize that music anywhere! Here are the videos, just in case today is a cross training day for you... HAHA!

I remember that I really wanted to look like his daughter, Shellie. She was beautiful and extremely lean (which I aspired to be back then!). I remember ogling her in her brown shorts/sports bra combo and wondering that if I did Tae Bo enough, I would I look like her too!?

Shellie was always intense!

A quick Google search informed me Shellie is still super ripped!!

Are you wondering why I am feeling all nostalgic about Tae Bo today? Well, over the weekend, Paul started organizing the downstairs closet. He found these water weights I owned in college. They aren't weights to be used in water, they are weight that you filled with water!

See, just screw off the top, fill with water, and you magically have a 1-2 lb dumbbell!

I used these during Tae Bo workouts. They added a little more resistance for the punching and other arm movements.

The water weights are definitely the ODDEST fitness items I have ever owned! But I'm not judging myself. Tae Bo was a great workout, and I enjoyed punching with my water weights!

Alas, in an effort to organize and get rid of stuff, I threw out the water weights! We had a great time together, but I have moved on!
What's the ODDEST fitness item you have owned?
Were you ever into Tae Bo?


  1. Your Tae Bo tapes make me think of the Buns/Abs of Steel ones I had back in the day. I didn't have any cool water weights though!

    1. I have done Buns of Steel! Those workouts actually really burn your buns!

  2. I had the Abs/ Buns of steel VHS...and, yes, Richard Simmons...I am now walking away with my head held in shame...

    1. I love Richard Simmons! I never did one of his workouts but I read his memoir and I was just so inspired by what a wonderful person he is!

  3. So funny that you mention this because Tae Bo was the ONLY workout video that I would ever do. I loved it! I loved punching the air and feeling all badass. YASSSS.

    1. Punching the air and feeling badass" <---HAHAHAH!

  4. Hi Megan - I used to do Tae Bo all time, in fact that is what got me in shape during my 20's! It was so much fun to do. I too thought Billy's daughter was awesome! Did you know that she is 41 now and still looks amazing! how old does that make Billy?
    I had the step for step aerobics - ugh - we still have it in our basement, my kids play on it sometimes. Kristen

    1. I have no clue how old he is but boy are they both ripped! Sounds like a lot of people did tae bo in their 20s! :) Glad your kids are making use of the step ;)

  5. Love the water weights! They would be good to travel with. I tried Tae Bo one time. Did not like it at all. I also bought a step with a step aerobics dvd. Again, so not my thing. I did hang onto the step because it's very handy w/ many of my PT exercises.

  6. Ah, tae bo! I didn't own the DVDs but I remember doing the videos in gym class when it was raining outside haha. Are the Beachbody programs this generation's Tae bo?!

    1. Yeah we did them in gym too! That is how I found out about them! I never did Beachbody, is it similar?

    2. I have no idea, I don't believe in MLMs but I know they have a bunch of workout DVDs and the hosts/dvds are super popular. So popular that I've had to block of ton of my friend's posts on Facebook because I refuse to read about their participation in MLMs! :D

    3. I had to look up what an MLM is! Yes, I would have to block that shit too!

  7. Haha! I love that water weight! I never did tae bo, and I've never owned any weird gym equipment. I just have a ton of yoga gear, which includes a pretty weird set of egg-shaped yoga blocks.

    1. I know nothing about yoga equipment so I wouldn't know what is weird or what isn't. But egg shaped does sound a little strange!

  8. I had never heard of water weights. Too funny !

  9. Thats so funny! I know we have talked about this before but I used to do Tae Bo too. That was my favorite at home workout about 10 years ago or so!

    1. SAME!!! A little longer for me- maybe like 12-13 years. But it is a great workout! I mean, it is a little outdated as far as music and the clothes they wore, but I would do Tae Bo for x training if it didn't bother my IT Band. In fact I have a client who does Tae Bo for cardio!

  10. Oh man ankle weights... I had a pair too!!!! I was too young for that phase of fitness but somehow I brought the ankle weights back!

  11. I had an ab thing that, no joke, was electrocuting. It shocked my stomach, "into abs". Nope. I had a belly button ring at the time, and it for REAL electrocuted me. No abs created hahah

    1. Owwwww! I have heard of those things. I hope you got rid of it!

  12. Oh man, I remember those kinds of weights!! I think the weirdest fitness item would be the thigh master or shake weight. I don't own either, but they're definitely weird haha.

    I have an ab that weird? It's definitely gimmicky!

    1. Gimmicky but not weird. From what I read they are really good!

  13. Old School videos are the best! Haha. My family had a NordicTrack Classic Pro Skier machine when I was growing up. I could never do it because I would get bored after two minutes, but my dad was on the thing ALL the time. I'll just stick to real skiing, thank you very much!

    1. LOL I remember the infomercials for things like that. :) I am reminded of that "Gazelle" thing- I am sure you know what I mean. :)
