
Wednesday, January 13, 2016

When I Win The Powerball I Will...

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I was totally inspired by Kristina’s blog post on this same subject. Be sure to check out what she is going to do when she wins the Powerball! (Girl, I hope we both win it!!!)

Welp, I bought my Powerball ticket. Today may be my last day of work.

Yes, I would totally quit my job if I won 1.4 BILLION dollars!!!! I like my job, but come on, there is a lot I want to get done during my lifetime, and I wouldn’t be sad to cross “elementary music teacher” off the list and start adding things like “world traveler” and “hot tub owner”.

But I’m getting ahead of myself! Let’s officially start the list. 

When I win the Powerball I will…

Not tell a single soul until I have a lawyer, a financial adviser, and my money is somewhere safe.

Create a financial safety net. I would need to have money safely invested somewhere so that I always had a backup in which I would hopefully never even have to use. (Good idea, Kristina! Maybe you can be my financial adviser?)

Give my parents/siblings and Paul’s parents/siblings several million dollars. I’m talking enough that they could quit their jobs and never want for anything.

Buy houses in: Colorado, Northern California and Southern California. We would not live in these houses full time, as we love our little house in Camp Hill. But we would have them so we could visit whenever we wanted to. Also, when we aren't at those houses we would open them up for our friends and family to stay at free of charge.

Eat salmon and/or sushi for lunch as often as possible. I am so sick of chicken breast!

Get my hair layered and highlighted. I just can’t justify spending hundreds of dollars a year on my hair unless I had a billion dollars in the bank.

Travel EVERYWHERE!!!! Here is the short list:

Somewhere tropical… ??? Suggestions ???

Run every single destination race I could fathom! Except maybe not the Antarctica Marathon.

Buy a pimpin' motorhome so Paul and I can travel with the kitties.

Install a very tall privacy fence so the kitties could frolic in the backyard without a worry or care that they could get away.

Screen in our back porch and get a hot tub! Then I would invite you all over for a dip!

Buy 100 pairs of Mizuno Wave Riders in case they ever change the shoe again.

Donate a shit ton of money to charities.
Okay, that's all I can think of! What would YOU do if you won the Powerball! GOOD LUCK EVERYONE!

Did you ever win anything more than a couple dollars in the lottery?


  1. I loved reading this (and Kristina's post too)! I have decided I would want to get a home designer so that I don't have to worry about decorating any more rooms in our house. I would also hire a chef and personal trainer! And of course run lots of races in really cool places too.

    1. Oh my gosh how could I forget- hire a personal trainer!! Great idea, Lisa! You don't like to decorate? I love it!

  2. Haha! These posts are really funny. I read Kristina's as well. If I won the powerball I'd probably give most of the money to charity and my family, and then go travel the world dirtbag style (I like it that way). Then, I'd buy a house in Moab, Utah and live out my life climbing, hiking, canyoneerying, and trail running. That's pretty much the dream for me... although I'm not sure that it requires 1.4 billion dollars.

    1. Nah it doesn't require 1.4 billion, but it probably requires more than we have made so far at our current jobs! It's funny, I was looking over my list and the hot tub, privacy fence, and hair coloring are actually things I could afford if I just made the decision to save some money and do it haha. But again that is like "fluff" stuff, and I would feel bad spending so much money on those things rather than important things- like my retirement account! Your plan for your 1.4 billion sounds awesome. I would love to visit Utah.

  3. First thing I'd do? Quit my job. Ok, maybe not the first, but it would be one of the first things I do after getting everything in order. Become a yoga instructor. Buy a new car. Travel. Nothing crazy. Just live and enjoy.

  4. After taking care of our families, I would want a house that had an indoor lap swimming pool & then we would start a foundation. Giving grants to those in need--so many people in need. I would probably focus on medical research for childhood disease & people that can't meet their basic needs no matter how hard they try. I would incorporate my job with traveling the world and try to spread as much goodness in my life that I could!

    1. That sounds wonderful Susan! Okay so I hope you have your ticket and I hope you win!

    2. Yep, Rick always buys a lottery ticket. Like one or two per week! I think deep down he does think some day we will win (power of positive thinking!).

  5. Aww what a fun post! I probably wouldn't do anything different except by another home down South and maybe a few more labradors!

  6. You know, all that money would probably be a curse, so you'd definitely have to keep it hush-hush. My first thought, (beyond quitting my job!), is to travel a lot! Then maybe I would become an elementary music teacher. Ha, got you on that one :)

  7. Love love love this!!! I'd do the same with the keeping it quiet, getting a lawyer and stashing a huge chunk away in a safe place. I'd set up my family so they could be set for life and not have to work again. Then, I'd quit my job, pay off my mortgage and finish re-finishing our farmhouse. Then I'd hire a caretaker (like a family member and pay them a disgusting amount of money to keep my house safe) and leave. I'd travel EVERYWHERE and come home for holidays and to see family. I'd go skiing out west and in the alps, visit and backpack as many national parks as I could. I would go to all seven continents and see as many countries as possible! I would not just finish running marathons in all 50 states, but in all 7 continents and then as many countries as I possibly could!

    1. Wow that all sounds AWESOME!!!! I would keep my house too. :)

  8. Just found your blog- what a great post! Love your plan to eat sushi everyday! That would be on my list as well! :)

    1. Welcome! Thanks for stopping by and commenting. :) I love sushi so much. But every day is definitely not in my current budget!

  9. I've never bought a lottery ticket in my life. I had never even heard of Power ball until two days ago! I love your list though! My top thing would be to buy a place in Hawaii.

    1. I never bought a powerball ticket and the only tickets I have bought are those scratchy ones. I don't think I bought them for myself, more like gifts. But you know, you can't win the library unless you buy a ticket!

  10. I did buy a ticket for this one. I would donate most to charity, get my house painted, pay for the kids school. My Frivolous thing--TRAVEL, and a personal chef.

    1. Travel seems like everyone's answer! :) Good luck!

  11. Ooh that sounds lovely! Good luck!

  12. Haha I've enjoyed these. I thought it was all about the kids lol. The houses in locations and offered to family and friends is a great idea. If def do every destination run possible as well.

    1. Hey I never said it was all about the kids. ;) Well, it is all about the kids M-F from 7:55-3:40!

  13. How could I forget a personal chef? I'd definitely have one. I heard that Tom Brady and Giselle have their personal chef call ahead to every restaurant they eat at to make sure the dish they get is perfect for them. Obviously I need that type of treatment in my life if I'm that rich!

  14. I got tickets too and I agree...I would totally quit my job! I would use up my sick days until the check cleared and the money was safe and then I would be gone! I like what I do but if I'm that rich I can spend my time doing what I LOVE ;)

    1. Exactly my thinking! And yah, if I am sick tomorrow my coworkers can totally assume I won the powerball ;) Or maybe I would go back to just wrap things up... Haha!

  15. What a great list! I like that you have things really planned thought process was immediately FIVE MONTHLONG EUROPEAN VACATION OMG haha!

    1. LOL!!!!! Just add onto the end of that... WITH YOUR FRIEND MEGAN!!!!! ;)
