
Monday, January 11, 2016

Weekend Wrap Up!

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As you will see, I didn't do a whole lot this weekend, but that's just the way I wanted it. I was hoping it would feel like an extension of winter break! It did, sort of.

Friday started with a pokey run. It was enjoyable, though!

I was very productive at work on Friday! This is going to sound crazy, but I am more productive on Friday than any other day. Maybe it's because I know the end is near!?

After work, I stopped by my SIL's house and she evened out my hair. I haven't mentioned this, but on NYE, Paul cut my hair again... and it didn't go as well as the first time. Lucky for me, Debby trimmed it up a bit and now I feel better!

I swung by the library on the way home. I went a little crazy on the MHC books...

And then when I got home, two books from Amazon had arrived for me!

Paul has been throwing shit out all weekend. He says, "I don't need a book, I have logic." As for the Marilyn book, I am very excited to read about her alleged murder, but I am going to read the 500+ page bio I got at the library first. I figure I will get more out of the "murder book" if I actually know something about her life.

 I had my new favorite dinner! I don't know what to call it...

Lettuce, tomato, salsa, black olives, ground turkey, black beans, rice, shredded cheese, and a ranch type of sauce that I don't know how to describe.

Chrissy was quite indignant that I didn't give him any cheese or ground turkey.


Dessert! I used to sell these in marching band. So did Paul. Someone was selling them at work so I bought two for us. They are so good!

Needless to say, I spent a lot of the night reading. Oh, and I finally finished this puzzle! It was a hard one because the pieces were all different sizes.

I stayed up so late reading on Friday that it was hard to make myself get out of bed at 10:00. But I forced myself to get up so I would have time to run before my friend JK-L came over to hang out.

My run was misty, foggy, and dreary, but I got 'er done. 5 miles @ 8:25 pace is not too shabby considering I have been pokey lately.

When JK-L came over, we walked two miles and then we talked forever. She is just the kind of person you can talk about anything with and I value our girl time!

Then Paul and I went grocery shopping. We eat donuts now, so we had to stock up.

His friends came over to watch football that night. I guess the playoffs are on or something? So I had the whole night to myself to do "nothing", which isn't exactly "nothing", but all the things I find relaxing.

I started this puzzle and then quit. It's too hard. Who wants it?

Normally I do boxed wine (cheaper) but I splurged on this puppy!

My favorite dinner round two!

I wanted to stay up late reading my Marilyn book, but I barely made it five pages before I fell asleep around 9:00. Even with the boys screaming at the football game, I still managed to fall into a deep sleep for 11 hours. What the heck is wrong with me!?

I laughed when I saw my hair on Sunday morning, so I thought I would share some "just woke up glamour shots" with you!

I went for a run. Paul snapped this picture of the kitties right after I left. I know they were thinking, "Mommy, come back!"

It was warm enough for me to wear shorts and a short sleeved shirt. I am convinced I am faster and more relaxed when I am not forced to wear multiple layers.

When I got home, I relaxed for awhile in my compreshies!

I know it makes for a boring blog post, but I really didn't do much on Sunday but read my book, do a puzzle, and get ready for the work week! Paul and I did watch a couple episodes of Master of None. GREAT show!

And then Paul snapped these pictures of Jelly and sent it to me. How do you look at them and not cry from his sheer beauty?

Tell me what you did this weekend!


  1. What do you do with your puzzles after you complete them?

    Jelly looks adorable in all of the pictures! I love all cats but some of them are cuter than others ;)

    I think your favorite meal is some type of Southwestern Salad!

    1. For awhile, I would let them sit out in all their glory for an hour or two, then I put them away. After Christmas, I started hoarding them on the dining room table- laying them one on top of each other- and hiding them with the table cloth. But I ran out of room so I just put them all away!

      Awwww thanks for thinking my cat is cuter than other cats. :)

  2. Oh no...the puzzle that "took you down". Ugh. Rick had one of those. Really wrecked his confidence--LOL. I would call your salad a taco salad and I would eat it 2 nites in a row, too cuz YUM. The pictures are awesome. I love the one of both cats at the door. That is Macy anytime Rick goes outside. We also watched a lot of football this weekend. Much of it from our couch but we did manage to get out and be social w/ friends Saturday afternoon/evening. Oh, and BTW, winter running does mess w/ paces. I was just thinking that last week. With the extra layers and the frigid cold air, my miles have been anywhere from 30 seconds to a minute slower. I try not to let it mess w/ me but it still sort of does. How long until summer?!?

    1. I am glad to hear it is not me losing fitness and the whole winter slug running is a thing. I mean, I have had several miles in the 9s and 10s this past week and that is 60-90 seconds slower than usual! I am not one to look at my pace during a run, but I can feel the slowness anyway, and then looking at my Garmin afterwards reaffirms it!

      I have only given up on two puzzles. The first one was back when I was VERY inexperienced with puzzles, but I still think it would be a bit too hard for me to enjoy now. I really wanted to do the Grand Canyon one because I wanted a challenge, I love the GC, and my in-laws got it for me. I gave it my best shot. I did the edges and part of the horizon when I realized I had to extra edge pieces but had no clue where they fit. But they had to have gone SOMEWHERE because my horizon didn't fit! I also sorted by color/shade, and for a 550 piece puzzle, I was only able to break the sorting down into 4 piles. Lol. "Oh look, 100 puzzle pieces of the exact same shade of rock, this is going to be a BLAST!" Hahaha. Show it to Rick and ask if he could do it.

    2. Yes, the slug winter running is the real deal and I hate it even though I tell myself it's "normal". I ran today and normally I am in a great mood but it was slow, and I felt sluggish and achy and I was crabby afterwards.

      Yeah, that puzzle that took Rick down was the same way. But then his brother ended up doing it. Talk about a kick in the gut!

    3. Oh many I would be so pissed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Your dinner looks good! I did some organizing this weekend, and spent most of yesterday at an indoor track meet with my older 2--good stuff!
    Your kitties are cute!

    1. Glad you had a great weekend! Organizing is time consuming but boy is it satisfying when it is over.

  4. I'd love a lazy weekend. My Sundays are jam packed with getting ready for the week prep! Laundry, meal planning, grocery shopping...

    1. I hate grocery shopping on Sundays! :( It's so depressing. We did ours Sat. this weekend and I think I am going to start doing that.

  5. I love the kondomari stuff! I just made my sister download it. I can't wait to go through her house with her heheh

    1. Oh now that laughter seems a little be evil.... ;)

  6. Awe! Cute cats! Mine do that too when I leave. I love to have them meet me at the door. I spent the weekend hanging out with a few buddies, going hiking, and running errands... Really not all that exciting either. Haha!

    1. And see people think cats don't care when we come home but they do!

  7. Omg I love this post! The photo of the cats waiting at the door for you is killing me. They are SO CUTE. And the hair is priceless. I just love that you take photos like that and put them up here. I think I need to do that too.

    1. The only thing I am self conscious of is my skin, so as long as I don't look like I'm breaking out too bad in a photo, I will post it!

      Thank you for indulging me in my beautiful cat photos! I really think Jelly could be a cat model!

  8. I also think I am faster and more relaxed when I am wearing less layers! Thats one of the reasons why I prefer summer running.

    1. I have all my clothes laid out for tomorrow morning. The pile weighs about 10lbs. :(

  9. We sell chocolate at school, but yours look so fancy compared to ours. Ours are yummy, too, though!

    I love your morning glamour shots!

    1. PS, I love that picture of the kitties at the door. It's so cute because it's unexpected! I guess cats DO have feelings haha!

  10. Your book arrived!!! I hope you don't think it's a waste of time.

    What do you do with all of the puzzles you complete? Where do you buy all of your puzzles? You should start some kind of puzzle exchange so that when you finish a puzzle you can exchange it for another puzzle. There are plenty of people in the world who loves puzzles and would probably show interest... :)

    I love the picture of your cats at the door, wondering where their mom went.

    I actually had glamour shots taken when I was younger. Junior high, I think? Oh, what memories.

    1. I hope I like it too! I am deep into the Marilyn Monroe books though so I think it may be a little while until I start it.

      I buy my puzzles at the Dollar Tree or Good Will/Salvation Army. I do not like paying more than $1-$4 for a puzzle. But I got so many cool ones for Christmas that were probably more than that! I consider that a splurge!! :) When I am done with puzzles, I give the "good ones" to a friend that does puzzles with her sons. The ones I think weren't that great and were only $1... I throw them out! I know that sounds horrible, but seriously what am I going to do with all those puzzles??? Now I would never throw one out that I thought was worth doing, I would give that to my friend and she would pass it on (hopefully!) A puzzle exchange like at the library would be awesome!!!

      Wow you did real glamour shots!!! When I turned 16, my mom's best friend wanted to get me a gift- she let me chose Glamour Shots or a real makeover and a salon. I chose a makeover and it is where I learned everything I know about makeup... which is not much hahaha but at least it was a start!!
