
Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Randomy Random Updates!

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Hey all! I figured I’d give you an update on many of the things I have mentioned on my blog in the last couple months. I know sometimes I ask questions, complain, or otherwise share a problem I have but then I leave it open ended. It is time to either update you or give you some closure on things that have been happening in my life! Because obviously I know it has been keeping you up at night… (I jest.)

1. After suffering from the Big D (diarrhea) for about two months straight, I am finally experiencing some relief! Also, those “find a toilet within the next 3 seconds or poop your pants” moments have not happened in a little over two months. Yay! I bet you are wondering how this problem got resolved? Well, a blog reader mentioned that melatonin ended up giving her diarrhea, so she thought it was possible that could be my problem as well. I stopped melatonin and a couple weeks later I was Big D Free. I’m not sure if the melatonin was the cause or not but whatever it was, I’m not complaining!

2. So how am I sleeping since I can’t take melatonin anymore!? Well, I started reading, which really helps me fall asleep. A good book has essentially taken over melatonin’s job. I still take diphenhydramine, which helps me stay asleep. So far this school year I have only had a couple nights where I couldn’t fall asleep.

3. Some of you have been asking how my knee has been fairing during my half training. I know I call it my knee, because sometimes it IS my knee, but the real culprit is my IT Band. I do hip/glute exercises to help as well as stretching every single day for 15-20 minutes. My IT band and knee rarely bother me during a run. The time my IT band starts acting up is when I am driving or sitting for too long. If it is instigated by a long run or speed session, it always feels better the next morning. The times it bothers me the most is on days I don't run. Being active helps it feel better. I know that doesn't make sense but it is the truth. It's just something I have to deal with an I am tired of holding myself back from my goals. Right now I am trying to reach my goals as well as manage this "pesky" problem.

4. Paul is over halfway done with his radiation and chemo treatments. They told us the side effects would be cumulative, and over the past week, we have really started to notice them. I could go into all of them but Paul is a pretty private person, so I will not! Just imagine the normal side effects one my have due to radiation treatments, and he has them. He rarely ever complains. Every day I tell him he is a stronger and better person than I am because I would be complaining ever second of every day if I had to go through what he goes through.

5. After the whole feline acne debacle with Christmas, I have been putting his topical antibiotic ointment on him for about a week now. He still has the spot of acne. It doesn't appear to be getting worse, but it is still there. I am wondering if it is just little scabs stuck in his hair that need wiped off or if the antibiotic isn't working. His little spot of acne does not seem to be bothering him at all. Man, this is such a "Rich Housecat" problem to have. Only Rich Housecats would "suffer" from something as minor as feline acne! 

6. Remember how I lost my wedding ring? I still haven't found it. I have been putting off ordering a new one because I am secretly hoping it turns up somewhere... Like on my finger!
Is there something I missed? I'll be glad to update you in the comments!


  1. Awww poor Chrissy. Does he itch the area at all? If it were scabs I think they would itch like they do for humans? Speaking of rich housecats did you know that Karl Lagerfeld has two maids for his cat Choupette? He's over the top.

    I am really glad your knee is doing better. I noticed during all of the driving Adam and I did last weekend that my IT band got really tight. Just another sign that all of the inactivity we do will kill our knees much faster than running! ;)

    Sending positive thoughts to Paul. Whenever he needs to feel better he should just think about the first game between the Dolphins and Bills this year! Oy.

    1. He does not itch the area and seems to not be bothered by it at all. He is acting totally normal, eating, etc. But I still know it's not good that it is there! I think I am going to use the shampoo this weekend and maybe if it is scabby/healing it will come off. But you are right, if it is a scab he may have clawed it off already. Wow I wish I could have maids for my kitties!!! Actually, Chrissy and Jelly do have two maids and their names are Megan and Paul. :)

      "Just another sign that all of the inactivity we do will kill our knees much faster than running!" <------ HAHAHAHA you are awesome. :)

      I will tell Paul what you said about the Dolphins and Bills. I am sure it will make him chuckle. :)

  2. Thanks for the awesome update! I am go glad you got your Big D situation figured out. A few times I had to take and Rx that caused the same issues and wow...not fun. I hope the rest of Paul's treatments go OK for him (and you) and then he can start on his road back to recovery and getting his life back! It's hard to watch because there is not much to do other than be very supportive. You are his rock. I am glad your knee/IT band is doing OK. I am actually having an MRI on my knee this weekend. It started to kind of give me little bits of trouble about three months back. It mostly hurts going into a full squat and sitting cross legged on the floor (which I do in yoga a lot). My dr. thought it might be my meniscus but after exam he wasn't sure because it doesn't totally present as a meniscus injury. Hoping it is something PT can help me figure out. Still running because that does not hurt but I really want to know what is going on so I can get back into full range of motion. So, what are your big T-Day plans? Will you spend it w/ both families? I am very thankful for your blog (and friendship)! You are a bright spot in my day every morning when I read your posts!!

    1. I am sorry to hear your knee is giving you trouble. :( I know it is NOT FUN but you have a great PT team and with the MRI I bet you will find answers.

      Normally we go to both families but this year Paul doesn't want all the rushing around so we are only going to his parents house. I am sad. It will be the first time in 33 years that I don't see my family on Thanksgiving. But I am going to suck it up and do what Paul wants. But honestly I am very sad about it. :( What are you doing for T-giving???

      Thank YOU for YOUR friendship and I look forward to chatting with you each day on here! But I am excited to start kicking your ass in Scrabble, so send me that invite! ;)

    2. That is sweet. Can you celebrate on another day w/ your family? Since my mom passed away, my family doesn't see each other until another day because my one sister (the widow) still takes her boy to the in laws and my other sister goes to friends in Denver (and they always invite my dad, too). Rick and I have been really enjoying spending it together, just the two of us. We make the entire feast while watching the parade and while it's cooking we put up our tree. Then it's all football all afternoon. We really do love it because we never get to stay home for other holidays (which is totally cool). I already started prepping today. I am just too excited and pretty much can't wait for tomorrow!! Oh, I thought I sent you a scrabble invite. Let me do that now :)

    3. That sounds like such a relaxing day to spend with Rick! I hope you guys have tons of fun tomorrow! :)

  3. I was having really bad GI issues this summer--turns out it was the fish oil supplement I was taking. The woman at Whole Foods recommended this over the one I used to take because it was "better". Yeah, better at clearing out my intestines! Of course I didn't put 2+2 together until I went back to the old supplement and my symptoms magically disappeared...

    1. Isn't it funny how sometimes the answer is right in front of our faces??? I am glad you figured it out. :) The Big D is no fun. I mean, I had undigested FOOD in my stool. I know that is not normal. And when I went to the Dr. she didn't seem to concerned about it since I felt completely fine otherwise. I mean, sure that is good that I was eating normal, exercising, etc... but pooping 7 times a day (no lie) and seeing your dinner in your stool is NOT NORMAL. For me anyway. ;)

  4. Megan - Awesome that the Big D is no more! It could have been the melatonin, could have been some weird virus that finally went away - but so glad for you that it's gone.
    Bless your husband's heart - hope he is doing well - glad he has you to take care of him.
    Happy Thanksgiving! Kristen

    1. Kristen! My Big D savior! Thank you so much for your comment... it could have been the melatonin! :) Thank you for your kind words about my husband and have a WONDERFUL Thanksgiving!

  5. The big D... HA HA! Totally relate. I love that picture of diarrhea pouring down the staircase. Made my day.

    1. Yay I am glad my potty humor (literally!) made you smile. :)

  6. Yay I'm glad you are feeling better! Reading always puts me right to sleep at night or anytime during the day really. My IT band still feels a little funky sometimes too, but mine is the opposite of yours. It acts up during my runs but not enough to make me stop running. It's fine if I'm sitting for long periods of time though, so strange!

    1. Wow we are opposites! It is bugging me now because it is an in-service day and I have been SITTING a lot.

  7. I'm glad your stomach problems have been getting better! That must be a relief to not have to deal with anymore.

    1. Oh man, for sure. And I am a teacher so I can't just leave the kids in the room all by themselves whenever nature calls!

  8. Awwwww poor Kitty!!! You know I know the pain of a sick kitty - mine is still sicky herself. I can't believe how long you battled with the big D for! You poor thing! Sending prayers for Paul that his remaining treatments are easy on him. That sounds like a tough thing to go through. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!

    1. Thank you Alison! I am so sorry your baby is still sick. :(

  9. I am so glad that you found a solution to your problem from another blogger. Isn't that great?
    I can also feel my IT band pain during normal activity but so far it hasn't returned on a run ( knock on wood). I had no idea you lost your wedding ring ( I must have missed that post). I hope it shows up soon!

    1. Yes it is awesome a commenter helped me out. Kristen is the best ! IT bands are so freaking weird....

  10. Aww I'm sending along some positive thoughts to you and Paul. Also, of course Lola is sending healing vibes to Chrissy. xo

    I have weird stomach issues at random times where it's like hurry where's a bathroom and QUICK?!?! I have yet to figure out what triggers it.
