
Thursday, November 26, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving!

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Happy Thanksgiving my dearest blog readers! I hope your day is filled with family, fun, and FOOD! This year we are headed to Paul's parent's house for the day. I look forward to lots of laughter and probably eating a little too much food. If we are lucky, we will get sent home with some leftovers! Paul is looking forward to football, but I couldn't care less about that... In fact, I think I am going to bring a puzzle to work on while the football fanatics do their thing!

Have a WONDERFUL day! Hug your loved ones tight and let the small stuff go. Life is too short to be a Grumpy McGrumperson today!

I couldn't help myself, this meme is hilarious!
Who are you celebrating with today?


  1. Happy Thanksgiving!!!!! I am looking forward to all of the Fs: food, family, football, fun!

  2. Awe, your day sounds perfect. You and your puzzles! Happy Thanksgiving, Meg! Much love from me to you.

  3. Happy Thanksgiving! Hope you guys have a great day!

  4. Happy Thanksgiving, Meg. Yay puzzles!!! P.S. After Survivor last night, I have decided that this season is truly one of my favorites.

    1. Oh it was GREAT!!!! I am so pissed Joe didn't go home though. :(
