
Friday, October 30, 2015


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Okay so some blog comments yesterday really had me feeling guilty so this is what I did...

Baby steps!


Marcia @ Marcia's Healthy Slice hosts a Runfessions link up on the last Friday of every month. Be sure to check out Marcia's blog and some of the other wonderful blogs that do the Runfessions link up!

Runfession #1: I peed on myself. During my long run a few weeks ago, I really had to pee, but I was in the middle of a business park and there were no toilets and little tree coverage! So I found a big pine tree and ducked into the middle of it. I wasn't completely covered, but no big deal. I wasn't even going to pull down my shorts, just slide the crotch over. Well, my aim was a little off and I ended up peeing all over my hand!

Runfession #2: I realized I haven't run a race since LAST OCTOBER!!! And you know how I am training for a half right now? Guess when my last half was? 2008!!!!!!!!!!!!

Runfession #3: It is hard for me to take scheduled rest days. I have put them into my half marathon training plan and they are highlighted as NONNEGOTIABLE. Yet every time a rest day comes around, I really want to run. I want what I can't have! I know my muscles need recovery, so I am working hard to stick to my two lower body rest days per week. So far I have not "skipped" a rest day.

Runfession #4: I often map out a route for my weekend long runs... and when I get out on the road, change my mind and not even do my planned route! I change my route about 99% of the time. So why do I even bother planning it in the first place? Who knows!?
Tell me one of your Runfessions!


  1. So interestingly, my new coach doesn't plan rest days. Life tends to creep in and get in the way, or my body tells me when I need one. If I'm feeling rested and ready to go I won't force a rest day. I also track my resting HR with the fitbit Charge and it really does show a trend with 4-5 higher bpm on Monday and Tuesday (usually after a long ride or race on the weekend).

    1. That's great that you can take them organically like that! When I am not training for anything in particular, that is definitely how I roll. But for the next 6 weeks I have them scheduled in strategically before speed work and race pace runs. So far I have been able to suck it up and rest! It will be nice to take them at my leisure come mid December.

  2. LOL, I can never pee right in the woods! I suck at rest days, but I can convince myself to do yoga once in a while instead of a harder workout.

    1. Whaaaaaaaaa? You should start peeing in the woods, it's so freeing!!!

  3. Replies
    1. Nah, it's probably because you work so hard the other days! :) It seems like every rest day I have had scheduled has fallen on a day that was bright and sunny with beautiful crisp fall weather. Never on a rainy, ugly day- of course!

  4. I always see bloggers write about peeing out in public but I have never had to! Only during races do I ever feel like I have to pee, probably because I over hydrate a little bit. I frequently have to do the other thing though! I suppose my runfession is that the one thing I like about the fall time change is that I run in the cover of dark. That means if I need to make a pit stop in semi-public I feel like I have some privacy. During the summer I can only run routes where I will pass a bathroom frequently since it's light out and there is no privacy to squat!

    1. I usually have to pee around mile 2 of a long run. Even my race pace runs I did, I paused my garmin after my 2 mile warm up and went inside to pee! I am pretty much guaranteed that I am going to have to pee at BDR!

      So wait... you have never peed in semi public but you have pooed in semi public?? Or are you saying that you like the darkness IN CASE you have to poo?

    2. Yes I have poo'd in semi public lol. I have a method by which I am sure that no one can tell what I am doing!

    3. WOW I want to hear more about this!!!!!

  5. I can't believe you haven't run a half since 2008!! I'm seriously shocked! I mean, I know you're not a big racer, but hot damn that is a LONG TIME!

    My runfession is the opposite of yours: I am probably a little too liberal with rest days. I've never understood why so many people can't bear to take rest days. They're my favorite training day! It's not that I don't love me some good runnin', it's just that I'm resistant to doing ANYTHING every day (except the stuff I need to do to survive, of course). I love the feeling of not being obligated to work out today and do other stuff with my time. And, this will sound totally weird, but I hate having to change my clothes a bunch on days when I work out. You know what, scratch all that. I'll just be real: it's because as much as I love to run, I'm lazy as hell. There, I said it!!

    With all that said, I do relate to you point about always wanting what you can't have. There have been rest days where I've felt ready to run, or even some days when I have a run scheduled and I'm itching to do it...but whenever it's time to actually run I'm like "ugh. Do I have to?"

    1. I know that is a long time! I ran one trail half since then I believe, but none on the road.

      Girl, I am lazy too! I swear I use all of my energy up during my workouts and then after work I just lay on the couch in my PJs.

      It really does boil down to I want what I can't have. Like today I had speed work and I was tired and didn't want to get out of bed. But my rest day is Sunday and I am sure it will be GORGEOUS and I will just want to run!

  6. Also, after this intro I had to go back and read your candy post, which I somehow missed yesterday. My 2 cents: I'm all about handing out candy but I don't think anyone should have to feel guilty for not participating in Halloween. I remember I loved Trick or Treating as a kid, but there were always a few houses who didn't do it and it was usually no big deal, we just moved on to the next one. Plus, with all the Safe Halloweens and organized Trick Or Treats these days, kids have plenty of options if their neighborhood isn't Halloween-friendly. So yes, it's a nice thing to do, but I don't think you need to feel bad for opting out. I don't entirely blame you.

    Funny story: I live in the upper unit of a duplex, my landlords (the homeowners) live in the lower. Every year at our neighborhood's designated Trick or Treat day, not only do they not participate and turn off their lights, they actually use benches to BLOCK OFF the porch. I mean, I get that they don't want kids coming up to the door but it just strikes me as a really Grinch-y thing to do. I hope people don't see me leaving the house and think that I hate children or something.

    1. LOL @ your landlords!!! I would think that would make their place even MORE prime for some tricks!

  7. Oh no! I hope I didn't guilt you into putting out candy! The kids will appreciate the gesture though....and then someone will dump it all into his/her bag. Haha!
    I pulled off into the woods to pee one time. And of course a pack of guy runners came along as soon as I assumed the squat position.
    Thanks so much for linking up!

    1. Actually I was surprised there was still a little bit of candy left! I guess we have some polite children in our neighborhood. :) Also it wasn't like it was full of Reeses cups. Reeses cups would get dumped in a hot minute.

      Oh no! I have been caught with my pants down before too! Just don't make eye contact and they can't see you... ;)

  8. I am proud of you for taking your rest days. I know when you aren't in training for a race you don't need them but I think you are being so smart right now! My runfession is the same as your last one--I will map out (in my head) a route and then I never end up doing it. I do think planning it is just part of the psych up for a run. Just thinking about where I am going to run gets me in the mood to run! But today was a swim day and I just gotta say....."ah, bliss".

    1. Nice! Enjoy your swimming day. :) I guess you can't map out a swim.

    2. Nope...just staring at the black line at the bottom of the pool for 1.25 miles while solving all life's problems (keeps my mind busy...)

  9. Hilarious re pee hand. I have lots of public poo stories. And I totally get the long run map rebellious thing. I hate anyone telling me what to do and where to run, even when I tell myself. I'm like, no Suzy! I won't do it. I'll do what *I* want to do. It's so exhausting being me.

    1. LOL I know it is exhausting being you because I read your post this morning!! :)

  10. Hmm, I don't have much of anything to confess, but since it rained on Wednesday ( my short run day), I ran on the treadmill instead of outside. I only did 2 miles instead of my normal 5. That's pretty much all I can stand to do on the TM!

    1. I don't blame you for cutting short a treadmill run. They suck!

  11. Aw man, running and needing a bathroom is the worst! I'd rather go behind a tree than some of these very scary porto potties on my running route! Hope your half marathon training is going well!

    1. Oh my word yes! Port o johns can be disgusting, so I would gladly opt for the tree!

  12. At least we like to lift so we can get away with doing just a LOWER body rest day but still doing our upper body weights! :)

  13. I just saw this week that SkirtSports has come up with a skirt you can pee in. It's called Gotta Go. I think I'll pass on that. I'd rather squat in the woods behind a tree.

  14. Most of the time I don't even plan out a route. I just know where I'm going to run and then go with the flow, so to speak.

    No everyone races all the time, contrary to what you'd think reading people's blogs! As long as you're having fun, what's the difference?

    But those rest days really are important.

    1. I know, reading blogs it feels like people are always racing, but you are right, to each their own, just have fun! :)

  15. I also map out my long runs, usually with water and bathroom stops in mind, and then change them at the last minute! Sometimes I just get bored and need something different.

    I've never peed on myself...but last year I had to make a stop for #2 in a park. I felt really bad for whoever came across it later, but it was an emergency and I had nowhere else to go!

    1. LOL all these public #2 stories make me not feel so bad about my personal #2 stories... some too gross to share!

  16. LOL Sam and I peed in public at the start of the Blue Nose half marathon this spring! Like right downtown Halifax next to an apartment building. I felt like such a rebel!

    1. That's awesome!!! Now I don't feel so bad about the public places I have peed.
