
Thursday, October 15, 2015

My Half Marathon Training "Plan"

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I recently decided to go for a half marathon PR at Best Damn Race in December. It is super scary to put my A goal out there, but there's no turning back now. The only reason to not go for it is due to my fear of disappointment. Time to grow the hell up, Megan! Everyone gets disappointed, it's part of striving to become better!

The first thing to do is come up with a training plan. Training plans that are very specific tend to give me anxiety. I know there are certain things I need in my plan, but I also want to have those days where I can run if I feel like running and lift if I feel like lifting. I need a plan in which I can still live my life and enjoy working out. So I had to decide what needs to happen each week, no matter what...

1. I need to have one long run each week (10+ miles).

2. I need to have one "speed" session each week. The speed sessions will alternate between traditional speed work, and a run very similar to the long run I did on Saturday in which the middle miles I ran at race pace. I will just gradually up my race pace miles from 7 to hopefully 10 or 11.

3. I need rest days.

4. I need to make sure I do some running on the treadmill at Planet Fitness to I am used to running in the heat. December in PA and FL are probably not similar... I am not a fan of the treadmill but I want to make sure my body is still used to running in warmer temperatures.

So to clarify, some weeks I will do a normal long run one day and traditional speed the other day. Some weeks my speed and my long run will be in the same workout. I think this will work for me. I am someone that needs to be running at race pace or a little faster to feel confident that I can reach my time goal. I am also someone who fears injury, so more than one speed/tempo type of workout per week is all I want to do. 

As for my other runs and workouts? I am not going to plan them. Looking at a huge training plan with daily workouts set in stone scares me! Instead, I will just lift when I need to lift, run when I need to run, and get my long runs, speed days, and rest days in.

Okay so I did end up writing some stuff in for the empty days. BUT they are negotiable. Here is my plan! Everything highlighted is NON NEGOTIABLE!!

The months aren't listed... but it goes from October 11th to December 16th. Do you like how I highlighted my rest days? I need to make sure I have recovery time if I am pushing myself!

Of course I will check in and let you know how things are going. Hopefully they go well! But obviously I am sure something will happen and this will need to be altered. I mean, I freaking highlighted and added stickers. The fact that I put all this work into creating it means there must be a typo or something I overlooked somewhere...

ADDENDUM 1: Yesterday I ran 7 miles instead of 8. Even though it wasn't a highlighted workout, I felt really guilty for skipping that last mile! NOT GOOD! This is why training plans give me anxiety!

ADDENDUM 2: On Tuesday night, I had a horrible dream that I was doing a race paced run and my Garmin wouldn't work! Then my shoes fell off. Oh, and my route including running up and down a series of stair steps in a barn. WTF?? I am already having nightmares about this!
Do training plans with every day set in stone give you anxiety or do you like to have a plan?


  1. Looks like a really awesome training schedule, Megan! I like it :)

    I try to plan out my week based on schedule & weather and sometimes get a little anxiety when I can't do what I planned. So, I tell myself "Stay committed to your decisions, but stay flexible in your approach". It's a Tony Robbins quote I heard years ago and it has stuck with me. Just always try to step back and see the big picture. Oh, yeah....and HAVE FUN!!

    1. I will have to remember to stay flexible because I am sure something is going to come up on those nonnegotiable days (sick, sore, whatever) that I am going to have to switch them up, and I can't freak about it. if I just accept it will happen, I think I can be okay with it.

  2. I don't know why, but your dream made me giggle! I think it's the image of your shoes falling off.

    I know you're nervous about this PR goal, but that just shows how much you want it! That makes it worth going for! I like your idea of a general plan with some non-negotiable workouts. I feel like for a half I'd do the same thing...But I don't feel confident enough in my ability to run a full to plan like that for a full. (Obviously, fulls are still super new to me!)

    1. My dream made me giggle too. :) I agree that there are certain types of races I am not comfortable with as well that I think I would need something more structured. I feel like a 1/2 is a good distance to tackle for me right now. But if I was doing like a 10k or a 5k... I am not used to racing those so I would have to do a lot more research!

  3. I like having a plan, because while I can switch around days of the week, I don't need to worry about the rest...Just run the day you are in...

  4. My first reaction, "OMG Megan is going to run 18 miles on a Wednesday as training for a half marathon?! What am I even doing with my life?!"

    .... and then I realized 18 stood for the date not the miles! :D One of these days I'll give in and start wearing my glasses again!

    1. LOL omg no no no! I think the most I will run is about 13. :)

      I would hope that if I planned to run 18 you would ask me why and tell me I'm stupid!

  5. I think your approach to training plans is actually very similar to what most people do. I don't know anyone who creates a schedule that's "set in stone" and follows it to the letter. Even the people who have pre-made plans are always mentioning that they moved something around due to scheduling or cut a workout short or ran it faster than the plan says, etc.

    I think you plan looks great! What I like about training for shorter distances vs. marathons is that the long runs don't have to be so dang slow and you can use them more as workouts and pace practice than just mileage filler. Although the weeks that you have a long run scheduled the day after speed work make me a little nervous...take it easy out there!

    All aboard the December PR train!

    1. lol toot toot!

      Yes the longs after the speed are just going to be about getting the miles in, not hitting a certain pace. I did buffer those two workouts with rest days before and after. I will definitely have to listen to my body and if I am not up for the long run the day after I can shorten it, or take a rest day and move it to the day after, if it works. Maybe I should look at those 4 days (rest, speed, long, rest) as days that can be mixed up however I see fit...

      Thanks for making me do something thinking!

  6. I have to have a training plan. Even if I don't hit my workout spot on, it gives me something to strive for each day. I also need a plan so that I can plan/schedule the week ahead. I like to know what I am heading into each week and mentally prepare and visualize in my head how/when my workout is going to get done. I would be lost without a plan. That being said, it's good to give yourself some flexibility. If I can't complete the full workout for any given reason, I'm not too hard on myself.

    1. It sounds like you have a really good outlook on striving to follow a plan but still being flexible. I want to be like you! I think I am to a certain degree, if I could just not worry during the whole thing.

  7. I have crazy nightmares too. I think that having a plan is good for some people. I cannot stick to a plan to save my life. I just know what I have to do for me and do it. I like the little notes at the bottom.

    1. That is cool that you are able to do what you need to without a set plan. :)

  8. I like to have a solid plan. And it has to be one that has miles listed, and not just time goals ("run a 55 min tempo run"). But, I don't really worry about order of the workouts too much and swap days around if I need to. I need 2 rest days also!
    Looks like you are on your way to getting that goal!!

    1. When I am doing speed and tempo I NEED rest too!

  9. I don't make a plan because my days are so unpredictable that I would for sure without a doubt get really stressed out about it, and running is the one thing that alleviates my stress. I'd die if running added to it. Your plan looks great though!

    1. I can relate to both points of view! Obviously what you are doing is working for ya.

  10. Looks like a great plan! I also get anxiety about skipping runs that's why I was so disappointed when I became sick if you weeks ago. I guess I could say I am a slave to my training plan. I think it's good to be flexible though and have a plan like yours where you have some wiggle room. You are totally fit and will definitely secure a PR at this half marathon.

    1. Thanks Heather! I know I need wiggle room or else I will worry. It's the type A in me. I WANT to follow it exactly, but that is setting myself up for failure because surely life is going to get in the way at some point and not every run will get done on the exact day I plan. What's the longest run you do for 1/2 training? Or are all your halves sort of mid marathon training? The last time I trained for a half was in 2008 I think!? I forget. It was a long time ago.

  11. I know you're going to do great Megan! I am SO worried about the weather in Florida for race day! My race in in January and the weather could go either way. It was actually a cool and overcast day when we ran it last year, but the previous year there was a heat warning! I'm just now doing better running in this cooler weather. We better not have a heat advisory that day, that's all i'm saying!

    1. I forgot, you run in Florida all the time! I am going to try to do some of my runs on the treadmill at Planet Fitness because it will be warm in there. Do you think that will help because it is surely going to be warmer there on race day than it is here!

  12. you will do great! good luck. kick some PR butt!

  13. Uh oh I hope you are still able to enjoy your workouts without it!
