
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Weekly Workout Recap!

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This recap is a little late BUT I still wanted to update you on my training!
This is 10/3-10/9.

Saturday- I was excited to run long until I woke up to chilly weather, wind, clouds, and rain. Still, I hit the roads and it ended up being one of those magical days where I felt like I was going slow but I was actually going fast. I did some serious negative splits and ended up with 10 miles @ 7:43 pace. It must have been the jacket...

Sunday- I did this run in my hometown of Millersburg, which is about 45 minutes from where I live now. Running around town brought back so many memories. I did a total of 8 miles, but most of the miles were done at my high school track. It reminded me how I quit track before I even participated in a meet! My last 4 miles were in the low 7s... I was just feeling really good and the more I ran, the more I loosened up and the pace felt good.

Monday- Lower body rest day!

Chest Press- 3x10x30lb, 2x12x25lb
Donkey Kicks- 4x15
Bicycle Crunches- 4x40
Push Ups- 4x10
Fire Hydrants- 4x15
Shoulder Press- 4x10x20lb
Stability Ball Pull Ins- 4x10
Tricep Dips- 4x15
Planks- 4x45sec

Tuesday- REST! I felt horrible on Monday- sore throat, headache, fatigued... I knew if I got up and ran I would just prolong my sickness. So instead, I slept in. I didn't feel perfect when I woke up, but I felt a lot better than the day before. And it didn't get worse as the day went on (which is amazing since I have to talk and sing all day long!) so I felt like I definitely kicked whatever was bugging me.

Wednesday- 8 neighborhood miles. Just running what felt good, which was anywhere between an 8:20-8:40 pace.

Thursday-  5 neighborhood miles. Felt better than yesterday and did an 8:11 pace.

Friday- I was feeling like I hadn't lifted back FOREVER so I ran 5 miles around my block (7.5 laps exactly... it was too foggy for my Garmin to measure!) and then lifted at home.

Band Asst. Wide Grip Pull Ups- 5x6
Donkey Kicks- 4x15
Bicycle Crunches- 4x40
Row- 5x12x20lb
Band Asst. Neutral Grip Pull Ups- 5x8
Bicep Curls- 5x10x15lb
I hope everyone who raced this past weekend is relaxing this week!


  1. You are kicking butt with your running and workouts. I hope you are feeling better.

  2. Yuck! So sorry to hear you were feeling horrible. Hope you are feeling better. You had a great week, in spite of feeling under the weather!

    1. Luckily it didn't derail me too much. And I am sure my body was thankful for a total rest day whether I was sick or not!

  3. Great workouts this week! Looks like the speed is coming back to you. Can I have some? :) btw, I did your weight workout #1 and it left me sore - so I decided it's probably not the best thing to do right now, pre-race. But it definitely showed what areas I could improve on!

    1. I am glad you tried it! Yeah that is a good idea not to do it right before your race if you are not accustomed to it. But don't worry you won't be sore every time. Doing anything new for the first time will make you sore. I used to do tae bo allllll the time but if I did it right now it would WRECK me lol. I always use the tae bo reference because it was something I used to do religiously but then only once in awhile. And when I did it once in awhile, I wouldn't be able to walk the next day!

  4. You always inspire me with your running! I read this before I went out today and ended up doing 5.7 miles which is a bit more than normal! I am so glad you got over your cold and you continue to kick ass on your running. Keep up the great work, Megan.

    1. Woo go Susan! That is a little far for you! I hope it felt good. :)

    2. Yes, it felt great! Like we always say no real rhyme or reason for good runs vs. bad runs (or just even perceived exertion) but I am always grateful when I feel good after a run. Always.

  5. Oh I'm really glad you kicked that bug! Smart of you to listen to your body and catch some extra sleep. You've got some wheels, girl! Those miles are FAST!

  6. Well look who zoomed back to peak form in the blink of an eye! and 8 miler the day after a 10 miler, both at sub-8:00 paces?! Where do you get all this dang energy, girl??

    Nice job this week, and so glad to hear you're feeling better. It seems EVERYONE is coming down with something lately

    1. Thank you! I just felt GOOD you know? I definitely had some lazy runs this week though to make up for it. :) Rest day scheduled for tomorrow!

  7. What an awesome week you had!!!! I feel like I may be on the come back trail. It feels effing amazing when everything starts happening. Thanks for sharing

  8. Nice job!! I'm getting a bit of a cold I think, too. I've been guzzling Emergen-C and it seems to be warding it off!

    1. I never tried Emergen-C. Do you think it works?

  9. 8 miles on a Wednesday! I think the most I've ever done on a weekday is 7 miles and that was only like twice in my life. I'm lucky to get in 5 on a week day without falling asleep mid stride! :)

    Now that my marathon is over (womp) I am ready to check out your workout videos! I'm seeing my PT tomorrow and after that I'm going to queue up your videos!

    1. I like a random 8 miler! It is good *mentally* for me. It does require waking up at 5:15 instead of 5:45 though. :(

      Good luck at the PT! I hope you get some good answers and a plan. :)
