
Friday, October 16, 2015

Things Facebook Makes Me Think I Should Do

It's Friday, and this post is going to be short and sweet! Hope you all have a fun and relaxing weekend planned. If you are racing, GOOD LUCK!

1. Facebook makes me think I should stay up past 9:00. Everyone does it! But if I'm not in my bed reading a good book by the time the clock strikes 9:00, I panic!

2. Facebook makes me think I should take Fall Photos with my family. These types of photos are slowly but surely cropping up. Girls in tall boots and vests posed with their husband in front of a beautiful tree that is changing colors. Children are perched on a bale of hay looking as cute and innocent as can be. I have never taken a fall photo but Facebook makes me think I a missing out on something everyone is doing!

3. Facebook makes me think I should get a Smartphone. Okay, I will get a Smartphone as soon as someone promises to pay for the data for me!

4. Facebook makes me think I should volunteer and donate to good causes. Hey, this is a good thing Facebook does!
Do you take fall photos?
Have you volunteered or donated to any good causes lately?
Who is racing this weekend?


  1. I took a picture of Cecil in his haunted house, does that count as a fall photo? I think it does!

  2. I had no idea you didn't have a smartphone! You old fart you. LOL I'm just kidding.

    If Facebook makes people think they should volunteer and be charitable, then it's finally doing something right. Lately the only thing Facebook makes me realize is that I need to spend less time on Facebook...

    1. Oh my word that is the perfect #5!!!

      Yes, I am totally an old fart! Just imagine how much I would be on FB if I had a smart phone!

  3. GAH. I can't stand all the nauseating photos of everyone's kids. The back-to-school pictures drove me nuts, and now there are all these Fall ones. Sigh... The only people who care about the family pictures are the people in the photos themselves, and their mothers. That's it. Ha ha ha! Okay, I hope I'm not offending anyone. I say all this tongue in cheek. Cat pictures are always okay though. Post those anytime.

    1. LOL well obviously I am a fan of the cat pictures! ;) I figure if people are forced to see pics of my cat, I can look at a couple of kids on a bale of hay.

  4. LOL...My facebook is exploding with fall photos right now and tall boots!

    Facebook makes me think I should post very vague statuses so that people will wonder what dramatic thing is going on in my life without me actually saying it straight up. (raised eyebrow).

    1. LOL! Heather that is awesome! I have friends that do that too. Mostly theater friends, who tend to be super dramatic and a little less mature than they should be!

  5. I still don't GET facebook and why people feel the need to show off ( I mean post) the things that they do! But then again I suppose someone could say the same about
    I never thought I needed a smart phone either, but I LOVE it. You will love it to. Blogging on the go is a must. If I didn't have my smart phone our blog would probably Have a great weekend!

    1. Oh don't worry I know I would love a smart phone. I just don't want to pay the $$! But once I get one, there will be no going back. I plan to hold out a little longer.

  6. Facebook makes me feel like I should travel more, and that I should get more involved in alumni stuff for AXO or Stetson. I'm not sure either of those things is going to happen.

    1. Mmm yes travel more, I definitely start to think that. I enjoy looking at vacation photos but wish I was more adventurous/had the money to do stuff like that more often.

  7. Hold up! You don't have a smart phone?

    FB doesn't make me do anything...

  8. Yes I would love to see a slathering of your vacation pics. :)
