
Monday, September 21, 2015

Weekend Wrap Up!

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This is all I have to say about Monday morning...


I woke up a little earlier than usual so I could squeeze in a quick neighborhood 3 miler and then an upper body lifting session. A little baby boy hijacked my towel!

Work was nuts! The students had an early dismissal which means my schedule gets all whacked out! But I was in great spirits because... FRIDAY!

Pre work selfie.

After work, Paul and I had big plans. We'd get sushi, drive to City Island, have a picnic, walk around... It would be all romantic and shit.

Instead I came home, put on my PJs, and did a puzzle while I watched Ellen. Paul was my cheerleader! I almost gave up but he told me to keep going. "Don't let the puzzle win," he said.

Puzzle: $1
3 hours of fun: Priceless.

I had a wonderful Saturday morning pacing my friend Tracy on the last half of her 22 miler! She is running CHICAGO in a couple weeks and needed some long run company. It was so fun to reconnect with Tracy. She rocked her run and finished strong even when it got tough.  Miles just fly by when you have someone to talk to. I really need to start running with friends again.

One bad part... I saw a snake! We  ran part of the Green Belt path. It is wide and paved but it is in the woods. I saw a 2 foot long garter snake laying in the middle of the path and I didn't notice it until Tracy was running right past it. I freaked out! This was an out and back run, so on the way back, I was terrified of seeing the snake again. Once I was pretty sure we got past the part where we had seen the snake the first time, Tracy said, "Oh no." I screamed, jumped and ran right into her. I thought she saw a snake! No, she didn't see a snake. She said "Oh no" for a completely unrelated reason. Okay, so I overreacted! I am pretty sure she will run with me again sometime, though!

When I got home, I ran a couple more miles to make it an even 15 for the day! This is the longest I have run in a long time! I am so happy. Then I wondered why I ran 15. I don't need to run 15. What am I trying to do? What am I trying to prove? I just felt good and wanted to keep going. I think I need to tone it back next week.

That evening, we went to Bob and Rachel's for a steak dinner! Yummy! We were going to play games but instead we played with their cats!

I'm a vegan in my heart but not in my mouth.


After realizing I had not taken a complete rest day in quite awhile, I sucked it up and didn't do anything besides mow the lawn and do yard work. At least I got to enjoy the beautiful weather!

I was a little blue on Sunday. Paul was at a friend's watching football so it was just me on my own. I took care of some house stuff for the week ahead and then I just fiddled around on the computer and did another puzzle. Sundays are worthless.

Here are some cat pictures:

Did you get to enjoy the nice weather this weekend?
Do you like steak?
Are you afraid of snakes?


  1. "I'm a vegan at heart but not in my mouth" LOL. Hilar. I like steak, yes. A lot. And snakes. We used to have pet snakes and in fact Jason (my ex) still has them and I wore a ball python around my neck last night when I picked up the kids!

    1. Omgggggg I can't believe you like snakes! I don't want them to die. I want them to live happily in the wild and never get run over by cars or anything like that. But I also don't want to see them! This may sound weird but I would rather hold a big thick snake than a long skinny one. But really I'd rather not hold one at all.

  2. Great job on 15 miles!
    When the kids were little I was outside chatting with a neighbor, and my son and his friend came up to me in a rush to go and get their bikes. Hunter said, "here mom, can you hold this?" I held out my hand without thinking--he placed in a handful of BIG earthworms. Yeah, I over-reacted. My neighbor still enjoys recalling that incident, and I NEVER just take what my kids ask me to hold without checking what it is first! The funniest thing is that Hunter was upset that I threw the worms into the woods-He really wanted me to hold them for later!

    1. Worms/snakes kind of the same thing in my freak out list...

    2. LOL @ the earthworm story!! So gross!! I bet he was so indignant.

  3. What an awesome week in running. 15 miles is impressive (it's what I do in a week!). I can't handle snakes at all. BTW, did the weight workout and it was fantastic. Thank you so much!

    1. Well 15 is what I was doing in a week just a few months ago! I listened to you and took a rest day on Sunday though! :)

  4. "I'm a vegan in my heart but not in my mouth." ME TOO!

    Adam and I went vegetarian for a year and on our one year veg-aversary we went out to dinner and ordered meat. We gave it a good try!

    15 miles, way to go! I think every once in a while we all get that bug and feel like we can go on forever. You are a strong runner with a really solid base so I think it's okay to have a day like that every once in a while - but what do I know?!

    1. No that sounds like a very good way to look at it! Thank you for reminding me I wasn't being TOTALLY stupid.

      I can't believe you managed to be veg for a year! Good job, I am impressed.

  5. I love cats, I love my cat she is so loyal. I did have a long run and it was great. I love doing puzzles too, they are so relaxing. Snakes do not bother me but spiders, OMG, I scream like a little bitch every time I see one. Have a great day

    1. I am glad you had a great run! Isn't the unconditional love of a pet great? I don't think I have seen enough really scary spiders to feel strongly about them...

  6. Your kitty is so beautiful! I am mortified of snakes. As I read about your encounter, out of the corner of my eye I was thinking your steak pic was some sort of gross snake! I saw one over the weekend too and freaked! That is why I cannot live in a warm climate.

    1. Oh my the steak/snake picture would have messed with my mind too! I am so sorry you saw a snake as well! I forget where you live... I guess most places have snakes. Except Ireland, right??? We should move there!

  7. I would have had a legit panic attack and started crying if I saw that snake. It's embarrassing but I have a serious phobia! It's so awesome to see you recover from your knee problem, I can't believe you are already up to 15 miles!! I'm getting ready to go do the workout you posted yesterday!! :)

  8. Huge kudos for destroying 15 miles!!!
    I love your cat pictures!
    I"m terrified of snakes!!
    I was sick ALL weekend. :(

    1. I knowwww I read. :( Hey if you need to take a day off work DO IT.

  9. That snake would have got my heart pumping for sure! I hate snakes!

    1. Me too! I would trail run more often if it weren't for snakes.

  10. I'm honored to have made the weekend wrap up!!! (This is Tracy, btw!) Thanks again for running with me! It was SOOOO much fun running and catching up with you!! Let's do it again soon! :)

    1. I had a blast too! Seriously, running 12 with you is better than running 5 alone!
