
Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Q & A: What My Husband Thinks of My Running

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Two of my favorite bloggers, Ali and Kristina, recently posted a Q & A titled: What My Husband Thinks of My Running. Obviously, I loved reading those posts! You can read Ali's here and Kristina's here.

I didn't want to be left out and was hoping Paul would join in on the fun! However, he tends to not be as... open as I am! (It's okay, we balance each other out!) The good news is, my powers of persuasion are pretty awesome, and I convinced him to do the Q & A for a blog post.

Thank you, Paul!!!

Paul's answers are first, and my comments are in italics. Obviously, I need to have the last word because it is MY blog!

Pre-race at the Flying Pig Marathon. He's my good luck charm!

Does my running make you want to run?
"No, it doesn’t. I love playing team sports which obviously involves a lot of running (basketball, flag football, and baseball). Running towards a finish line is cool, I suppose. I would rather block a shot, make a nice catch, do a post TD dance, and ultimately win a game--as a team. Just kidding about the TD dance. I’m not much of a showboat.”

This answer doesn't surprise me. I know Paul loves team stuff and the thought of just running sounds boring to him.

Paul ran two Warrior Dash races with me several years ago.

Paul "running" through the tunnel at the Broncos stadium. A boy can dream!

What does Megan eat before she runs?
"Usually she doesn’t eat anything. She eats after running, within an hour or so. She likes to eat cereal while driving to work. Cereal bowl on her lap, Huge iced coffee in her hand and I suppose the other hand is on the steering wheel."

Good job, Paul! He described my weekday morning running routine precisely! I would like to add that on the weekends when I sleep in a bit and run later, I definitely eat beforehand.

How far does Megan run most days?
"5 to 7 miles recently. Longer runs on the weekend. Megan used to run a lot more, before she started her weight training program. She is also trying to reduce the wear and tear on her knees at the moment."

Right now during the week I do 3, 5, or 8 miles. Longer on the weekends.

What kind of running shoes does Megan wear?
"Mizuno Wave Rider."


What is Megan's favorite race?
"Boston Marathon, the first time she ran it. That is the race I’ve heard the most about, so I assume it is here personal favorite."

It is too hard for me to pick a favorite race. The first time a ran Boston is definitely up there as ONE of my favorites.

Do you like going to Megan's races?
"Absolutely. I like seeing new cities. I enjoy cheering the runners on. It’s also fun to hop from spot to spot on the course to see different scenery, and surprise Megan with some cheers."

I think it also helps I don't race a lot so it's not like he has to go to them often. More like once or twice a year.

Paul trying to sleep on the train on the way home from Boston.

Paul crewing for me at my 50 miler.

What have you learned from having a wife who runs?
"I have learned how runners train for a marathon. I’ve learned that you should “carb-up” the night before the race. That includes me, because I clap a lot throughout a marathon."

Paul does clap a lot!!!!!!

Paul and my cousin along the Boston course cheering for me.

Name two of Megan's running/blogger friends.
"Allie and Krista? Both friends are from Florida I think. She is meeting up with one of them soon."

Wow, very close! It's Ali and Kristina, and I can't wait to meet them in December!

I feel very lucky that I have a guy who understands how much running and fitness mean to me. He not only understands, but he is my biggest fan!

He is the wind beneath my wings!

In case you missed it, Paul did a guest post on my blog last summer titled “5 Reasons Paul Hates Facebook”. He is actually pretty funny and you should read it!

Please join in and have your SO do this Q & A!
I would love to read their answers!
What does your SO think of YOUR running?


  1. I am going to ask Rick these questions. I recently did one w/ him called "he said, she said" and was surprised at how well my guy really knew me (I must be an open book). Rick is not a runner but is 100% supportive of my running and what I do to make it happen. He understands the frustration of my injuries and celebrates w/ me when I have a "fast" run or am able to run in a beautiful new place. I so much appreciate his support.

    1. It makes me so happy when my friends have husbands who support all of their accomplishments! It is so not attractive when men feel threatened by a woman's success or the fact that she takes care of her body. What does Rick do to stay fit? I've seen his pictures, he must do something!

    2. I know--he is extremely supportive in my career and all my non work hobbies! We are into a lot of different sports but he still always listens to me go on and on about my running, swimming, yoga, etc. Like you w/ Paul, I feel 100% blessed. Rick does T-25 about 4 days per week. He also works a pretty physical job & just generally eats healthy (except when we go out and we both just have whatever the heck we want--YOLO). BTW, we just took this quiz and he only "missed" one (he said I eat oatmeal before my run but I eat eggs before, oatmeal after. LOL).

    3. Oh c'mon Rick, get it together!!!! Although I can see he was prob thinking about carbs before hehe. T-25, okay that explains it, as well as just generally being an active person with work, not to mention all your weekend shennanigans!

    4. Plus, he is never up at 4am when I am eating before my run. No one sane is up at that hour, right?! You guys do a lot of fun weekend stuff too. Wish we lived closer.

  2. Wow, he did pretty well! Rob knows all about my running because he is a runner too and I talk to him about it all the time. I do think it would be fun to ask him some of this stuff though to see if he is actually paying attention:)

    1. Yes! I bet he will do it for you and probably do really well since you both run. :)

  3. haha...I read his Facebook post--well put! I should ask Dave to do some of these questions. Of course he runs too...I have to wait until he is back in town to do this!

    1. I would love to see what Dave says! You will have to persuade him. :)

  4. Hahah, I love it! Adam will be carbo loading up in Chicago. He keeps telling me about all the deep dish pizza he is going to eat :)

    I love that Paul said Krista, I'll take that over Christina any day!!

    1. Haha I KNOW I said to him I can't believe you got the name wrong but were essentially on the right track with the spelling!

      Mmmmm Chicago Pizza!!! Take pictures okay?

  5. Awe, you guys are so cute!!! I'm so glad he supports your running. You're lucky!

  6. Loved the Facebook post. And mostly agree with all of it! Alan knows all about my running and when I asked my kids, they pretty much knew it all too. I was thinking my kids would have something odd to say, but surprisingly not. So, new topic - Survivor premiere this week!! Woohoo!

    1. Yes, tomorrow! Hey Rob Has A Podcast has a couple good Survivor podcasts up now. He does a 3 hour one with his wife going through the whole cast. And the other day he put one up about "Character type assessments" for the 2nd chance cast. In case you have a long run and need entertainment. :) Wed is going to be a big night in our household. It's the Survivor Premeire and then the Big Brother Finale... which means I am going to be up until ELEVEN that night and will be a very pissy teacher the next day!

  7. How sweet!!!! My son tells me all the time I need to register for more races which in a twelve year olds mind=I will eat her post race food, I will get to see lots of hot girls etc. He is my biggest cheerleader. This was fun

    1. Awww I think you should do "What My Son Thinks of my Running." :)

  8. Love the one about the eating - your morning and my morning are very similar. Coffee and breakfast in the car - except sometimes, I also do my make up too. Oops. Terrible!

    1. Oh no I have been there before too! Not foundation and powder or anything, but lipstick, mascara, and blush at the stoplight!

  9. This is great! Paul seems to be a very supportive and understanding spouse! I think it would be really hard to be a runner or triathlete if your SO did not care or support you. I wonder how my husband would respond to these... I may have to test him. :) Great Facebook post, btw. I was laughing!

    1. I would love to read your hubby's responses to these questions. :) Hope all is going well with your new little family! :)

  10. Your hubby is a good sport. Mine has a love-hate relationship with my running. I'm afraid for what he might say...

    1. Aw I am sure he is happy it makes you so happy. I'd love to read his answers!

  11. I'm so impressed that he remembered names of blogger friends! I'm glad he's so supportive of your running :)
