
Sunday, September 20, 2015

Strength Training Challenge: Workout #1

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Workout #1

I was very excited when many of you responded and said you'd be willing to join in on my Strength Training Challenge I wrote about on Wednesday. I think this will be a great way to motivate more runners to strength train. And for those of you that already have strength workouts you do- obviously, if it ain't broke, don't fix it! But if you would like to try something new, (whether it's the whole routine or just a couple moves you think that work for you) join us!

Today I am posting Workout #1.

This workout is not fancy. The exercises I have chosen will hit every major muscle group in the body with the aim to increase muscle endurance. It's a great place to start for those who don't strength train regularly. If you are a regular strength trainer and you like to do heavier weights with lower reps, have at it! My rep/set suggestions are geared toward a beginner or someone who does not lift consistently.

Some things to keep in mind:

1. Do 2-3 sets of each exercise with about 30 seconds rest in between.

2. Chose a weight in which you can complete about 12 reps. If you can't complete 12 reps, it's too heavy. If you can complete 12 and feel like you could do 10 more, it's too light.

3. Complete each exercise with proper form.

Warm Up Suggestions:

Bird Dog
Jumping Jacks
Shoulder Rotations
Legs Swings
Knee Tucks

Or whatever you enjoy! Here are some demos of my personal favs...


Chest Press
Glute Bridges
Shoulders Press
Step Up w/ Knee Tuck

:10- Chest Press
:41- Glute Bridges
:48- Coughing fit
1:11- Rows
1:35- Squats
1:55- Shoulder Press
2:24- Plank variations

Cool Down:

Stretching or your favorite mobility work.

Sorry, I know the videos are really rough! I will try to do better next week and not have a coughing fit!

Make sure you either post about your workout or leave a message for us in the comments after you did it! That way we can all motivate each other!

Visit Megan Michael Training if you want a custom workout plan especially for you!


  1. Looks great! I'm planning to incorporate this into my strength training on Wednesday. Question for you: What is your favorite way to strengthen the hamstrings? I feel like i have been neglecting mine- they are tight but not strong (like I notice that they are never sore after I run). Any moves that work them in a way that will help activate them appropriately while I run?

    1. At home you could do forward or walking lunges and dead lifts. If you get to a gym you could do the hamstring curl machine or leg press machine! Have fun!

  2. I am doing this routine 2-3 x this week! I love changing things up but seems I never am motivated to do so. Thanks for making it easy for me!
    P.S. saw a sign today that said "dogs have an owner, cats have a staff". LOL. Seems accurate :)

    1. Cool! Can't wait to hear how it goes, how long it takes, and if you make any modifications. I love hearing about people's strength workouts! I am a nerd like that.


  3. What a great idea!!! I'm going to do my best to join in and get ripped! ;)

  4. Was there supposed to be another video in the middle? I don't see the coughing :) Just a warm up and step ups.

    1. I am sorry there was supposed to be another one. I think I fixed it. You MUST see the coughing fit. ;)

    2. haha! Yep, got it this time. Thanks! I'll give it a try this week.

  5. I am too scared to change anything in my routine until after Chicago, but I can't wait to join your challenges in a couple of weeks!!! :)

    1. I don't blame you one bit! If what you're doing is working, don't change it!

  6. Bookmarking the shit out of this!!! :o) I can't wait to add this to my weekly routines!!
