
Saturday, September 19, 2015

Weekly Workout Recap!

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I had a great week! That is all.

Saturday- 10 neighborhood miles. I wasn't feeling it. I was bored, my knee felt week, and it was rainy and gross outside. But I didn't quit so this turned out to be one of those runs that strengthened me mentally, not physically.

Sunday- Speed work! I did a total of 8 miles. It was sort of a ladder type workout you can read about here.

Monday- Realizing it had been quite a long time since I had lifted anything heavy, I did a short 3 miler around my neighborhood and then lifted chest at home. My 3 miler was speedy! Splits: 8:21, 8:01, 7:36! I sure run differently when I know I only have 3 miles to cover.

Chest Press- 4x10x30lb
Bicycle Crunches- 4x40
Push Ups- 4x10
Shoulder Press- 4x10x20lb
Tricep Dips- 3x15
Planks- 4x45sec

Tuesday- I kept up the pattern of lifting heavy things and lifted back at home, along with some glute stuff I hadn't done in awhile due to my tight hip. Well, my tight hip seems to be gone, so it's back to fire hydrants and donkey kicks! This workout was difficult for me. I have only been lifting about twice a week and I am definitely losing some of my strength!

Band Asst. Wide Grip Pull Ups- 4x5
Bird Dog- 3x10
Donkey Kicks- 3x10
Row- 4x10x25lb
Bicycle Crunches- 4x40
Band Asst. Neutral Grip Pull Ups- 4x6
Fire Hydrants- 3x10
Bicep Curls- 3x10
Glute Walk- 3x10

Oh, I ran 3 miles again before all this at an 8:25 pace.

Wednesday- 5 speedy miles before work. I know you told me all to not wonder why some runs are good and some are bad, but I am seriously wondering why last week I felt so crappy but this week I feel so good! Splits: 8:15, 7:52, 7:57, 7:52, 7:41.

Thursday- I ran 8 neighborhood miles in my usual fashion... the first two miles were slow, the second three miles were in the 8:20s, and the last three were in the 7s. I am really liking this weather.

Friday- Upper body workout and 3 neighborhood miles. Splits: 8:16, 7:53. 7:43.

Band Asst. Wide Grip Pull Ups- 5x4
Donkey Kicks- 4x15
Chest Press- 5x12x25lb
Fire Hydrants- 4x15
Band Asst. Neutral Grip Pull Ups- 4x8
Shoulder Press- 4x10x20lb
Plank- 3x45 sec

Look at my baby boy who hijacks my towel!

What were you up to this week? Tell me about one of your awesome workouts!


  1. wow--running every day. I am so in awe of people that can do that. Good for you. I had 3 runs, 1 swim and 1 cycling session outside plus 3 weight workouts! And now 2 days "off" for camping -- but lots of climbing up and down hills at 7500 ft, so I feel like I am getting a nice glute workout!

    1. Okay thank you for pointing out I ran every day because I NEED a rest day. I will do it. Tomorrow or monday.

      That sounds like an AWESOME week of workouts. 3 weight days are GOOD. Have an awesome time camping!

  2. I'm having some strength training jealousy! I lifted Monday but am I going to really really try to start lifting twice a week. Enjoy your weekend!

    1. Tomorrow I am posting workout #1 for my strength training challenge. You can do it twice this week!

  3. Glad you had such a great week! Those are some speedy runs and awesome job getting in some heavier lifting too!

    1. Thank you Lisa! I am going to dial it back a bit this week I think. You know how it gets addicting when you are able to add mileage...

  4. Your running is going great! I get to do 18 tomorrow...last long run before the taper!

    1. Thank you! It was a good week. I hope your 18 miler goes awesome! A friend of mine is doing Chicago and I paced her on her last half of her LAST long run today. :) I guess this is everyone's last long run weekend.

  5. I'm so glad your running has been so strong! I am desperately awaiting a break in our summer temperatures so I can start enjoying my runs again.

    1. I believe it truly makes all the difference. I think I am used to getting up early again too. I didn't get super depressed when I woke up this week like I did last week.

    2. Can that break from summer temps please come soon for us Floridians? This weekend was a total scorcher with super high humidity too.

      During the summer when everyone around the country is also experiencing hot weather it's easier to cope with. When you northerners start getting cooler weather I get so jealous! I don't want to live in a cold weather state, but I would like for it to be cold for about two hours per day so I can get in a good long run on the weekends!

      VERY NICE week of running! I'm so glad you're back to running and not having to worry about your knee too much!!!

    3. Spring and Fall in PA are GREAT for running. Summer sucks basically for everyone. And lately our winters have been SO FREAKING COLD. I am really proud of running all through last winter though. :)

      You are right, if you could just have 2 hours that would be plenty!!

  6. What great strong runs Megan!!!! I love your towel highjacker. <3

    1. Thanks Heather! I feel like I am getting my legs back!
