
Saturday, May 2, 2015


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I spent a good part of this week sick with some sort of head cold. It was not fun. My plan was to take a week off of running, but I was on a roll, so I kept it up for a couple more days. Then I got sick, which made it really easy not to run. Then I finally ran and... well... scroll down for that report...



4/27- Sick. 1 mile walk at lunch for some fresh air.

4/28- Walk and chest in the morning. I felt better, but then when I got to work, things went downhill as the day went on.

4/29- I stayed home from work. I felt extremely guilty but at this point the kids are better off with someone who actually has the energy to teach.

4/30- Same as the day before. ALL I WANTED TO DO WAS FEEL BETTER! I did start feeling more like myself as the day went on.


I know you are dying to know how it went. When I woke up, I had a slight pain deep in my right butt cheek when I clenched it. I knew why. I did my glute mobility work the day before. I hadn't done that kind of mobility work the entire time I wasn't running because the whole point was to rest my ass. So I figured that was why there was a pain when I clenched. Whatever was there 12 days ago was still there. Very centralized and only when I clenched.

By Mile 1 of my run, I was feeling sciatica stuff. By mile 2 it was gone, but I felt an "awareness" in my butt cheek. Obviously I wasn't going to stop running. I was going my 5 miles come hell or high water. I know, I am stupid sometimes! I also pushed the pace.... a lot... cause I had a lot of energy... STUPID STUPID STUPID!!!!

After my run, I really felt it in my butt cheek. Again, only when I clenched, but it was worse. Later at work, I felt tightness on the outside of my butt, deep in my butt (hardcore) and in my sciatica. I am pretty damn confident I have a problem with my piriformis. Everything I looked up online about my symptoms point to that.

Of course I wish taking time off running made it go away, but at least now I have a better idea of exactly where the pain is and could diagnose myself. I made an appointment with my chiropractor. He does Active Release Therapy and helped my friend with her piriformis issue. She said he may need to break up adhesions. That's what he did for her and she hasn't had a problem with it since. I am optimistic! Until I see him on Wednesday, no running! I don't want to make this sucker worse. I'll go on some walks this weekend and lift. I survived 12 days. I can survive a couple more!

Tell me about an awesome workout you had this week because I certainly didn't have any...


  1. I am so glad you know what is going on and that you made an appt to get ART. I do think it will help! Yesterday, I swam for the first time in over 2 weeks and wow, that water felt good--that may have been my best workout just because it was so needed.

    1. Awesome! Why did you not swim for 2 weeks?

    2. Cuz I am a dork and kept biking on my swim days (it happens every year when winter finally leaves and I can bike outside). But I need to swim at least one day per week to keep myself healthy!!

  2. I think going to the chiro will really help! Have a great weekend!

  3. Glad you were able to pin point your pain. I hope the chiro can give you some relief. I'm still looking for someone that does Active release. Would you mind passing his name along to me please? -M

    1. Absolutely- Olivetti Chiropractic in Mechanicsburg. He's right off 581.

  4. Oh man, your butt problem sounds very similar to mine except that mine is in my Glute medialis. There's a trigger point in there which causes it to pull down on my SI joint and that is no fun. I was very aware of mine as well during the Boston Marathon between miles eight and 11 and then it totally disappeared. However later that evening when I was getting in and out of the jeep it was excruciating. I do the pigeon Pose and the figure 4 stretch plus use the heating pad for relief. It feels a lot better now after taking two weeks off of running basically since the marathon. I really hope you get some relief with yours and it doesn't turn into anything serious.

    1. I am glad your are taking care of yours! I do pigeon pose and figure 4 too! Do you feel sciatica stuff with yours too? Because at first I thought mine was the gluteus medialis but when the sciatic got going I thought that was the clue to it being piriformis... just wondering. I like to look like I know what I am talking about when I go to the chiro. ;)

  5. Hope you are feeling better - I think colds when the weather is warmer are horrible!!!
    Lately I've felt pretty good during my runs but later in the day my legs just ache - not good since I'm like you and run first thing.

  6. Girl you need to take care of yourself! :) I'm getting some pain in my right calf lately and I'm not sure why…maybe not drinking enough water. Hmm. Anyway, I got back into interval beach running this week. Hate it but it's quick and feels good when I'm done.

    1. Running on sand is no joke! I used to do it when we would go to the beach but now I am like EFF THIS I'm running on the road!

      Go you! :)

  7. Now that you know what the pain is, it'll be easier to fix! I've heard such great things about ART!

    1. Art has helped me many, many times, so I am hopeful! It didn't really help for my knee, so I am due for some good news...

  8. I am really glad you figured it out! I have the exact same issue. Except I think it's gotten to the point where my stride is off and fucking up my other leg. So now my left knee has been hurting after I run over a half an hour. I am a real hot mess over here! I hope the chiropractor helps! The doctor I saw told me to go to the chiro and get a massage. Neither have helped. I think I need to go see a sports therapist.

    1. Yes to the sports therapist! I am sorry it is messing up your other knee. :( I hate being injured and I hate going to the doctor, but I am excited that the sooner I do it and know for sure what it is and what to do about it, the sooner I can be 100%
